This composition offers a wide range of properties of preparations obtained from the fruit of this plant.
It can be purchased at a pharmacy or make your own. Berries contain a rich set of vitamins (C, P, B1, B2, B9, E, Pro-vitamin A) and minerals (magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, sulfur, boron, aluminum, titanium, silicon).
Provitamin A (carotene) involved in the synthesis of some hormones, promotes rapid healing of wounds, binds free radicals. It normalizes the function of the reproductive and immune systems.
Magnesium regulates the metabolism of amino acids, activates enzymes, protects against nervous breakdowns. Iron protects against anemia. Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels, increases the protective forces of the body, ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant.
Sea buckthorn has the following complex of therapeutic effects:
- anti-inflammatory;
- antioxidant;
- regenerating;
- wound healing;
- bactericidal;
- stimulating;
- anesthetic.
Sea buckthorn oil is recommended for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer) as the folk and traditional medicine. Its unique properties help to cope with various forms of gastritis and ulcers.
Sea buckthorn juice, due to its content of vitamins of group B, stabilizes the metabolism, restores the mucous membranes, improves the digestive system. The body’s need for thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), folic acid (B9) is increased during illness and adherence to a strict diet for gastritis and gastric ulcer.
Sea buckthorn – one of the few representatives of the plant world, having in its composition of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega 3, 6, 7 and 9. These substances necessary for normal functioning, are not synthesized in the body and comes only with food.
Sea buckthorn oil is of two varieties:
1. Produced from the fruit flesh. It is called the fruit. It has a high viscosity due to the presence of pectin, and a dark red color. Contains monounsaturated fatty acids.
2. From seed yellow. It is less viscous. Essential fatty acids in it, omega 3 and 6.
The oil of both species has an intense musky odor. It not only cures many diseases of the digestive and other body systems, but also improves the appearance, but also slows the aging process.
There are several ways of cooking at home. The most popular of them includes the following stages:
- Dry berries to sort, wash, dry and squeeze the juice out of them.
- Pour the juice into a glass or ceramic container and place in a dark place for a few days.
- When the surface will be a layer of oil, carefully pour it.
- The remaining cake skip through Mincer or blender (for grinding seeds). Slightly dry and pour vegetable oil. Leave for a few days, then strain.
- To mix the two oils and store the resulting product in the fridge.
Made therefore, the tool is taken orally in the absence of contraindications according to the guidelines for the treatment of a disease or used externally.
Features of therapy in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Oil from the berries of sea buckthorn used in the complex treatment of diseases of the stomach, damaging its mucosa (gastritis) and deep strata (ulcer). It reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process and pain syndrome. Having the shielding effect that protects the stomach wall from the corrosive action of hydrochloric acid. Promotes rapid healing of erosion with gastritis and scarring ulcers, restores the integrity of the gastric mucosa, accelerating the regeneration of its cells.
1. Taste many consider unpleasant. This makes it difficult to use. To solve the problem helped a special capsule, inside of which is made a portion of the oil. They are made from ordinary gelatine and dissolve quickly under the action of gastric juice. Such medicinal form can be purchased at the pharmacy.
2. Sea buckthorn oil in gastritis with high acidity at the initial stage of treatment may be increased heartburn. In this case, we recommend to wash it down with soda solution, but this is not the good method. It provokes a recurrent episode of heartburn after a certain time. Instead of soda is better to drink warm milk, alkaline mineral water without gas or take antacid. When the tendency to diarrhoea use is to begin cautiously, as it can strengthen a similar symptom.
3. The instructions are simple: the course of treatment is 15 – 30 days depending on the severity of the disease. Take 1 tsp before each meal (within 30 minutes) and in the evening before bed. In severe cases and in the absence of side effects such as diarrhea, can be extended to 2 months.
4. Chronic forms of gastritis and stomach ulcers have remission and exacerbation, depending most often the time of year (spring, autumn). During this period, you can take the oil to prevent. The instruction in this case will look different. Enough to drink 2 times a day fasting morning and evening before bedtime. This significantly reduces the number of seasonal exacerbations of gastritis and ulcers.
5. Gastritis with high acidity often has an erosive form. For its treatment you can apply an oil, healing properties of which are enhanced by the addition of propolis. A similar composition is recommended to use and gastric ulcer. Propolis enhances the bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect of sea buckthorn, which is especially important if the gastritis has a viral etiology.
List of contraindications:
- allergic reactions;
- cholecystitis;
- pancreatitis;
- cholelithiasis;
- hepatitis;
- cirrhosis of the liver.
You should consult with your doctor before use, this means pregnant women and children. In other cases, it can be taken, strictly adhering to the instructions. When diarrhoea the dosage should be reduced. If that doesn’t help, oil treatment will have to stop.
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