Disease associated with poor environmental conditions and improper nutrition. Doctors believe that the main factor is the dysfunction of the entire genetics, manifested in cells. That is, the affected areas begin to rebuild, and consequently can stop the production of stomach juice that affects digestion in General.
A polyp of the gastric mucosa resembles a mushroom on the inside of the body. Gradually expanding, it affects the whole layer of the epithelium. In the early stages is benign, as the tide of the disease spreads throughout the stomach.
First, this is a single education and then their colony captures fully the mucosa. In severe cases and during exacerbations, they can occupy the entire surface of the walls. The last stage of the disease called familial polyposis.
A feature of the disease in its active reproduction. Studies in this area have not established why the polyps are developing so rapidly, but doctors were able to identify the main factors contributing to their formation:
- 1. Genetic changes directly affect the new cells, which leads to diffuse polyposis. The disease is transmitted between blood relatives.
- 2. Intestinal infection.
- 3. Inflammatory processes in the chronic form. This disease as gastritis leads to a decrease in the functionality of skin cells, which is a prerequisite for the development of tumors.
- 4. The environmental situation.
- 5. Systematic use of medications irritating the mucous membranes of the body. Overdose triggers the formation of polyps.
During diagnosis of the stomach are frequently found polyps. The disease poses a risk to human health. Ignoring the threat is not worth it due to the fact that a small tumor flow in malignant. Experts recommend to consult a gastroenterologist, who will prescribe the necessary treatment.
There are two types of tumors:
1. Hyperplastic, which are overgrown by skin cells. Doctors do not consider this type of true, as he is in the 95 % does not turn into malignant. This kind of non-hazardous, get rid of polyps without surgery is possible if the time to go to the doctor.
2. Adenomatous appearance. The basis of tumors lies in the glandular epithelium of the stomach. The more he by volume, the high probability of cancer.
Polyps can be both single and plural. Most often localized near the pylorus or in the body of the body.
As the diagnosis of polyps in the stomach are used the following tests:
- A gastroscopy. Conducted as a research and removal. This method of monitoring is very effective, as it allows for the need to do the surgery.
- An x-ray. Use if the first method is not suitable for the patient. The patient receives a contrast agent, and the snapshot is recorded vytorine part of the body.
In addition to these surveys on the presence of disease can not say instrumental methods:
1. Blood for General use. Helps to identify hidden bleeding. This is evidenced by low level of hemoglobin and erythrocytes.
2. Analysis of feces. The presence of blood may arouse suspicion on the latent form of bleeding. Independently it is impossible to see him due to the fact that the color of the feces not changed.
Initially, the tumors do not disturb the person. However, as their growth complications arise when it is necessary to remove polyps.
When surgery is needed?
1. Bleeding.
2. Indigestion, when food goes bad from the stomach into the intestinal tract. It often tells about the polyps of large size, which block the digestive tract.
3. The transition of tumors from stomach, 12-duodenum, as well as its infringement. 80 % this occurs if there is a leg, and its location is the boundary between the intestines and the stomach.
4. Transformation into a malignant tumor. 95 % is associated with adenomatous polyps in which to do the operation. Treatment yield only in the first stage.
The above information suggests that the eradication of tumors in most cases necessary.
Removal of polyps
Determination of methods of treatment of the stomach begins with the examination of the patient. A common diagnosis is endoscopy. In the early stages can be used as observations over the course of the disease. If there is no progress, then do the operation to remove tumors.
Endoscopic examination of the disease of the stomach is performed with a special probe equipped with an optical device. Passing in the path equipment transmits information to the monitor. So diagnosticians watching the progression of the disease and the consequences after the removal of polyps.
After the examination has passed, and the research results obtained, the doctor chooses a treatment option. The operation is performed in cases where medications do not help. Removal is a complex and laborious process, so it set aside, if the stomach is no intensive growth of polyps. When remission is prescribed a special diet and medicines. The operation is usually performed with the endoscope. Also this technique is used as treatment procedures.
The types of endoscopic surgeries:
- 1. Multiple polypectomy or biopsy. Remove is a method of plucking. Effectively with small size tumors.
- 2. The operation loop.
- 3. Removal of a section of the body together with the tumor.
- 4. The influence of temperature.
If the neoplasm is large or there is a risk of perforation and bleeding, you can do partial or complete removal. Polyposis requires several operations, especially in severe cases. After surgery, the mucosa is restored to eight weeks.
When a relapse occurs regularly, mucous totally amazed and there is suspicion of transformation into cancer, it is prescribed radical surgery. It includes:
- The complete elimination of the body.
- Partial resection.
The mainstay of treatment of the disease is its total elimination. After surgery, the patient is constantly monitored during the year, in compliance with diet and medication. The latter is necessary to remove the inflammatory effect. Also the therapy of infectious bacteria, but use folk methods. To avoid the recurrence of polyps, the patient should undergo examination of the stomach at least twice a year.
Because the causes of the disease are not fully understood, and unambiguous preventive methods no. Therefore, as the prevention of the disease mainly use rational diet, medication only by the doctor, avoiding harmful lifestyles. If the examination revealed polyps, the first recommendation is the exclusion of foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the body. These include salty, fatty, smoked and sour food.
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