
The difference between FGS and EGD

FGS – fibrogastroscopy. It includes inspection of only the inner surface of the stomach, its walls, the state of the gastric epithelium. Using FGS, you can also take a scraping of the cells of the stomach wall or fence to produce content on a biopsy, which consists in the analysis of the collected material under a microscope to identify the characteristic symptoms of any disease.

This examination is conducted for suspected peptic ulcer disease, various neoplasms or analysis on Helicobacter.

EGD – fibrogastroduodenoscopy. It differs from FGS that a gastroenterologist explores not only the surface and the condition of the epithelium gastrula, but also introduces the camera of the device into the duodenum – the duodenum.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the digestive organs occupy the first place in the statistics of their occurrence and the transition in the chronic form. In order to properly diagnose and prescribe the most appropriate treatment, the doctor conducts several types of surveys, including FGS of the stomach and esophagogastroduodenoscopy.

Patients think it’s the same thing, and I see no fundamental difference, since the methods of the procedures are identical, the difference is not obvious, if you do not know the subtleties. In either case, a special probe of the gastroscope, which provide an overview of the internal organs. Many do not know what the difference is between these surveys, they are easy to confuse, since significant differences FGS stomach and EGD no.

Features gastroscopy

Before inspecting the gastrointestinal tract gastroenterologist is required to inform the patient about the techniques of preparation and tactics medical manipulation. The procedure the stomach is simple, although quite unpleasant. It consists in entering a long tube of a gastroscope, with the end of the chamber, into the cavity of the stomach through the mouth. The person during the examination should lie on the couch on his left side, his head placed on a special hard pillow.

Previously, in order to reduce discomfort, can offer him to spray spray with lidocaine to the pharyngeal wall. To the head of the patient put a small basin to collect the resulting saliva, which can uncontrollable to stand out during the procedure. At this time the doctor on a special monitor, carefully inspect the surface of the test body, puts the notes in the description of the study for the most accurate diagnosis.

The worst part is removing the tube of the gastroscope. This manipulation may cause retching.

Indications for

Endoscopy is the most precise and vivid of all the methods of diagnosis of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is assigned in order to accurately determine the nature of the disease, the location of degenerative process to find out the cause.

The doctor assigns the holding of FGS in the following cases:

  1. 1. pain in any region of the abdomen;
  2. 2. discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. 3. sour taste in the mouth;
  4. 4. heartburn;
  5. 5. constant uncontrollable belching;
  6. 6. burning sensation in the esophagus;
  7. 7. nausea, vomiting;
  8. 8. uncontrolled pathological changes in weight, drastic reset or set extra pounds;
  9. 9. disturbance of swallowing, called “dysphagia”;
  10. 10. an analysis of the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter;
  11. 11. suspected gastritis of different etiologies, the definition of Hypo – or hyperacidity gastritis;
  12. 12. stomach ulcer or duodenum;
  13. 13. study of the walls of internal organs for the presence and location of malignant and benign tumors;
  14. 14. bleeding of the stomach;
  15. 15. suspected acute and chronic diseases of the liver and gallbladder, the appearance of pathologies of the pancreas;
  16. 16. annual medical check-UPS;
  17. 17. monitoring of treatment and recovery of chronic patients.


Like any physiological manipulation, FGS has several limitations. If there is at least one of the following paragraphs, the doctor may refuse to videooborudovaniya stomach:

  • weakness, pathological fatigue;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • various disorders of blood clotting, including hemophilia;
  • cardiovascular disease in the acute stage, heart attacks and strokes;
  • severe mentally disorders, neuroses, psychoses;
  • bronchial asthma in the acute stage;
  • severe bleeding of the stomach.
Preparation for the examination

The procedure of research of the stomach and esophagus rather unpleasant, however, you can reduce to a minimum the discomfort if you adhere to the simple recommendations for the preparation of FGS:

1. Need to have dinner 4-5 hours before bedtime. You should not eat heavy junk food, it is better to dispense easily digestible dairy products, sour fruit, empty the cooked rice and unsweetened tea.

2. 8 hours before the examination to eat is strictly prohibited, as this may cause an abundant secretion of gastric juice and provoke an attack of vomiting.

3. A couple of days before the procedure you cannot eat anything that would change the acidity of the stomach in any way, to abuse food containing hot spices or vinegar, to drink alkaline mineral water, if it is not included in combined treatment of gastric chronic diseases.

4. Smoking and brushing your teeth before the procedure is strictly prohibited, as it may then provoke nausea and vomiting.

5. You can’t take some medicines, you will advance to consult a doctor if they are vital. Their list depends on individual to individual, therefore before assigning the FGS need more detail to tell the gastroenterologist about the presence in the body any chronic disease or pathological changes (cardiovascular disease, diabetes). You may have to undertake special training, which consists in the correction of the course of medication before the examination.

6. During the procedure, you need to breathe deeply and evenly through your mouth, try not to make swallowing movements. Most importantly – maintaining a positive attitude.

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