
Menopause (andropause) in men: causes, symptoms and treatment.

Menopause in men, or andropause, is a syndrome that occurs in adulthood in men and mean age-related alteration of the body. During this period in men reduces the production of sex hormones, including testosterone. Unlike women, menopause in men occurs later and is much softer.

The time of onset of andropause in men is different from the time of the onset of menopause in women.

The reduction in testosterone in men starts, usually 30 years on 1 – 2% per year and the average age at which may show the first signs of male menopause is 45 to 50 years, but more noticeable the symptoms become at the age of 70 years.

Causes of male menopause.

Testosterone deficiency in the body occurs because of age-related changes in different parts of the brain and the ovaries. Hormonal disorders – one of the most frequent causes in the emergence of male menopause.

Sometimes due to hormonal imbalance is the development of gynecomastia in men (breast enlargement). In some cases, the decrease in testosterone levels can be caused by medications, and as a result of injury, surgical intervention and defeat of the testicles due to infection.

The symptoms of menopause in men (andropause).

To establish the exact diagnosis is used as the clinical picture and laboratory confirmation of low levels of androgens.

The clinical manifestations of low testosterone include:

Impaired sexual function.

Somatic disorder.

  • The increase of adipose tissue;
  • Violation of urination;
  • Reduced muscle mass;
  • Back pain and joints;

Psycho-emotional disorders.

  • Decreased performance;
  • Fatigue;
  • Loss of memory and attention;
  • Nervousness and irritability;
Treatment of menopause in men

The decrease in the level of testosterone is an irreversible process which can not be avoided, but it can be slow. Treatment of male menopause is that the patient is prescribed a lifelong course of medication that increases the level of androgens in the blood. The therapeutic course for the patient men are chosen individually according to age, severity of disease, as well as other individual characteristics.

Currently, there are two methods of treatment: taking hormone LH that stimulates the production of hormone-testosterone, or hormone substitution therapy, in which testosterone falls in the body men together with drugs.

It is worth considering that the problem of androgen deficiency in older men is not limited to the violations in the sexual sphere, but also affects many organs and systems of the body, therefore, you cannot underestimate the importance of identifying the age of androgen deficiency and its treatment.

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