To get rid of disc protrusion of the cervical spine, the treatment is complex. The treatment process of such diseases is always consistent. First and foremost is the elimination of the causes of disc protrusion of the spine.
They then seek to restore the biomechanics of the spinal vertebrae to relieve the intervertebral discs, to relax the muscles around the spine.
In the course of treatment the doctors are sick to a certain dynamics to eliminate possible deterioration of his health and create conditions that are beneficial to the healing process.
Symptoms of pathology
Symptoms of cervical disc is hard to miss. Any violation of the correct operation of the cervical vertebrae of a person exposed to such manifestations:
- severe pain;
- the difficulty of moving in different directions;
- stiffness after a long stay neck in one position.
These symptoms do not give rest due to the constant activity of the neck. Signals to the progression of the disease are such symptoms:
- dizziness;
- numbness of the fingers;
- noise in the ears;
- pain in the upper and lower part of the neck;
- possible spreading of pain to the shoulders and upper body.
Selected symptoms may be grouped together. It depends on the individual characteristics of the organism of each person. So, in the beginning of the disease someone may experience minor pain, and someone is not able to turn or tilt the head.
In any case, if you notice signs of protrusion of the cervical spine should immediately seek help from a doctor, without self-medication.
Therapeutic methods
After an appointment and passed the diagnostic examination will be tailored comprehensive treatment:
- the use of drugs;
- manual therapy and acupuncture;
- exercise;
- massage.
All procedures should be conducted under medical supervision to avoid damage to the blood vessels and nerve endings.
First and foremost, the specialist must relieve the load on the spine. If these methods do not help to cope with illness, problems, which causes protrusion of disk, will be addressed surgically.
Protrusion of the spine leads to pain. In addition, it creates a swelling of the tissues and disturb the function of the spine. Therefore, drug treatment of protrusion of cervical spine includes the first elimination of these symptoms. Mostly doctors use anti-inflammatory and pain medications. This method is characterized in advanced stages of protrusion. If the patient is the initial stage of protrusion of the cervical, you should take a course of vitamins and do special exercises for damaged spine.
Due to the lack of the ability of the rest of the cervical doctors can prescribe the hood or fixation of the spine. To do this, use a special collar. If the inflammatory process is not, should abandon the use of drugs to avoid disorders of the digestive tract.
Chiropractic and acupuncture
Risks in the treatment of protrusion of using chiropractic is very high. When protrusion of the cervical spine, displaced vertebrae can be put in place only by the hands of the doctor, otherwise it may cause unexpected violation of the integrity of the disk. Therefore, when choosing a specialist you need to be very careful. Only a qualified doctor can achieve healing and not deterioration of the patient.
The same applies to acupuncture. But in this case a visit to a specialist will be able to replace the applicator Kuznetsov is applied independently for 30 minutes each day. The applicator will need to roll up the cushion and put it under your neck.
Exercise and massage
Special exercises and physical exercises are almost always prescribed by the doctor with the protrusion of the cervical in the first stage. These exercises will help strengthen neck muscles and prevent progress of the disease.
But they are made only in the presence of a doctor, as there are a few rules:
- 1Before class you need to bring the neck muscles into a relaxed state.
- 2When you exercise, you should be careful not to hurt yourself.
- 3the Breathing should be calm, despite the pain.
- 4After classes have 30 minutes to give rest to the neck.
- 5to achieve the result is to perform all the exercises regularly and under the constant supervision of a specialist.
- 6If when performing exercises the patient has headache, gag reflex and vertigo, treatments to stop immediately.
Massage with protrusion of the cervical helps to relieve muscle spasm. Direct massage of the neck occurs only in the absence of pain that is worsening. If the inflammation has not yet passed, you are allowed to massage only the upper body without touching the neck.
The process of massage cervical and shoulder girdle should be held without any sudden movements. Only apply stroking and rubbing movements.
Do not do this massage yourself, as without the expert it is possible to cause irreparable harm to their health.
The ineffectiveness of all the above methods of treatment of protrusion in the cervical spine surgery.
This procedure has certain risks due to the close proximity of vital vessels to the vertebral column. But at an advanced stage of development surgery is effective and quite successful. Today in the treatment of modern methods and laser equipment, so the risk of complications is minimal.
Effective method of treatment selected by the doctor based on the degree of neglect of the disease and the individual patient. Whatever treatment is neither appointed, remember: self-cure protrusion of the spine impossible.