Mastopathy is the fibrocystic disease, which affects almost every second woman over age 30.
Mastitis – Causes:
1. Stress. The main cause mastopathy (breast disease) – nervous disorders, feelings. Frequent stressful situations inhibit the Central nervous system, the function of sexual glands and disrupt the endocrine system.
Because of these major changes in the body appear hyperplastic processes in the breast. Many women, probably, have noticed that after a quarrel with her husband or after excessive stress due to issues at work there are unpleasant sensations: swelling, soreness, engorgement.
2. Inflammatory diseases of female genital organs. Causes of mastitis are inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, especially the ovaries.
3. Mastitis, furunculosis. Fibrocystic breast disease can often occur after mastitis, boils that leave chest rough scars and nodes.
4. The rejection of breast-feeding. The young mothers who are afraid to spoil the shape of the breast and refuse to nurse the child, often develop mastitis.
5. Trauma to the breast when a strong impact or fall is the impetus for the development of mastitis.
6. Cosmetic surgery: chin-UPS, increase or decrease breast experts believe is also a kind of injury. But many young women who have not yet given birth, in pursuit of a big bust not think about the consequences of such an operation.
7. Heredity. The cause of mastitis is also a genetic predisposition through the maternal line.
8. Smoking and alcohol abuse lead to the development of mastitis.
Breast symptoms:
Diffuse disease of the breast – symptoms. In the diffuse form of mastitis, the disease manifests itself in the appearance of small granular sealing and painful sensations. In the early stages of the disease accompanies premenstrual syndrome, and in the later stages, independently of the menstrual cycle.
Nodal mastopathy symptoms. Diffuse mastopathy can progress to a more serious – nodal mastopathy. When nodal mastopathy seals are formed benign, papillomas, fibroadenomas, cysts. If papillomas arise in the ducts of the breast, a possible bloody or serous nipple discharge.
Before menstruation patients with breast can feel the heat and heaviness in the chest, stabbing, shooting or aching pain in the breast, which is given in the scapula, neck, hand, the increase of nodules. To identify the breast is possible with the help of x-ray – mammography.
Mastitis – treatment:
Diffuse and nodular breast at an early stage are successfully treated through herbal, vitamin therapy, drugs that contain iodine and specially selected hormonal products. When the integrated application of these tools to get good results: women rid of the pain, swelling and tension in the chest, stops the process of utoobasaurus.
Breast – surgery.
Dangerous tumors of the breast are surgically removed. If this happened to you, no need to panic and delay the operation. Experts, using modern medical equipment, will make organoboranes operation which is less likely to hurt your physical and mental health.
Today, surgeons try to individually select the method of operation. Doctors use any chance to save the breast by removing only small fragments of the diseased tissue, so as not to deprive a patient of femininity and not to cause her mental trauma. If removal of the breast cannot be avoided, then executed simultaneously plastic plastic or deferred 12 months or more. The chest is created from their own tissue of the patient or with the help of modern silicone implants. These models have the same shape of the female breast, they are non-toxic and bioinert.
Many are mistaken, considering the breast is a precancerous condition of the breast. No need to worry and count this as an irreparable misfortune. You should regularly be observed at the gynecologist, breast physician, surgeon, he was able to detect the beginning of an unfavourable development of the disease and to begin treatment.
Breast – How to detect breast disease?
How to detect breast disease and to prevent it? It is known that changes in the breast more likely to find women themselves, not doctors. Self breast examination is recommended to 14-15 once a month after menstruation.
How to conduct breast self-examination:
– For this, lying in bed, you need to carefully palpate the entire mammary gland as would splitting it into 4 parts – top, bottom and side.
– Then standing up, putting one hand behind your head, look in the mirror, there are no nodules on the chest, retractions, folds, do not change the nipple size, their shape, color of the skin is intact symmetry. Inspect the fingers on the axillary region and the entire breast in a spiral towards the nipple.
– Pulling and lightly squeezing each nipple, inspect for discharge, especially bloody.
– When lifting the hands up the contour of the breast should be smooth, without seals and crevices.
– If you find something questionable, immediately see a doctor-mammologist. Timely begun treatment will produce good results. Otherwise, mastitis can lead to breast cancer.
Mastitis Prevention of mastitis:
1. For the prevention of mastitis in your diet should be vitamins that are beneficial to the state of the breast:
* vitamin A (carrots, tomatoes, green onions),
* vitamin C (rosehip, blackcurrant, lemon),
* vitamin E (vegetable oil, peas, egg yolk).
* Before the start of menstruation in a dish, add parsley is a good diuretic. It reduces swelling and breast tenderness.
* Reduce pain and tension in the breast tea from birch buds, leaves of strawberry, raspberry, green tea.
* Often include food seaweed – it has a resolving and anti-inflammatory action.
2. For the prevention of mastitis after 30 years do not get carried away bath, sauna, Solarium, and sunbathing. And who has the diagnosis of “nodular breast”, I’m going to have to forget about them.
3. For prevention of mastitis is necessary, once a year to visit the gynecologist, mammologist. And if you suffer from uterine fibroids, ovarian dysfunction and other diseases of the genital organs, treat yourself more carefully.
4. Doing competitive sports, avoid trauma to the breast. Swimming is the best exercise, strengthening and revitalizing women’s Breasts just don’t tire yourself excessive loads. Useful article: recreational diving.
5. For the prevention of mastitis in a calm and reasonable attitude to all problems, however serious they may seem. Remember: they are not the most important thing in life – good health, good mood and female attractiveness. Rejoice and enjoy your life!