

First time on the shelves of pharmacies of drugs with amboroxol appeared in 1978; since then he has become one of the most commonly used mucolytics (they liquefy phlegm accumulates in the respiratory passages in some respiratory diseases, and facilitate their removal).

In 2012, Ambroxol included in the list of vital and essential medicines.

But only one mucolytic effect of Ambroxol usefulness is not limited; recent studies have revealed new and interesting areas of potential application.

Release form and composition

Pills. Each tablet contains 30 mg of Ambroxol hydrochloride, as well as auxiliary substances – corn starch, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, and others.

Soluble effervescent tablets. They are 30 mg or 60 mg of active substance.

Extended-release tablets (capsules). Contain 75 mg of Ambroxol.

Syrup. There are two concentrations of 3 mg or 6 mg of Ambroxol per 1 ml. Additional substances: sodium benzoate, citric acid, distilled water, propylene glycol, sweeteners (sodium saccharin, sorbitol). Syrup amboroxol can be used for patients with diabetes.

Solution reception inside and inhalations. Contains 7.5 mg of Ambroxol per 1 ml.

The solution for injection. 1 ml of the substance is 7.5 mg of Ambroxol.

How does Ambroxol

Ambroxol is used for the treatment of respiratory diseases occurring in which the airway mucus is too thick and viscous. The drug affects the serous cells of the bronchial mucosa, restoring its physiological mechanisms protect the respiratory tract – it destroys contained in the sputum mukopolisaharidnyh fibers, making it less dense and viscous, stimulates the production of mucus and promotes the synthesis and release of surfactant. The latter reduces the delay of mucus on the walls of the bronchi and improves the transport and removal and protects the respiratory tract from infections and irritants. Another property of Ambroxol – local anesthetic action. After taking medicines containing Ambroxol, patient coughing, he can breathe more freely and deeply. Another useful property of Ambroxol in contrast to many other expectorant medicines, it does not cause an increase in the number of sputum.

Recent studies have shown that Ambroxol can also potentially help in the treatment of Paget’s disease (which disrupted the process of replacing old bone tissues with new ones), Parkinson’s disease and other diseases associated with aging and certain autoimmune diseases like Gaucher disease. Due to the fact that Ambroxol increases the activity of lysosomal enzyme glucocerebrosidase, which is responsible for the breakdown of glucocerebroside, which is in blood cells. If the breakdown of glucocerebroside occurs in insufficient quantities, it accumulates in the cells of the blood-forming organs, increasing their volume and contributing to the development of bone pathologies.

Also recently revealed another useful property of Ambroxol – it can promote regeneration of nerve cells of the Central nervous system. Research on mice have shown good results, but for humans, this drug will be developed very soon.


Begins to act Ambroxol in half an hour after ingestion. Speed absorbtsii – high (regardless of the method of ingestion). The maximum concentration of drug achieved in two hours after taking the drug. Ambroxol penetrates through the blood-brain barrier, placenta, enters the breast milk. The half-life of the drug is 7-12 hours. Excreted by the kidneys.

Indications Ambroxol

Acute and chronic respiratory diseases, which are accompanied by formation thick and viscous sputum. It could be bronchitis (acute and chronic), pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, a hereditary disease cystic fibrosis and others.

Pain in the throat. Ambroxol alleviates sore throat in acute pharyngitis. Usually this pain is caused by a virus that passes quickly and the patient recovers completely in a few days. To bother him during his illness usually the pain in the throat, aggravated by attempts to swallow. Thus the main purpose of the use of Ambroxol in diseases of the throat – relieve pain, what drug is doing great thanks to provide local anesthetic effect. And anti-inflammatory effect of Ambroxol reduces redness in the throat.

Respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn. Preparations containing Ambroxol, used for the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn (when the baby’s lungs are not developed well enough for self-uncomplicated breathing). Some of these drugs can be applied even before the birth of the child, if you want to stimulate the maturation of fetal lung and with the threat of premature birth.

Lung complications after surgery. Also injecting drugs with amboroxol used for the prevention and treatment of pulmonary diseases after surgery.

Instructions for use of Ambroxol

Adults: 1 to 4 tablets (30 to 120 mg, respectively) per day, divided into 2 or 3 doses. If you have difficulty swallowing adults can use the syrup in an amount of 30 mg 2-3 times a day. To reduce the risk of side effects is recommended to combine Ambroxol with meals.

Children under two years: half teaspoonful Ambroxol syrup twice a day.

Children from two to five years: half teaspoonful Ambroxol syrup three times a day.

Children older than five years: one teaspoonful Ambroxol syrup, or 15 mg of Ambroxol (half a tablet) two or three times a day.

Inhalation. For inhalation 15-22,5 mg of the substance is mixed with saline solution or warm boiled water. If the patient suffers from bronchial asthma, it is advisable to make inhalation of bronchodilators. Inhalation is carried out once or twice a day.

Injection. Intramuscularly or intravenously at 15 mg for adults (in severe cases 30 mg) two or three times a day. The dose for children is calculated individually – 1.2-1.6 mg of the substance per 1 kg of body weight of a child three times a day.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and the General condition of the patient. As a rule, it lasts from 7 to 14 days.

Is it worth taking Ambroxol as a preventive measure

According to some studies, intake of 45 g of Ambroxol per day can prevent the emergence and development of upper respiratory tract infections.


A stomach ulcer. When Ambroxol patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers should be particularly careful.

Pregnancy. Although full-scale studies on the effects of Ambroxol during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been undertaken, it is considered that it is desirable to avoid taking drug during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester.

Phenylketonuria. If the syrup amboroxol contains the sweetener aspartame in patients with phenylketonuria make it impossible.

Individual sensitivity to Ambroxol or to any included in the drug substance. In order to avoid allergic reactions should stop taking the drug.

Side effects

Ambroxol generally well tolerated by patients, but in rare cases may develop side effects.

Stomach. After taking the pills or syrup containing Ambroxol, some patients may develop side effects like nausea, indigestion, loss of appetite. To reduce effects of Ambroxol on the digestive tract it is recommended to take it with food. If after taking the medication severe nausea or vomiting, consult a doctor.

The intestines. In some rather rare cases the throat may have an impact on peristalsis, which can lead to diarrhea. Also the patient might be feeling of abdominal fullness, bloating, pain in the abdominal region.

Allergic reactions. There is a small risk of allergic reactions while taking Ambroxol – swelling of the lips, throat, face, the appearance of redness and rashes on the body, shortness of breath. In such cases you should immediately stop taking Ambroxol and consult a doctor. In the presence of Allergy to Bromhexine is a high probability of Allergy to Ambroxol, as the two substances are very similar chemically.

Damage to the skin. In very rare cases in patients treated with Ambroxol, developed a serious skin disease allergic nature, Lyell’s syndrome or disease Stevens-Johnson.

There are not all the side effects that can cause the throat; in many cases their presence is due to the individual reaction of the organism. If the patient seems to be that Ambroxol has a negative effect, you should consult with your doctor.

Special instructions

With caution Ambroxol applied if the patient has renal and/or hepatic insufficiency, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

In some countries, expectorant drugs mucolytic action may not be used for children up to two years. It is believed that the use of such drugs, including Ambroxol, can cause complications in the respiratory tract of the child.

Injectable preparations containing Ambroxol, you must enter by the slow infusion. Rapid intravenous injection increases the risk of developing side effects such as severe headaches, pressure drop, chills, shortness of breath.


When simultaneously receiving large doses of Ambroxol patients may experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Treated Ambroxol overdose cause vomiting, gastric lavage. Also can help taking products with a high content of fat.

Interactions of Ambroxol with other drugs

If drugs with amboroxol used in combination with medications that suppress the cough, this can cause difficulties with waste sputum.

Some antibiotics, such as amoxicillin, cefuroxime, erythromycin and doxycycline, when co-administered with amboroxol increase its concentration in the bronchial secretion, which promotes more rapid healing of lung diseases of bacterial nature.

Solution for injection with amboroxol acidic, so it can not be used in conjunction with solutions having an alkaline nature (high pH).

Interaction Ambroxol alcohol

Data are not available.

Terms of sale

Most containing Ambroxol medicines obtained without a prescription.

Storage conditions

It is preferable to store specimens Ambroxol at room temperature (15° to 25°), away from direct sunlight and in low humidity. The drug should be kept out of the reach of children and Pets. Open a bottle of the syrup can be stored in the refrigerator.

Shelf life

1.5 years.

Price Of Ambroxol

The price of medicines containing Ambroxol, depends on the manufacturer and dosage form of the drug, concentration or quantities tablets in blister. Average range is from 50 to 350 rubles.

Analogues Of Ambroxol

Ambroxol contain: Ambrobene, Ambrogeksal, Ambrosan, Ambrosan, Bronkosol, Bronhorus, Bronholitin, Delegen, Lotensin, Mucosolvan, Mucobron, remebrance, Flamed and others.

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