The vessels of the brain are a special part of the circulatory system of the body. From the operation of this Department the circulatory system depends on our brain.
If this part of the body there are problems with blood circulation, it can lead to various disorders of motor functions of the body, intellect, speech, memory and attention.
To restore normal blood flow in a patient, doctors often prescribe Cinnarizine is a vasodilator, which is characterized by high activity against a blood vessels of the brain.
Cinnarizine is a drug used for decades. It was developed by experts of the Belgian company Janssen. However, he was made domestic pharmacology in the Soviet times, so it is widely believed that the preparation of the national development, although in reality it is not. However, in our country the drug is, perhaps, the most popular.
In the composition Cinnarizine always contains the same name of the active substance. Cinnarizine belongs to a class of drugs – blockers of slow calcium channels. Most drugs of this class has hypotensive action.
However, being in the composition of the drug Cinnarizine seriously affect the level of blood pressure. However, due to its biochemical action it promotes the relaxation of smooth muscles of vascular walls, reducing their tone. This is achieved due to the fact that the drug blocks the flow of calcium ions into cells smooth muscles receptacles. He also makes the tissue unresponsive to substances that contribute to the narrowing of blood vessels such as angiotensin and vasopressin. In addition, the drug has moderate antihistaminic activity, reduces the excitability of the vestibular apparatus, suppresses nystagmus, reduced tone of the sympathetic nervous system.
First and foremost, a vasodilator effect for blood vessels of the circulatory system that supplies blood to the brain. This effect of the drug allows him to successfully deal with violations of brain blood supply, but only if they were associated with the lack of functionality of the circulatory system. Improving the supply of blood to the tissues of the brain ultimately affects cognitive, speech and motor functions of the nervous system, improves the health of the patient.
Also, the drug has an effect on peripheral vessels in other parts of the body, it improves blood flow to peripheral tissues, limbs, myocardium. In addition, Cinnarizine improves the physical properties of cells present in the blood, making them more flexible, reduces blood viscosity, increases the resistance of muscle to oxygen deficiency. It is also important to note that the vasodilatory properties of the drug are mainly only for small vessels, large vessels product almost has no effect. It has no teratogenic effect.
After ingestion in the composition of the drug active ingredient rapidly enters the systemic circulation. The time to maximum concentration of drug in the blood after administration is 1.3 hours Cinnarizine actively associated with blood plasma proteins. The percentage of drug bound to proteins is 91%.
Completely metabolized in the liver. One-third of the drug excreted by the kidneys, the rest of the intestines. Time poluvyvod is 4 hours
The scope of application of the drug include acute circulatory disorders of the brain and peripheral vessels. A situation in which you might use the tool:
- the recovery period after acute cerebrovascular accident (ischemic stroke),
- the period of recovery after hemorrhagic stroke (bleeding in brain tissue),
- recovery after traumatic brain injury,
- spasms of cerebral vessels,
- encephalopathy vascular Genesis,
- atherosclerosis of the brain (the initial stage),
- senile vascular dementia (decline in intelligence)
- prevention of migraine
- Meniere’s disease,
- ischemic heart disease (within the complex therapy),
- menopausal syndrome,
- dizziness and headaches of vascular origin.
An extensive area of the drug – prevention and treatment of disorders of the peripheral circulation. This list includes the following diseases:
- obliterating endarteritis;
- thromboangiitis obliterans;
- Raynaud’s disease;
- diabetic angiopathy (violation of blood circulation caused by diabetes);
- thrombophlebitis;
- varicose and trophic ulcers;
- predwarikozny status trophic processes ;
- paresthesia;
- night cramps and coldness in the limbs, intermittent claudication, nonspecific aorto-arteritis;
- syndrome Lelisa;
- acrocyanosis.
Also Cinnarizine can be administered in the complex therapy for:
- nervous disorders,
- deterioration of mood,
- irritability,
- stress,
- fast psychological and mental fatigue,
- the reduced capacity for memorization and concentration.
With the deterioration of cognitive functions of the brain effective use of the drug in conjunction with nootropic drugs, especially those that are composed of piracetam. The drug can be used if you are allergic, of course, in the complex therapy. This is due to its antihistamine properties.
Sometimes Cinnarizine administered to people suffering from vascular dystonia, changes in health and blood pressure depending on weather conditions.
Cinnarizine is also often used in motion sickness or so-called motion sickness. In this case, it can be used as a preventive measure before a long trip by road transport, sea transport or travel by plane.
Another area of the drug – labyrinth disorders associated with dysfunction of the inner ear. Symptoms of labyrinth disorders – vertigo, tinnitus, nystagmus, nausea and vomiting.
It should be noted that many foreign experts doubt the effectiveness of the drug in the cerebral and peripheral circulation. According to who recommendations, Cinnarizine should be used only when the vestibular disorders, motion sickness, vertigo and prevention of migraine attacks.
It is not recommended to use Cinnarizine women nursing the child. Or mothers using the drug should stop breastfeeding and go to artificial. Cinnarizine is also not prescribed for low blood pressure.
Be wary appoint Cinnarizine in Parkinson’s disease. Treatment of elderly patients (over 65 years) suffering from extrapyramidal disorders or with a history should be done only under medical supervision.
Contraindication is hypersensitivity to the primary and auxiliary substances in the composition of the tablets. This is one of the few downsides of the drug. In particular, it is not recommended Cinnarizine people with lactose intolerance.
The use of the drug during pregnancy
According to the instructions, the manufacturer does not recommend use of the drug during pregnancy. Thus, pregnancy is one of the contraindications. Cinnarizine is not tested on women who are in a state of pregnancy, therefore its use in this case might be unsafe. Therefore, if a woman expecting a child, there is a need for the use of the funds for the treatment of cerebrovascular and vestibular disorders, it is necessary with the doctor to find a substitute for the drug. Of course, if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus, the doctor can appoint this remedy.
Is it possible to treat Cinnarizine little children?
As indicated in the description of the drug, they can treat patients from the age of 12 and to apply a remedy at younger children impossible. In practice, however, pediatricians often prescribe Cinnarizine for acute or chronic disorders of the nervous system in the younger age group, sometimes even infants and newborns suffering from hypoxia of the brain due to birth trauma, prematurity, hydrocephalus. In this case, therapy cannot be postponed, and any remedy which will help to cope with this problem will be most welcome. Because the nervous tissue of the kid needs to develop rapidly since the first days of life, and the slightest deviation from the norm can result in problems with the nervous and mental functions of the body in adult age. Therefore, many pediatric neurologists prescribe Cinnarizine infants in a dosage of 1/6 or 1/4 tablet a day, advising them to dissolve in milk or water.
However, it should be noted that many experts believe treatment Cinnarizine at this age is unacceptable, and establish the lower limit of the age at which you can receive funds at around 5 years. Of course, Cinnarizine is familiar to many doctors since the Soviet era means having a positive reputation and seemingly quite safe. But you must also keep in mind that Cinnarizine does not have child-size dosage forms such as suspension, solution or syrup, or a solution for parenteral administration, and tablets are not designed to receive them, young children.
Also the pills are easy to divide into small parts so that the dosage is appropriate for the age of the child. However, the tool has a neutral taste, so give the baby powdered the pill is easy. But the crushing of the tablet can not recognize the optimal way, because this breaks the shell of tablet and, as a consequence, disrupted the natural process of absorption of the active substance. This can cause not only insufficient intake of it in the blood and a decrease in therapeutic effect but also a negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, when possible, should find an alternative Cinnarizine for the treatment of infants.
The children of school age
However, when used in children of preschool and school-age children should consider many factors. It must be borne in mind that Cinnarizine is not a nootropic drug it does not affect the concentration of neiromediatorov, biochemical processes and metabolism in the brain. We should not think that Cinnarizine has a miraculous experience and be able to do normal child a genius. And to use just so that the child better in school and would bring straight a’s, not worth it, it can only injure its health. For the application of funds should be serious reasons is confirmed using diagnostic methods disorders of the nervous system pathology resulting from insufficient blood circulation.
Release form
Cinnarizine is available only in tablet form. Other dosage forms such as capsules, syrup, drops or ampoules with a solution for parenteral administration, does not exist. The composition of each tablet contains 25 mg Cinnarizine. The pills are white and biconvex in shape.
Also in the composition of the tablets you can find several excipients:
- Aerosil-200,
- microcrystalline cellulose,
- lactose monohydrate,
- polyvinylpyrrolidone,
- starch wheat
- magnesium stearate.
Note, however, that a medicine called Cinnarizine is manufactured by various pharmaceutical companies (Bulgarian and several Russian companies). Therefore, each list being in their part of the auxiliary components may vary slightly. Therefore, before use must carefully watch the instructions for use.
Tablets should be stored in a dry and inaccessible to children place at a temperature of +25°C. shelf Life – 5 years. Cinnarizine is released in pharmacies by prescription.
On the market there are several structural analogues, both domestic and foreign production:
- Stugeron,
- Vertising,
- Zindel,
- Cinnamon,
- Cinnaman.
The composition of these medicines also contains Cinnarizine as an active substance. But, of course, price and quality from different manufacturers varies.
Also very popular drugs, which can meet the nootropic drug Piracetam and Cinnarizine in various dosage:
- Fezam,
- Combitrain,
- Nooka,
- Omaron,
- Peractin.
These drugs Cinnarizine and Piracetam reinforce the therapeutic effect of each other, whereby the scope of application of these drugs exceeds the scope of Cinnarizine and Piracetam separately.
There are other medications with similar indications. This category may include:
- nootropic drugs
- medicines for the treatment of cerebrovascular insufficiency,
- the proceeds from the sickness
- medicines for the treatment of vestibular disorders,
- medicines from dizziness.
However, not in all cases they can replace Cinnarizine. Not worth it to try to replace Cinnarizine, if it is prescribed by a doctor, because of contraindications, adverse effects and application of different amounts, though, like belonging to the same category may differ greatly. Especially carefully it is necessary to approach to selection of medicines for the treatment of children.
Most reviews on the drug are positive. Many patients or their loved ones notice a noticeable effect in the cerebral and peripheral circulation, problems with the vestibular apparatus, increase of intellectual health. Also appealing to many quality Cinnarizine is its low price. However, some noted as drawbacks and side effects – drowsiness, hypotension, stomach pain, allergic reactions, and long-term use – weight gain.
Cinnarizine dosage depends on the disease. In case of insufficiency of cerebral circulation and in the prevention of migraine, the dosage is 1-2 tablets (25-50 mg) three times a day.
With peripheral circulatory disorders, the dosage is 2-3 tablets (50 to 75 mg) 3 times a day.
When the labyrinth disorders (disorders of the vestibular apparatus), the dosage is one tablet (25 mg) three times a day.
The maximum daily dosage of 225 mg (9 tablets).
For children 6-12 years, the dosage should be reduced in two times. That is, if the corresponding disease is shown one pill, you should take half a tablet if two, then one pill. And the number of receptions remains the same – three times a day. Maximum daily dose for children 6-12 years 4-5 tablets (100-125 mg).
The syndrome of motion sickness before travelling (or flying on a plane), about half an hour before it started, as a precaution you should take one tablet (25 mg). If necessary every 6 h during the trip, you can take the pill.
Cinnarizine is recommended to be taken after meals, although this is not a strict guideline because the absorption of the active substance is not dependent on food. However, tablets can cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, and for minimizing such side effects is recommended to take them in the fullness of the stomach. The tablets should be swallowed without chewing and drinking plenty of water.
If you do not take into account the use for the prevention of the syndrome of motion sickness, Cinnarizine need to take long courses whose duration ranges from 2-3 weeks to several months. Between courses it is recommended to take a break of a month.
A long course of treatment should begin with half the dose, which is a week can be increased to full. This scheme is best to adhere to in that case, if the patient has a hypersensitivity to the remedy.
Side effects
The drug is not too much side effects. It is characterized by a high degree of security. However, when taking may experience some side effects related to the Central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract or allergic reactions.
Reactions related to the CNS:
- drowsiness;
- fatigue;
- ekstrapiramidnye disorders (tremors, tics, hypokinesia, increased tone of the striated skeletal muscles, chorea);
- depression;
- irritability;
- headache, mostly in the neck;
- Parkinson’s syndrome;
- the reduction of motor activity (hypokinesia).
Parkinson’s disease and extrapyramidal disorders can usually appear only with long-term medication.
Reactions associated with the digestive tract:
- dryness or unpleasant taste in your mouth,
- pain in the epigastric region,
- dyspepsia,
- cholestatic jaundice (bile stasis in hollow structures of the hepatobiliary system),
- constipation,
- diarrhea,
- flatulence and bloating,
- burp.
It is not excluded skin reactions when taking the drug, rash, urticaria. Rare lichen planus and lupus erythematosus. Also some patients reported as adverse reactions increased sweating (hyperhidrosis). The possible emergence of systemic allergic reactions, such as angioedema.
From the cardiovascular system the most common side effect should be considered as lowering blood pressure.
Also chronic administration of medications may experience weight gain.
If you experience side effects, you should inform the doctor. In some cases adverse effects disappear after dose adjustment, while in other cases they require the full removal of the drug.
Drug interactions
The drug enhances the effect of antidepressants, tranquilizers, nootropic, sedative, vasoconstrictor and anti-hypertensive medications of different types. From other medicines, e.g. medicines for high blood pressure, it reduces the effectiveness. Do not take simultaneously with Cinnarizine Phenylpropanolamine. While the use of Cinnarizine reduces its activity. In General a large amount of negative drug interactions with other medication was not recorded.
The ability Cinnarizine and Piracetam to potentiate each other is the reason that this combination is used in many medicines.
Interaction with alcohol
Also, the drug enhances the depressant effect on the Central nervous system of ethanol. Cinnarizine and alcohol are a bad combination of substances. Therefore, when you receive, especially at the beginning of treatment should refrain from drinking alcohol.
Special instructions
Since the drug has antihistaminic activity, it can affect the result of skin Allergy tests. Thus, the drug should be stopped at least 4 days prior to the date of trial.
During treatment is not recommended to drive vehicles and perform work requiring concentration, because one of the side effects is drowsiness. Especially, this phenomenon is typical for the initial period of treatment.
Patients with a tendency to hypotension should monitor the level of their blood pressure throughout the course of therapy. Also every 1-2 weeks in all patients is recommended to monitor the condition of the kidneys and liver by donating blood. Should be determined by the following parameters:
- Alt,
- alkaline phosphatase,
- the concentration of urea,
- creatinine,
- WBC.
Overdose occurs when taking medication in the dose exceeding maximum single (75 mg) or daily (225 mg). For children, these figures must be divided by two. In case of overdose may experience a variety of negative phenomena:
- vomiting,
- drowsiness,
- tremor,
- low blood pressure.
Possible onset of coma and even death. There is no specific antidote. In case of overdose it is recommended gastric lavage and receive enterosorbents, for example, activated carbon, POLYSORB, Enterosgel. Also symptomatic therapy.
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