
Expensive medication was not better than aspirin

Is it always more expensive medicines are better quality? Figure it out decided to canadian researchers, the object of the study which was the drug developed by Bayer.

We are talking about rivaroxaban, which is sold under the trade name Xarelto. Medication designed to prevent blood clots. Thromboembolism is a serious postoperative complication that can lead to death.

The experiment involved patients undergoing surgery for full knee replacement or hip joints. One group of patients took Xarelto and the other aspirin, which also prevent the formation of blood clots. Month course of rivaroxaban with 400 times more expensive than therapy with aspirin.

Patients who participated in the experiment were divided into two groups. Within five days after arthroplasty, the patients received Xarelto, and then one group continued this therapy, and other prescribed aspirin at a dose of 81 mg. Drugs that prevent the formation of blood clots, was administered to patients who have undergone knee replacement surgery within 14 days, and those who have suffered hip replacement – within 35 days.

Thromboembolism developed in less than 1% of the patients: this figure was recorded among those who took Xarelto, and among the patients who underwent therapy with aspirin. In each group included more than 1700 patients.

Bleeding in both groups were recorded with approximately equal frequency: that 1.3% of patients taking aspirin and in 1% of patients treated with Xarelto.

David Anderson (David Anderson) and his colleagues from the University of Dahlhaus (Dalhousie University) explained that aspirin was as effective and safe as much more expensive Xarelto. This means that treatment of patients in need of knee or hip joints, to reduce the cost.

However, experts point out that aspirin may not be as effective when given to patients within high risk of blood clots, for example, those who suffer from morbid obesity or a cancer survivor. They also note that one of the patients taking aspirin died from a blood clot in the lungs – it happened on the 17th day after the end of therapy with aspirin.

All this means that required more extensive and prolonged observation, which would confirm that patients undergoing arthroplasty, aspirin really is associated with serious risks.

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