Phytotherapy, or the use of medicinal plants in treatment of various diseases, is a recognized trend in medicine. Almost every grass growing under his feet, has properties that can affect human health. The complex of these properties, a therapeutic or negative, is very extensive, every plant has diverse effects on all internal organs and systems of man. It is important to know how to apply them properly so as not to harm the patient and to alleviate his condition and even help to get rid of the disease.
Is no exception and the grass erwa woolly from the genus amaranth. Another name, more familiar to the public – half of the floor. Being native to tropical and subtropical latitudes, it can grow in the southern regions of our country. Its relevance as a therapeutic agent is very large, especially the huge popularity ervy woolly when kidney stones. Therefore, it is grown in industrial scale, for obtaining of medicinal products, and also privately in the gardens and in teplichku. Alone it is cultivated mainly those people who have seen the healing effect of this plant for many diseases.
Gender-gender is not only a medicinal herb, but also very decorative
What contains the medicinal components of the plant
As with all plant raw materials used for the manufacture of drugs, erwa woolly contains several groups of compounds and chemical elements that have a positive effect on the human body:
- alkaloids affecting blood flow and vascular tone and eliminates spasms;
- flavonoids that support heart function and helps the body rid itself of free radicals;
- pectin, promotes the removal of toxins and normalize metabolism;
- phenolic acids, which directly affect the micro-organisms destructive way and provide a half-field anti-inflammatory effect;
- different inorganic salts that govern aqueous-alkaline balance in the body;
- sugar normal metabolism and supply the body with energy;
- potassium and calcium, essential for maintaining mineral balance, tissue regeneration, normal functioning of the cardiovascular and urinary systems.
This rich composition is the reason for the huge popularity of ervy woolly plants of great importance in the treatment of various diseases. The medicinal form of this plant are the dried parts of the grass, dug a whole before setting seed. The roots, stems, leaves and flowers floor-the floors are equally curative. In pharmacies it is sold in cardboard boxes weighing 20 or 30 grams. If the grass is harvested by yourself, then it needs to dry in the shade, with a small draught, washed and cut into segments of 20 cm, and stored without access of moisture.
It is possible to harvest all of ervy woolly
In what diseases of the ERV is used most effectively
The most pronounced effect floors-floors – diuretic. It is very important that when you increase the diuresis (amount of urine) it does not cause dehydration and has no effect on the ratio of potassium and sodium in the body (clickrelease effect), so has no negative effects on the heart and blood vessels. On the contrary, erwa woolly supports and normalizes the heart muscle and the whole blood circulation in General.
Due to its diuretic action, this herb is very effective in all diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Shown erwa woolly in the presence of sand and stones in the kidneys and the urinary bladder, detection of salt precipitate in the urinary tract. It is necessary in order to prevent the formation of new stones and sand and for regulation of all salt exchange.
Packing with medicinal herb can be bought in every pharmacy
Other equally important therapeutic effects of plant – anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Decoctions and infusions floors-the floors are being accepted inside, have sanitizing (cleaning) action throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Its active components get into the blood, and then, during filtration in the renal glomeruli, penetrate into the cups and pelvis, then the urine moving through the ureters, bladder and urethra. Throughout this journey erwa woolly has a devastating effect on pathogens. Therefore, it is indispensable as an important component in the treatment of diseases of the urinary organs infectious nature: pyelonephritis, pyelitis, cystitis, urethritis.