Available choleretic collection types are similar and at the same time different. Both herbal preparations. Both Phytohepatol 2 and Phytohepatol 3 are prescribed for hepatitis and biliary dyskinesia. Cholagogue drugs have a certain shelf life and contraindications. Take medication before meals. Herbal medicines are available without a prescription. They have a specific taste and aroma.
And yet, drugs with the same name are largely different from each other. The difference is observed in the composition of the plant collection. In Phytohepatol 2, there are coriander fruits and a sandy immortelle, while the predominant components of Phytohepatol 3 are chamomile and Tansy flowers.
Cholagogue collection 2 is suitable for the treatment of dyspeptic disorders and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Phytohepatol 3 is released in the form of powder and herbal collection and is most often used for chronic cholecystitis and hepatitis.
Self-medication is dangerous to health. It is necessary to consult with your doctor. When choosing a herbal preparation, one should take into account the presence or absence of allergic reactions to certain natural components. For violations of the gastrointestinal tract and loss of appetite, Phytohepatol 2 is prescribed. For the treatment of chronic hepatitis or cholecystitis, specialists are entitled to recommend choleretic collection 3.
Following the instructions of the doctor and instructions, the patient will be able to achieve the desired results in the fight against a painful disease.
The treatment of many somatic and mental diseases is based on taking medications. Before using the prescribed medication, experts recommend that you carefully read its instructions. Today we will talk about Phytohepatol 2 and Phytohepatol 3. In which cases, such medications are prescribed and how to use them correctly?
Phytohepatol 2
Phytohepatol 2 is a herbal medicine . It is a crushed mixture consisting of coriander fruits, yarrow grass, peppermint leaves and sandy immortelle.
Bitter in taste and pleasant in aroma, the drug has a choleretic effect. A herbal medicine is prescribed for patients suffering from biliary dyskinesia, hepatitis, chronic non-calculous cholecystitis. The medication recommends for violation of the gastrointestinal tract, postcholecystectomy syndrome, dyspeptic disorders, accompanied by nausea and loss of appetite. The instructions attached to the medicine indicate contraindications, that is, cases and circumstances where the use of the medication can threaten the health of the patient.
Herbal collection is contraindicated in patients suffering from acute pancreatitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. The use of the medication under discussion is unacceptable for gallstone disease, calculous cholecystitis and gastritis during an exacerbation.
Do not forget about the side effects of the medication. Long-term use of the drug causes congestion in the liver. The patient may be overcome by heartburn. The appearance of an allergic reaction is not ruled out.
It is necessary to study in detail all the subtleties of taking the medication.
The dosage regimen depends on the form of release of the medication and the recommendations of the doctor. The medication under discussion is often issued without a prescription, so the patient has to focus on the instructions.
First of all, it is required to correctly prepare the plant collection. A tablespoon of the medicine is placed in an enamel bowl, and then diluted with one glass of boiled water. The lid is heated in a water bath for 15 minutes. Chilled raw materials at room temperature are filtered and squeezed.
Take three times a day for ½ cup half an hour before meals. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years. The choleretic collection should be stored in a dry and dark place out of the reach of children.
Phytohepatol 3
Phytohepatol 3 is an affordable herbal medicine. Sold in the form of powder and ground collection. It is a mixture of several particles of plant material. This includes peppermint leaves, chamomile flowers, yarrow, and tansy flowers. Fragrant, but bitter in taste, the drug is recommended as part of complex therapy for patients with chronic hepatitis, chronic non-calculous cholecystitis and with biliary dyskinesia. The herbal medicine familiar to experts has an anti-inflammatory and choleretic effect.
In some cases, treatment with this medication can be harmful. It is better for pregnant and lactating women to refrain from taking plant collection. The drug is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age and in patients with calculous cholecystitis. Before using a herbal preparation, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
Take ½ cup 3 times a day before meals. One course of treatment with the drug is 2-4 weeks.
Prepare a special herbal tincture for each patient. Two tablespoons of the purchased collection (8 grams) are placed in an enameled bowl and diluted with one glass of hot water. The resulting tincture is betrayed in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. Then the natural collection should be well infused at room temperature for 45 minutes. Ready broth is carefully filtered and squeezed. To increase the required volume, tincture can be diluted with boiled water.
The purchased product should be stored in a dry and dark place. Do-it-yourself tincture must be consumed within two days.