
How to take Neiromidin herniation of the spine?

Neiromidin herniation of the spine is used as part of combination therapy. The medicine is intended to improve the conduction of impulse along the nerve fibers.

Before starting therapy it is necessary to get acquainted with the instructions for use.

The drug can be assigned as self-medication or to be part of a comprehensive therapy.

Indications for use

The drug is indicated for the following:

  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system, including myasthenic syndrome of different nature of origin;
  • Central nervous system diseases;
  • hernia different spinal cord regions.

Нейромидин при грыже позвоночника используется в составе комплексной терапии

The composition and form of issue

The drug is available in different types:

  1. 1white Pill round in shape. Active active substance is ipidakrina hydrochloride in the amount of 20 mg per one tablet. Additional ingredients: potato starch, lactose monohydrate and calcium stearate. Packed in the contour packs of 10 pieces and cartons.
  2. 2Solution for intramuscular and s/to the introduction presented in the form of colorless liquid, poured into ampoules of 1 ml Active substance: a ipidakrina hydrochloride 5 mg. Also, it is composed of muriatic acid and d/and water.

Ampoules are sold in the contour packages and cartons.

Method of application and doses

The solution is injected into the body of p/to or/m way:

  1. 1in diseases of the peripheral nervous system, 5-15 mg 1-2 times a day.
  2. 2With myasthenic syndrome – 15-30 mg, 1-3 times per day.
  3. 3in diseases of the Central nervous system, to treat herniated discs of the cervical, lumbar and thoracic – 5-15 mg, 2 times a day.

Taking pills:

  1. 1For the treatment of diseases of the peripheral nervous system of various etiologies 10-20 mg (0.5-1 tablet), 1-3 times a day.
  2. 2in diseases of the Central nervous system 2-3 times a day for 0.5-1 tablet.
  3. 3in diseases of the spine (during exacerbation): 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

The maximum allowable daily dose is 200 mg.

Суточная доза лекарства назначается исходя из заболевания пациента, но не более 200 мг в день

Side effects

As side effects of treatment are:

  • sweating;
  • increased salivation;
  • tachycardia;
  • bradycardia;
  • nausea;
  • violations of the chair;
  • convulsions.

At high dosages the additional experience the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • vomiting;
  • General weakness of the body.

It is also possible to increase uterine tone and allergic reactions manifested by skin eruptions.


The drug is contraindicated in the following diseases and conditions:

  • epileptic seizures;
  • disorders of the vestibular apparatus;
  • angina;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • exacerbation of ulcers stomach and duodenal ulcers.

It is not recommended to begin treatment with the available individual intolerance of the components of the medication.

Pregnancy and lactation

Treatment is contraindicated in pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Лечение Нейромидином противопоказано в период беременности и при грудном вскармливании

The use in children

The drug is not recommended to give children under 18 years of age.

The duration of treatment

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and is determined individually.

Interaction with other drugs

During concurrent therapy enhanced the effect of taking sedative drugs. If, prior to the course man took beta-blockers, the risk of bradycardia enhanced several times.

Work with alcohol: during treatment it is necessary to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages.

Impact on driving: avoid driving, as the person may be impaired reaction speed.

Во время терапии необходимо исключить употребление спиртных напитков

During therapy it is necessary to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages.


In case of overdose in humans experience the following symptoms:

  • poor appetite;
  • contraction of the pupils;
  • sweating;
  • spontaneous bowel movements and urination;
  • speech disorders;
  • weakness.

In severe cases, possibly a coma. For treatment should be symptomatic therapy.

The algorithm of conservative treatment of hernias lumbar.

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How to sleep with a herniated.Treat the back.

How to treat intervertebral hernia without surgery. Tips from Elena Malysheva

Conditions of supply of pharmacies

With a doctor’s prescription.

Storage conditions

Store in a cool, dark place at temperature not more 25°C. Keep away from children.

Shelf life

Is 3 years.

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