With a headache are faced by almost every individual. Usually it is a signal of inflammation in the body and is one of the symptoms of chronic or acute illness.
Few people can tolerate pain, so when it appears, turn to analgesics. Among the effective drugs Ketanov note. This analgesic remedy also has anti-inflammatory effect and starts working in 20-30 minutes after taking it.
In some cases, Ketanov recommended for a headache?
Indications for receiving funds
Headaches have different causes of origin. Depending on their characteristics choose the drug.
Ketanov prescribed in the following cases:
- pain caused by dental diseases or lesions of ENT-organs;
- neuralgia, myalgia;
- migraine;
- renal colic (in combination therapy);
- soft tissue injuries or muscle damage.
In addition, the drug can be administered for pain arising after undergoing childbirth or abortion, for some gynecological diseases. Despite its effectiveness at eliminating headaches, you should not get involved in taking it.
Moreover, Ketanov has a number of contraindications:
- bronchial asthma;
- disorders in the liver or kidneys;
- gastritis in the acute stage;
- a stomach ulcer.
Strictly forbidden to receive the drug during pregnancy as it contains substances adversely affect fetal development. Ketanov can cause premature birth and uterine bleeding. Not prescribe the drug is lactation and children under the age of 14 years. Patients sensitive to components of the drug, an analgesic is not discharged.
How to apply Ketanov headache
Ketanov is available in two dosage forms: tablets and solution. After administration the drug is absorbed into blood from the digestive tract and begins to act. A substance excreted in the urine. In case of disturbances in functioning of liver or kidney time of exposure to the drug increases, hence, may cause various complications.
Ketanov in solution is administered intramuscularly and allows you to get rid of a headache. However, its effect is much faster than the drug in tablet form.
In the latter case, the drug relieves pain more slowly but for a longer time.
- Ketanov from headache applied at any time of the day, regardless of meals.
- The dosing takes into account the weight of the patient, features of his body, age.
- Adult recommended day to use 10 mg of the drug. If necessary, the dose can be increased, but in the range of 40 mg.
- If you have symptoms of overdose usually applied the standard procedure for gastric lavage.
- The duration of the self-treatment drug Ketanov should not exceed 5 days.
- If after this time the headaches are not gone, you need to see a specialist.
Interaction with other drugs
When taking Ketanov should be careful with the choice of other drugs.
The tool is not recommended in combination with other blood thinners. Otherwise, you may experience bleeding.
Ketanov is not used with medications of kidney failure. In addition, the drug reduces the effect of analgesic and diuretics.
Ketanov, like many other medications, cannot be combined with alcohol. Alcohol-containing drinks stimulate the negative impact of the drug on the nervous system, stomach and other internal organs.
The result may be a stomach ulcer, metabolic disorders, allergic reaction. If accepted, caution against headache, you should refrain for some time from driving the vehicle. Analgesic reduces the rate of reaction reduces the concentration.
Side effects
Medication can provoke side effects. Ketanov effect on the cardiovascular system. The result can manifest such symptoms as dizziness, loss of consciousness, increased pulse, decreased or increased blood pressure.
In addition, the following symptoms occur:
- bloating;
- diarrhea or constipation;
- gastritis or stomach ulcer;
- irregularities in functioning of the kidneys and liver.
Some patients sensitive to the ingredients, caution, in the treatment of headaches they may experience irritation, restlessness, depression, drowsiness. Analgesic can affect taste receptors, causing the taste of food changing. Ketanov can provoke muscle pain.
Abuse of the drug leads to poor blood clotting and deterioration of the clinical picture. If you experience any of the unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to stop taking the drug and consult a specialist.
Headache always brings discomfort. Therefore, when the first signs of a migraine a person tends to get rid of.
The easiest and fastest method is to use analgesic drugs, a group that includes Ketanov.
- This tool allows for a half hour to get rid of pain and return to normal life without discomfort.
- However, to use the drug in doses exceeding recommended daily dose, not recommended.
- Ketanov has a number of contraindications, which use it as an analgesic tool is strictly prohibited.
If the patient has a headache due to overwork, lack of sleep, changes in temperature and other external conditions, medication can be a quick and effective way to get rid of it.
Do you want to supersize that? jk
I couldn’t agree more- and maybe I should! Haha
Despite its effectiveness at eliminating headaches, you should not get involved in taking it.