
Coraxan or Concor, which is more effective

“Coraxan” is the drug of choice in those moments when taking beta-blockers according to indications can not be used. In particular, there are contraindications for taking “Concor”, since it is a beta-blocker. “Coraxan” is used in patients with stable angina pectoris. In this case, there should be a normal reduction in all parts of the myocardium.

And it is used in treatment regimens with beta-blockers with unstable control of stable angina pectoris. But “Concor” is still used in case of arterial hypertension and chronic heart failure.

Taking drugs is also different. “Coraxan” is used 2 times a day, and “Concor” is used once a day.

Interactions with different drug groups at Coraxan and Concor are very different. This factor depends on the different composition of the active substances that make up the compared drugs. In any case, these substances belong to such pharmacological groups that are taken with caution in conjunction with other prescribed drugs.

Most incompatible drugs are prescribed in the instructions for use, but it is advisable to take a break of 2 hours between doses of other drugs along with Coraxan and Concor, especially if some are not specified in the annotations and the compatibility is unknown and a warning was not given by the doctor.

One of the clinical forms of coronary heart disease is stable angina pectoris. This disease affects 70% of the male population over the age of 50 years. In women, it often manifests itself after 65 years. With this disease, acute pain in the region of the heart is characteristic. It increases with physical exertion. The pain subsides when the load stops or when taking medication. Consider two medications often prescribed by doctors to relieve symptoms of angina pectoris.


This drug contains ivabradine. Its task is to slow the heart rate. It binds to a specific receptor of the sinus node or several similar receptors. It does not affect the speed of impulses along the inside of the atrial and inside the ventricular pathways. At the contractile moment of the myocardium, ivabradine does not have an effect.


Dose-dependently, it reduces the heart rate. As a result, the myocardium consumes less oxygen. The frequency of the heart decreases. During clinical trials, it was proved that ivabradine when taking a dosage of 5 mg 2 times a day improves the index of heart load after 3 weeks of taking the drug. With this therapy, the frequency of angina attacks decreases significantly. Research data from volunteers showed a 70% reduction in seizures.

Complications of the heart and cardiovascular system are reduced with ivabradine. Cardiovascular disease mortality is decreasing. Acute myocardial infarction moves away and new symptoms of acute heart failure do not appear. “Coraxan” is tolerated very well, side effects rarely occur and its safety has been proven.


“Concor” contains the active substance bisoprolol in its composition , and is a selective beta-blocker. Since bisoprolol has a low affinity for vascular beta-adrenergic receptors. In general, it does not affect metabolic processes in which beta-adrenergic receptors participate. Bisoprolol inhibits the activity of the autonomic autonomic nervous system. At the same time, it blocks beta-adrenergic receptors of the heart.


The maximum content of the drug in the blood is achieved 3-4 hours after administration. Even with the appointment of “Concor” once every 24 hours, the therapeutic effect persists for 24 hours, due to the long twelve-hour period of half-elimination of the drug from plasma.

General pharmacological properties of “Coraxan” and “Concor”

Although these preparations contain chemicals of various structures and with different mechanisms of action, the goal is the same, the fight against stable angina pectoris. Both drugs have the ability to reduce heart rate. Common contraindications drugs also have:

  • Individual sensitivity to the drug, which is expressed in allergic reactions.
  • Bradycardia
  • Cardiogenic shock.
  • Severe arterial hypotension.
  • Sick sinus syndrome.
  • Acute and chronic heart failure.
  • Sinoatrial block.

Minor differences in contraindications are indicated in detail in the annotation for the use of drugs. With an overdose of both drugs, severe bradycardia occurs.

Which patient is this or that drug suitable for?

As for the pharmacological groups, to which the compared drugs belong, the question of the price of drugs will be irrelevant. The problem of choosing which is more expensive and what is cheaper in this case will not work. “Coraxan” refers to the pharmacotherapeutic group of antianginal drugs (that is, drugs that affect acute oxygen deficiency of the heart) and “Concor” refers to selective beta-blockers that act on a specific type of receptor. They are mainly used to stop attacks of high blood pressure.

Medicines are prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, based on the clinical picture of the current disease, intolerance to a particular substance, pharmacotherapeutic method of the effect of drugs on reducing heart rate.

Both drugs are imported. “Coraxan” is produced in France, “Concor” in Germany. The evidence base of active substances is not in doubt. Compared drugs have passed clinical trials and have received confirmation of high efficiency. Considering that these drugs are prescribed exclusively by the doctor based on the patient examination card and strictly according to the prescription, the patient has the right to choose personally.

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