According to a study NATION of almost 6 million Russians aged 20 to 79 years have diabetes type 2. The incidence of this form of diabetes is increasing worldwide. The reasons for this are quite simple: a sedentary lifestyle and unbalanced nutrition.
Paying attention to this and some other factors relating to lifestyle, you can maintain your health, preventing the occurrence of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other disorders.
Many of those who have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, need to optimize their therapy due to the fact that the drugs they are taking currently, is not effective enough and do not help to reduce the level of glycated hemoglobin to safe values.
Pharmaceutical company “Takeda Russia” displays on the domestic market combined glucose-lowering drug is intended for patients with diabetes type 2 diabetes older than 18 years. It is the combination of the two gipoglikemicheskih – alogliptin and Metformin, which complement each other. This combination is much more effective than the combination of Metformin with sulfonylureas.
The drug is designed for those who monotherapy does not help, but also for those who because of the initially high level of glycated hemoglobin, requires combination therapy. The combination of the medicine will enhance patient compliance to treatment – taking one drug easier than several.
Medical Director of “Takeda Russia” Dmitry Deck notes that the improvement of patients ‘ adherence to treatment is “one of the key factors in the successful treatment of this disease – as you know 75% of the cases the lack of positive effects of the therapy due to low compliance of patient to treatment, due to the complexity of medication”.
A combination drug will start to deliver to Russia in mid-April, and the medical community he was introduced in the framework of the VIII all-Russian Diabetes Congress which was held in February-March 2018.