Today, may 30, in the world celebrate Day of struggle with multiple sclerosis. In people with this disease destroys the myelin, which consists of sheath fibers in the brain and spinal cord, and patients gradually lose the ability to walk, work, do household chores and end up in a wheelchair.
While multiple sclerosis can occur in relatively young people. There are two types of the disease: relapsing, less dangerous, and primary progressbarui in which the disability occurs much faster.
A typical patient with the APP is people in the age of 36-55 years old, a family with one or two children, higher education and solid work experience.
Disability account for almost 90% of patients, and only a third of them can continue to work. Treatment helps to slow the progression of the disease and to maintain the ability to work, however, until 2017 the possibility to suspend the primary-progressive multiple sclerosis did not exist.
This year Russian patients with this disease finally have hope: the country was was the only drug that helps with relapsing, and primary progressive multiple sclerosis – OCHREOUS®, ocrelizumab.
Russia became the first country in Europe, patients of which became available this medication. Therapy reduces the probability of receiving disability because of multiple sclerosis by 25%. Status more than 40% of patients taking the drug, does not deteriorate with time, and this result has not yet been achieved when using other drugs.