Since Noliprel is a very powerful tool and includes Prestarium, it should be taken first of all in cases of inaction of other drugs, if the patient has not only high blood pressure, but also, for example, excess weight, a tendency to swelling and shortness of breath during physical exertion.
If all this is not available, with mild hypertension with a pressure of 160 to 100, you can first limit yourself to Prestarium by combining it with other medications prescribed by your doctor such as aspirin, magnesium B6, diuretics, calcium antagonists, beta-blockers, and so on, if necessary.
However, it is much more convenient to use combined medications with several active substances in the composition when treating, since they are more effective in many cases. But due to the high cost, not everyone can afford them. In emergency cases, these medicines will not help.
And so, all drugs are prescribed by the attending physician, depending on the state of the body’s health, age, contraindications and drug tolerance.
In the modern world, anyone can face the problem of heart disease and high blood pressure. This is especially true in old age. Statistics show that approximately 25% of the adult population has this problem. It is important that many people are not serious about this issue and begin to take measures only when arterial hypertension and heart disease are already seriously worried.
Unfortunately, now there are no drugs that completely cure hypertension, and patients have to constantly take pills to prevent a crisis.
One of the most popular drugs now is Noliprel and Prestarium, the description and comparison of which will help to understand why doctors often prescribe these drugs to patients with hypertension and when each of them is relevant.
Noliprel is a drug (combined) for high blood pressure, which was not caused by other diseases of the body. The drug contains indapamide and perindopril. Due to the coordinated actions of these components, which from different categories of drugs (indapamide refers to diuretics, and perindopril is an inhibitor), the pressure decreases in a pronounced way, the effect of the drug is very powerful, and sometimes patients experience signs of chronic fatigue after use.
The drug, like its dosage, is prescribed exclusively by prescription, which controls the entire course of treatment depending on the age of the patient and the health of his body (often one tablet per day).
Most often, this drug helps when other drugs did not have the desired effect, so its price is quite high from 650 to 800 rubles.
The drug is taken once a day exclusively on an empty stomach. Currently, the drug is available in several varieties and with different proportions in the components:
- Noliprel 2 / 0.625.
- Noliprel Forte 4 / 0.25.
- Noliprel A 2.5 / 0.625.
- Noliprel A Forte 5 / 1.25.
- Noliprel A Bottforte 10 / 2.5.
From the whole list, the most effective Noliprel Forte.
It is worth noting that the dosage of Noliprel is ideally developed and does not have an adverse effect on the body, but only improves its condition, normalizes blood pressure, further improves digestion and metabolism in the body, the quality of blood composition, and reduces the level of hypertrophy of the left side of the ventricle of the heart.
Prestarium is a drug in the form of rapidly absorbing light green tablets for arterial hypertension, heart failure, coronary heart disease. Each tablet contains from 5 to 10 mg perindopril arginine, which is the main active substance. This substance perfectly reduces blood pressure, has a positive effect on the functioning of the vascular system of the brain, improves blood circulation, and does not disturb the pulse. The action of this drug not only lowers blood pressure, but also keeps it in a normal state due to the accumulation of the main substance in the body.
The popularity of this tool is due to its ability to smoothly and effectively lower blood pressure with just one tablet per day, practically without causing side effects.
As for the doses, with arterial hypertension, the initial dosage is from 2.5 to 5 mg per day, for the elderly it is always 2.5 mg. With insufficient effect, the doctor can prescribe up to 10 mg of the drug per day. Everything is strictly on an individual basis as the components are tolerated.
The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy, allergies to inhibitors, susceptibility to lactose.
The price of the drug is average and ranges from 300 to 650 rubles.
What do Noliprel and Prestarium have in common?
- Both preparations contain the active substance perindopril, which is able to qualitatively lower blood pressure.
- The main method of application is one tablet per day, washed down with water. With low efficiency, the dose increases in agreement with the doctor.
- Both drugs have an accumulating effect and are not suitable as a means of urgently lowering blood pressure.
- These funds are contraindicated during pregnancy, allergies to inhibitors.
- They are used for long-term therapy and do not cause withdrawal symptoms.
Differences of Noliprel from Prestarium
- Noliprel is a combined remedy consisting, including of Prestarium, as well as a diuretic – indapamide.
- When taking Noliprel, it is not necessary to control potassium, since the two main substances in the composition solve this problem due to their beneficial qualities. And when taking Prestarium, potassium is controlled approximately 1 time in three months.
- Noliprel reduces pressure more because it contains two components in the composition.
- Noliprel price is higher.
- Noliprel has many varieties with the possibility of selection for different degrees of the disease.