Perhaps, everyone in the kitchen there is millet, but few people know about the uniqueness of the product and its role in treatment of kidneys. Millet is a valuable cereal, get it from millet. It is a source of vitamins, minerals, a large number of amino acids, healthy fats of vegetative character. Also millet is a source of slow carbohydrates, which provide long feeling of satiety, which is important for diet menu.
The composition of the wheat includes the following important components:
- leucine and histidine – improve the condition of connective tissues;
- phosphorus regulates metabolic processes in the bones;
- potassium – improves the functioning of cardiovascular system;
- iron causes the hemoglobin content and oxygenation of the tissues;
- manganese – involved in all metabolic processes, accelerates the metabolism;
- vitamin B – is responsible for the condition of the hair and skin as well as nervous system;
- folic acid is an important component for the normal functioning of the nervous system.
The use of millet in terms of proper nutrition obviously. As for applying it at home as a means of treatment and cleansing of the kidneys, but this issue you need to understand more details.
How to understand that there are problems with the kidneys?
The final and correct diagnosis can put only a doctor, but everyone should know the signs by which one can suspect a problem with the kidneys. In the first place is the appearance, namely the swelling primarily in the face, yellowness of the skin, they dry.
Swelling of the kidney localized primarily on the face
Weakness, fatigue, headaches also indicate disease. If there is an inflammatory process in the above-mentioned bodies, there will be pains in the lumbar region, the violation of urination. In the presence of stones will cause considerable pain. It is important to understand that timely access to a doctor is a guarantee of successful recovery. The doctor will prescribe proper treatment, which undoubtedly can be mounted using millet.
As used couscous with kidney disease?
To say exactly by what millet had such a positive influence on the kidneys, difficult. But the effectiveness of the grains in terms of treatment is obvious. Millet has anti-inflammatory, cleaning effect and also copes with the dissolution of stones in the renal system.
Medicinal properties of millet is that it can change the acidity level of urine. Also millet grain has a light diuretic effect, removes excess salts. The main key to success is regular millet porridge.
Traditional medicine includes a variety of recipes millet as a folk remedy for the correction of renal pathology. This article presents the most effective and time-tested recipes.
The best recipes using millet to remove stones
When it comes to stones located in the kidneys, it is important to understand that millet is unable to bring the larger sizes. It works great in the presence of sand and stones of small size.
Three liters of boiled water take one Cup of millet, then insist, pre-wrapped. About the readiness of the broth can be judged by the appearance in the vessel a white suspension. You can drink at a convenient time, it is possible to use cereals several times.
Millet grains are laid out in a single layer on a plate, abundantly wetted with water, then they should be covered with moist gauze. Next, you need to sprout the grain millet. Then rinse them and dry slightly, then boil without salt. In case of problems with the stomach porridge is best consumed in the mashed form.
When used correctly medications from millet small stones will dissolve after 2-3 weeks from the start of the application.
In the treatment of stones using millet do not forget that there are different kinds of them (phosphate, oxalate stones).
Are the types of kidney stones, where treatment millet is strictly prohibited
Some of them are formed directly in an alkaline medium, and millet alkalizes urine. Therefore, its use in these types of stones is impossible. And to understand what stones are in the kidneys, you can apply the litmus paper. Normal urine has a slightly acid reaction (from 6 to 7.5). PH above 7.5 indicates the alkalization of urine and is a pathology.
The correct tactics of treatment of urolithiasis in combination with millet is diet. You need to drink plenty of fluids, to exclude salted and smoked foods, herbs, chocolate, coffee drinks, alcohol.
How to use millet with inflammation of the kidneys
Among the inflammatory diseases of the kidney, the most common are pyelonephritis (pathological process affects mainly the renal parenchyma) and glomerulonephritis (mainly damaged glomeruli of the kidney).
With these two diseases and also other inflammatory processes of the urinary system, there are a lot of great recipes based on wheat.
Pyelonephritis millet has anti-inflammatory effect
Recipe of broth: two tablespoons millet grains pour boiling water in the amount of two cups, on a slow fire to keep the boil, pour water into a separate bowl. The broth, which turned out, to use the following scheme: in the first day, one tablespoon every hour, then the second day increase the amount to three tablespoons per hour, and other days – half a Cup before meals. Very good to combine this method with a receiving diuretics fees. This is the most ancient recipe, which people use for many years.
If the inflammation disrupted the flow of urine, then take a half Cup of millet, cook them about seven minutes, remove and insist. Drink the recommended amount of one tablespoon every 15-20 minutes up to as long as urination is not back to normal.
The fastest method is that the infusion of millet should be consumed within a week. It is prepared as follows: to fill half the can with a volume of three liters of barley, pour boiling water and infuse for 24 hours. To drink at a convenient time.
Another rapid method. You need 1 tablespoon of millet brew with one Cup of hot water, cover with a lid and cook for 5 minutes. Cool the liquid and leave for two hours. After that you can drink 1/3 Cup half an hour before meals.
Even more common than the two above-mentioned disease, is the inflammation of the bladder (cystitis).
Cystitis occurs more often in women because of the peculiarities of development of the urethra
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