About 3 percent of the world population suffer from psoriasis. In Europe patients with psoriasis lives as much as patients with diabetes and coronary heart disease.
In Russia, the psoriasis diagnosed almost 3 million people. In the treatment of psoriasis in recent years there has been progress – now the pharmaceutical industry can offer patients more and more effective tools.
Became aware of the fact that created by the Russian company BIOCAD drug netekimo (inhibitor of interleukin-17), was effective in long-term use in patients with severe form of psoriasis. Netekimo – drug based on monoclonal antibodies, the whole cycle of development and production which takes place in Russia.
Three months after starting this drug in a dosage of 120 mg pronounced clinical response was observed in 93% of patients with severe and moderate form of the disease that are not helped by standard treatment.
Improvements were also recorded after 4 months in patients with ankylosing spondylitis treated with the same dose of drug was effective in 91% of cases.
After the first year of the study, improvement was detected in 98% of patients, and half of them skin is almost clear of disease manifestations. Dosage 120 mg been recognized as the most effective – in the experimental group among those who received the drug once a month, all the patients had complete clearance of the skin. In studies it has been shown that netekimo was not only effective but also safe enough drug.
Vice-President for research and biotechnology company BIOCAD Roman Ivanov said that in 2018 will be initiated in phase III investigation in the European Union, in which the Russian drug will be compared with foreign analogues. It is expected that the decision on registration of nyakimana will be made in the fourth quarter of 2018.