
Pills pinworms

There are many medicines to get rid of worms in a very short time. In some cases, missing a single dose to fully block the development of parasites.

Below is an overview of the most effective pills for ascarids and pinworms.

  • Albendazole.
  • Vermoxum.
  • Dekaris.
  • Medamin.
  • Nematol.
  • Piperazine.
  • Pyrantel.
  • Pyrvinium.

Everyone in his life faced with enterobiasis is a disease caused by small whitish worms-parasites – pinworms. According to statistics, this problem is relevant in 25-90 % of children between 2 to 10 years. However, adults are not immune from this disease, especially when the family is growing child. On how best to deal with such nuisance and to carry out treatment, will be discussed next.

Funds from pinworms for adults

1. Albendazole.

This drug from pinworms is available in several dosage forms, which can be very convenient – in suspension, coated tablets and chewing. He successfully carries out the treatment of many diseases:

  • neirotsistizerkoz – it causes the pork tapeworm;
  • echinococcosis of the lungs, peritoneum and liver pathogen is a tapeworm;
  • giardiasis;
  • ascariasis;
  • enterobiasis;
  • strongyloidiasis;
  • nectars;
  • trichinosis;
  • taeniasis;
  • gnathostomes and others.

Pills pinworms take after a meal, squeezed small amount of water. For children the dose is calculated by the formula: 6 mg of the substance per 1 kg of weight. For an adult the daily measure is 0.4 g per serving.

The drug has many side effects:

  • vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • leukopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia;
  • itching, skin rash;
  • violation of kidney function, loss of hair (alopecia), increased blood pressure.

2. Dekaris.

Contains hydrochloride levamisole and excipients. In package 1 or 2 tablets, depending on the dosage of 150 mg and 50 mg. the First tool designed exclusively for the treatment of adults. Dekaris blocks neuromuscular activity of the worms, and then immobilized individuals are well removed from the body in a natural way (faeces) during the day.

This and similar drugs pinworms best to take after eating, drinking a small amount of still water. While optional, the consumption of laxatives pills. For best results, the procedure was repeated after a week or two.

Of contraindications for administration of these tablets indicate:

  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • the age of the child up to 3 years;
  • agranulocytosis;
  • with caution in renal or hepatic insufficiency.

It is important not to forget that after taking the drug from pinworms contraindicated the use of alcoholic beverages during the day.

3. Medamin.

Tablets are a good help against several types of worms, blocking their muscle activity. As a result, the worm loses the ability to eat, prisasyvaet to the walls of the intestine, and then excreted by natural means. Taking medicine during or immediately after a meal, carefully chewing and drinking water. The necessary amount is calculated according to the body mass of the patient (10 mg per 1 kg of body weight). Tablets drink 3 times a day. For best results, repeat the treatment after a couple of weeks.

In connection with the lack of information about the impact of the drug on the fetus, it is better to refrain from taking the drug to women during pregnancy and lactation.

When the pill were not excluded following side effects:

  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • rashes on the skin.

4. Pyrvinium.

The Czech drug producer “of Galen as” designed solely to combat pinworms to other types of worms it has no effect. But for the successful treatment of enterobiasis enough for single use. The norm is calculated according to the body mass of the patient, 5 mg of the suspension per 1 weight of an adult. Tool take 2.5-3 hours after a meal, squeezed small amount of water, fruit juice or tea. After one and a half to two months is recommended to repeat the technique.

Cure enterobiasis for children

For many parents, the summer becomes a relevant issue, which is better drugs used in the treatment of pinworms.

1. Vermoxum.

The description in the instructions for use States that the drug is a white pill with light specific smell. They break the process of glucose utilization and greatly reduce the amount of glycogen in the tissues of worms-parasites, which contributes to their early death.

The tool works with different types of worms:

  • pinworm;
  • the Ascaris;
  • with hookworm;
  • vlasoglavami;
  • zipname.

Take the tablets orally, drinking clean water: adults and children from 10 years – a medication dosage of 100 mg once, kids from 2 to 10 years – 25-50 mg. the Drug is prohibited to make pregnant or nursing women.

2. Nematol.

Is made in the form of suspension, tablets, chewable and film-coated. Dosage of solid medication may be 200, and 400 mg. This tool is similar to that of Albendazole, with an equally powerful de-worming effect and a similar number of contraindications. For this reason, without sufficient grounds, it is better not to apply. These pills are recommended only in very advanced cases, with mixed worm infestations. In enterobioze they may appoint a doctor.

3. Piperazine.

The drug is not only the cheapest but also the safest – it is the only pharmacological agent to combat helminths, which are allowed to drink in the period of carrying a child and breastfeeding. Specialists can also recommend these pills for pinworms for babies first year of life. However, there are “fly in the ointment” – the term a course of treatment of enterobiasis is not less than 5 days 2 times a day. This distinguishes it from other drugs, which helps when taking a single dose.

In addition, there are contraindications when taking Piperazine:

  • individual intolerance of the drug components;
  • kidney failure;
  • diseases of the Central nervous system (CNS).

4. Pyrantel.

Pills block the neuromuscular activity of the worms, however, this ability does not apply to the larvae of worms in stage migration. Take the medicine immediately after or even during a meal, carefully chewing and drinking water. Dosage is calculated individually, the major factors are body weight and age of the infected. The usual rate – single application at the rate of 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

You should pay attention that the drug is not recommended to take in at one time with Piperazine – they weaken each other’s effect. Also, do not drink this cure pinworms ladies during pregnancy and lactation and children under 3 years.

Treatment of folk remedies

If for any reason the pills and other medication is absolutely contraindicated, you can try to get rid of pinworms at home-tested folk recipes.

1. Unpeeled pumpkin seeds – they are just nibbles, and someone is preparing a tasty mush with the addition of a small quantity of honey. In this case, seeds are first pulverized in a blender or skip through Mincer.

2. A clove of garlic mash and pour a teaspoon of water (respecting the proportion 1:1). Insist during the day and before bedtime drink mix, drinking plenty of water to avoid burns of the mucosa. Repeat the treatment for 3 days, then take a break for a week, then repeat.

3. With garlic and doing enemas. To do this, pour a glass of warm water and 6-8 crushed cloves of vegetables, and then strain the solution through cheesecloth. Put enema, 1 times a day for 3-5 days.

4. The pomegranate peel, boil for 2 hours in 250 ml of water. Decoction to drink 3 times daily during the meal.

5. Flax seed grind to a powder and take 2-3 times a day with cool water. The course lasts 1 week.

Prevention of pinworm

If it is only one of the family members, the disease may be asymptomatic. The pinworm life cycle is not more than months, so the bot will not develop if the following basic rules:

1. daily carry out the procedure of personal hygiene and carefully wash the anal folds – this is where female worms lay eggs;

2. we should not forget about thorough hand-washing before eating and after using the bathroom;

3. fingernails should be cut as short as possible;

4. change underwear every morning and evening, to wash it should be at the highest possible temperature and then ironed with a hot iron on both sides;

5. 1 every day in the room you want to spend damp cleaning with a soap solution and disinfection of the toilet;

6. if infection occurs, then in between bowel movement it is recommended to close the anus with a cotton swab – this will prevent the female worm to lay new larvae;

7. when you receive any of the above medicines it would be good to go again the treatment after 14 days if not written in the instructions otherwise;

8. to take tablets of enterobiasis should all family members. If the problem came with the child from pre-school, as soon as possible to inform his leadership. In such cases, should be mandatory degelmintizatsija all the kids and staff.

By following these simple rules minimizes the risk of infection enterobiasis. But if the disease is already discovered, you should not delay with the visit to the doctor – only he can on the basis of tests to find the right dose, able to get rid of problems, not causing harm.

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