
Why can’t you touch Hogweed

Juice of Hogweed contains furanokumariny. These toxic substances prevent the skin protection from ultraviolet radiation. They do not act immediately, between direct contact and development of photodermatitis (the so-called skin reaction to UV), it may take from one hour to several days. But then will not find it.

Why can’t you touch Hogweed

Cow parsnip Sosnowski can rightly be called one of the most insidious plants. These high umbrellas of small white flowers attract attention. It wants to approach, to touch, to take photos on their background.

Especially that “flower” looks completely safe, does not smell and does not burn completely. At first.

That Hogweed is now a biological weapon, people realize only after some time after contact.

It is enough to stay out of the sun and the skin, which came the juice of Hogweed, will immediately get burned. With all the attendant: obvious redness and soreness not as obvious but much more dangerous damage to the cells, fraught with melanoma.

If the juice of Hogweed will get on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, a person can go blind. When you lose 80% of body skin can be death.

Hardest contact with the furanokumariny tolerated by owners of sensitive skin and children. They often get severe burns, after which leave deep scars. To remove them, you may need plastic surgery.

Victims of Sosnowski’s Hogweed in Russia alone each year, several million people. Toxic plant widespread in Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland and Ukraine.

How to recognize cow parsnip

The cow parsnip are different. In Russia there are about 15 kinds. Some, such as the Siberian cow parsnip, even edible. Poisonous only two species: cow parsnip Sosnowski (common in Eastern Europe and the Baltic States) and cow parsnip, Mantegazza (lives mainly in the UK, Central Europe and Scandinavian Peninsula).

The distinctive features of poisonous Hogweed:

  • The impressive growth. The Sosnowski’s Hogweed can reach 3 m, Mantegazza – 6 m.
  • Thick stems 5-10 cm in diameter at the bottom.
  • Large smooth, almost glossy leaves are bright green.
  • Large white inflorescences. Central umbrella with a diameter of 30-50 cm are not uncommon.

If still in doubt, use the application to automate valves. Just take a picture of the plant please specify your location (to speed up the search) and you’ll get most likely the name of the flower.

What to do if you just touched the cow parsnip
1. Rinse the skin under running water

Use soap and a soft sponge. Not save water, try to wash out the poisonous juice.

2. If necessary, thoroughly rinse eyes and mouth

If there is a suspicion that the juice were on these sites, arrange a thoughtful hygiene. Physicians of Institute of Emergency care named. Sklifosofsky is recommended to flush eyes and rinse your mouth for 15-20 minutes!

3. Hide from the sun

At least 2-3 days, try not to go out in the daytime, or carefully to protect the skin from direct sunlight with clothing and umbrella.

What to do if you notice the development of burn
1. Take antihistamines

Any. Just follow the instructions precisely and consider personal contraindications. Antihistamines will help to reduce the symptoms of photodermatitis (redness, burning, itching) and will facilitate the state in General.

2. Treat affected skin areas

First – any antiseptic solution: rubbing alcohol, chlorhexidine… This will help to avoid the development of inflammation. Then apply the ointment with dexpanthenol (the drug accelerates the regeneration of the skin) and apply a sterile gauze bandage.

3. Seek medical help

No matter how big the area of damage. Even with a small burn, be sure to pay a visit to the physician or nearest medical center. If damaged large areas or you’re not feeling well, call an ambulance. From the proposed hospitalization is better not to refuse.

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