
Legs hurt before and after pregnancy

Complaints of women that their legs hurt after childbirth are quite common. During pregnancy, a major restructuring of the body occurs. Therefore, both chronic diseases can worsen, and new ones may arise.

The causes of leg pain, and what measures should be taken to treat and prevent joint disease, will be discussed in our article.

A healthy woman at the end of pregnancy has a small accumulation of fluid in the body. This process is laid down by nature for the normal course of the birth process. As a result, slight swelling of the arms and legs can be observed. If a woman has healthy vessels, then after childbirth edema passes very quickly.


In the case of pathological conditions, the process fails, and the accumulation of fluid can occur uncontrollably. Sometimes after childbirth, the situation may even worsen.

Then the woman’s weight increases sharply, which entails an increased load on the musculoskeletal system. First of all, knees and feet suffer. As a result of pain in the legs, knees and joints.

To prevent edema, both during pregnancy and after childbirth, you need to follow simple rules :

  • with the horizontal position of the legs, it is necessary to put on a slight elevation, which will improve circulation in the blood in the limbs;
  • minimize salt intake. Its excessive use leads to fluid retention in the body;
  • reduce the amount of fluid taken at bedtime;
  • Wear specialized compression garments.
Varicose veins

This disease is an expansion of the walls of blood vessels in the legs. More precisely, it is associated with a violation of the elasticity of blood vessels.

There are three stages of the disease :

  1. A woman does not feel discomfort in her legs, but the development of the disease has already begun.
  2. A woman begins to experience discomfort in her legs: a feeling of heaviness and bursting.
  3. The woman has severe pain in the legs, there are trophic disorders in the form of pigmentation and tightening of the skin.

This diagnosis can be made by the doctor based on complaints and external examination of the patient. If necessary, it is possible to conduct an ultrasound, which will determine the condition of the veins of the legs, their work, the presence of blood clots.

Excessive physical activity in the postpartum period

The postpartum period of a woman is characterized by high physical exertion on the musculoskeletal system, especially the knees and joints. This is due to the care of a newborn child and the simultaneous housekeeping. It is estimated that a woman lifts her baby about 100 times in a day. If a woman is physically healthy and during pregnancy was engaged in feasible sports, this is unlikely to harm her. However, if the body is unprepared and weakened, after childbirth and severe pregnancy the slightest load can lead to joint injury and pain in the knees.

Prevention :

  • full physical rest, reduction of household chores to a minimum;
  • feasible physical exercises that will be aimed at strengthening the legs;
  • foot massage;
  • warm relaxing baths.
Foot disease

There are many diseases of the legs that cause pain in the joints and knees after childbirth. Small joints (on the toes) and large joints (hips) are susceptible to diseases.

To make an accurate diagnosis and determine the causes of pain in the legs, you need to see a doctor. During the reception, an analysis of past diseases will be carried out, an external examination of the problem areas will be carried out, and, if necessary, an ultrasound scan and other studies will be done.

Only after determining the exact diagnosis, you will be assigned an individual treatment. Remember: self-medication is dangerous, and the success of treatment depends on a timely visit to a doctor.

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