Many consider it a great substitute for classic coffee, decaffeinated coffee, that is, not containing caffeine. Of course, using such a drink, you can avoid the negative effects of caffeine. However, it is impossible to call it completely safe.
This is due to the fact that far from useful chemicals are used to remove caffeine from the beans, some of which remain in coffee.
But during pregnancy, any chemistry is extremely undesirable.
Rules that should be followed when using coffee during pregnancy:
- Consume coffee in minimum quantities (no more than two cups per day), while trying to drink it only before lunch.
- To reduce the strength of coffee, dilute it with milk, in addition, it will help to compensate for the calcium washed out by the drink from the body.
- To prevent dehydration, drink more water.
- Drink coffee only after a meal, it will help avoid increasing the acidity of the stomach.
- During the first trimester of pregnancy, try to use coffee as little as possible.
What to replace coffee
The most safe alternative to coffee can be considered chicory. It resembles a fragrant drink and color and taste. Besides chicory is also useful. It maintains an optimal level of sugar, helps the liver, cleanses the blood, increases hemoglobin and, unlike coffee, has a calming effect. Especially good chicory with milk. To cook it enough to warm the milk and add a spoon of chicory and sugar to it.
You can try replacing cocoa coffee. This drink is aromatic and pleasant to the taste, although it contains caffeine, but in very small quantities. A cup of hot cocoa, drunk in the morning, will lift your spirits and energize as well as coffee. In addition, this drink will become an additional source of vitamins.
As an alternative to coffee, herbal teas can also be offered. But only herbal, as in green and black tea there is also caffeine. The use of correct herbal gathering will bring not only pleasure, but also considerable benefits. For their preparation, you can use wild rose, leaves of mountain ash, mint, lemon balm, cranberries, blueberries, cherries, raspberries, currants, etc. It is good to combine such teas with honey.
How does coffee affect the body?
Coffee, however, like many other products, can have on the body both positive and negative effects. And in many respects it depends on the amount of drink that a person is used to using.
One of the most beneficial properties of caffeine is its tonic effect. It improves concentration, physical endurance and performance. This drink, like chocolate, contributes to the production of serotonin (the hormone of joy), so it can be no doubt attributed to products that help to cope with depression.
In addition, regular consumption of coffee reduces the risk of cancer, Parkinson’s disease, hypertension, cirrhosis of the liver, heart attack, gallstone disease and asthma. This drink increases the digestibility of food, dilates the blood vessels of the brain, has a diuretic effect and increases pressure.
However, coffee will influence in this way on the body only if it is consumed in reasonable quantities. With excessive consumption of this drink can cause serious harm. The caffeine contained in it is often addictive, akin to drug addiction. That is why an avid coffee lover who did not drink his usual cup of coffee becomes irritable, nervous, absent-minded and sluggish.
A fragrant drink, used in large doses, can cause problems with the heart, joints and blood vessels, insomnia, stomach ulcers, headaches, dehydration and lead to many other unpleasant consequences.
What can cause consumption of coffee during pregnancy
Most doctors recommend pregnant women to refrain from coffee consumption. Their position is based on the results of research conducted over the years by scientists from different countries. What threatens the consumption of coffee during pregnancy?
Consider the most frequent consequences:
- Excessive excitability, which can lead to coffee, can worsen the expectant mother’s sleep, lead to mood swings and even negatively affect the work of the internal organs.
- With regular consumption of coffee, the vessels of the uterus are narrowed, which leads to a deterioration in the oxygen supply of the fetus and the lack of nutrients, and in severe cases of hypoxia.
- Coffee leads to an increase in the tone of the uterus, which significantly increases the likelihood of miscarriage.
- Caffeine increases the manifestations of toxicosis.
- Almost all pregnant women are forced to frequent the toilet, coffee causes more frequent urination. This can lead to “flushing” of the body of many nutrients and dehydration.
- Penetrating through the placenta, caffeine increases the frequency of heart contractions in the fetus and slows its development.
- It explains why pregnant women cannot have coffee and the fact that it prevents the full absorption of calcium and iron, and in fact during the childbearing a woman, and so often the woman lacks them.
- Coffee, especially used on an empty stomach, greatly increases the acidity. This significantly increases the risk of heartburn during pregnancy.
- According to some reports, the consumption of coffee during pregnancy is not the best effect on the weight of the unborn child. Therefore, women who abuse coffee, children are often born with a body weight less than the average.
- The ability of caffeine to increase pressure, can be dangerous for pregnant women suffering from hypertension. In this case, the risk of preeclampsia increases.
But lovers pamper yourself with a cup of coffee, do not get upset ahead of time, such consequences are possible only with excessive consumption of the drink. Most scientists have concluded that the consumption of coffee in small doses does not adversely affect the course of pregnancy or the condition of the unborn child. Moreover, in small quantities, an aromatic beverage may even be beneficial.
During pregnancy, many women experience lethargy and drowsiness; for them, morning coffee becomes a real salvation. In addition, it will help raise your mood, relieve a headache and cope with depression. Useful will be coffee and women suffering from hypotension.
How long can pregnant drink coffee
Since the main negative effect on the body is caffeine contained in coffee, when determining the daily norm of the drink, first of all, take into account its quantity. WHO recommends no more than 300 mg per day. caffeine, European doctors believe that its amount should not exceed 200 mg. As a rule, eight ounces are considered the equivalent of a cup of coffee; this is 226 milliliters of drink. In this volume of brewed coffee on average contains 137 mg. caffeine, soluble – 78 mg.
However, when counting the allowable amount of coffee, one should take into account not only the caffeine contained in it, but also the caffeine present in other foods and beverages, such as chocolate or tea.