For every woman who has produced a long-awaited baby, the first month is the most important moment, both psychologically and physically, so that subinvolution does not occur (more on this below).
It is no coincidence that many doctors consider it 10 months of pregnancy. During this time, the female body recovers its strength after heavy labor during childbirth. This period is called involution, it begins after the birth of the baby and can last for about three months.
On the very first day after the appearance of the baby, the woman feels still very tired and sleepy. The next day and the following days proceed normally and the woman’s condition is satisfactory. In some cases, pain associated with muscle strain may occur, but they are generally tolerant.
However, in some cases, subinvolution of the uterus after childbirth may occur. In most cases, it is detected 7 days after birth. This pathology is a reduced uterine contraction due to some complication. As a result, she cannot take her natural size. In this case, uterine excesses are not excluded due to weak ligaments.
Causes of occurrence
There are two types of causes of uterine subinvolution: infectious and natural. In the first case, the appearance is due to inflammatory processes along with pyelonephritis and anemia of a pregnant woman. In addition, the infection can be introduced during childbirth, or inflammation can occur with residues of the placenta, fetal membranes in the uterus.
Natural pathology can occur with severe uterine distension due to polyhydramnios, when carrying a large child or twins. This also includes cases after a cesarean section and in the presence of cervical fibroids or adenomyosis.
Symptoms of manifestation
The main symptom, according to which uterine subinvolution can occur after childbirth, is heavy bleeding that does not stop and has an unusual brown color. When visiting a gynecologist, a loose and enlarged uterus should alert the doctor. In some cases, the presence of this pathology can signal a temperature of 37 or 37.50C, which lasts a very long time. This suggests that inflammatory processes occur in the body. And if a woman has already been discharged by this time, then the trip to the doctor should not be postponed.
It is worth noting that uterine subinvolution after childbirth occurs without pain and the woman does not feel anything.
To establish an accurate diagnosis of uterine subinvolution after childbirth, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound examination. If this pathology is detected, appropriate treatment is prescribed, which depends on the severity. If a postpartum complication occurs in the presence of an inflammatory process, then antibiotics are used to treat it.
In addition, such a pathology may be the initial sign of endometritis. In this case, treatment is carried out with antibacterial drugs and drugs that thin the blood, thereby improving the blood circulation of the uterus. As a rule, recovery occurs after 7-10 days of treatment and in most cases it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body of each woman. In the rarest cases, treatment may take longer than the indicated period.
If subinvolution of the uterus after childbirth occurs in a natural form, due to a large stretching of the muscles of the uterus, then in this case, the radiating doctor prescribes drugs that tone them. Usually it is methylergometrine or oxytocin. Tissues restore their density and return to normal faster.
In the absence of poisons in the woman’s body, blood clots are removed using a special vacuum pump. In addition, postpartum secretions are washed out with cold saline. A rectal massage of the uterus and ovaries also shows a good result.
In some cases, in the presence of the virus, drugs such as ergot, oxytocin, sinestrol or colostrum are administered, which are administered intramuscularly. In addition, treatment can be carried out using other effective means: novocaine and autohemotherapy.
In the treatment of uterine subinvolution after childbirth with drugs: neofur, hysterotone, metromax, exuter, furazolidone sticks, they are administered by the intrauterine device. Glucose with ascorbic acid is prescribed intravenously.
During treatment, it is recommended to conduct an ultrasound examination on every third and last day.
In order to reduce side effects from exposure to antibiotics, it is recommended to carry out herbal medicine. The use of various herbal preparations gives an excellent result, but most importantly, it does not have an adverse effect on the body. Herbal teas from such useful herbs as yarrow, yarrow, shepherd’s bag, field horsetail, birch leaves, and three-colored violet are considered to be good prophylactic agents after the uterine subinvolution after delivery.
Each treatment method gives good results and recovery. However, the best way is to prevent the disease itself. For this, every pregnant woman needs to be properly prepared for the upcoming birth. There is a set of Kegel exercises that allow you to restore the normal size of the uterus from an extended state. The use of these exercises while planning pregnancy will avoid the occurrence of postpartum complications.