
If the sut is festering after cesarean section

One of the common complications of artificial delivery is the development of inflammation, when a suture after cesarean is suppurating, and a cloudy yellow-white liquid is released from the wound.

In addition, the young mother is often worried about other symptoms: there is a high fever, chills, her health worsens, and attempts to move and take the baby in her arms cause severe pain.

When a woman realizes that the seam after cesarean section has begun to fester, many questions arise in her head: what to do in such a situation, where to go for help, how is treatment treated if such a complication occurs? You will find the answers in our article.

Types of seams

The decision that an obstetric operation will be performed can be made in advance, but sometimes there are emergency situations when urgent surgery is required. This affects how the cut will be made, because when there is a threat to the life of a mother or child, the question of how to preserve the beauty of the female body takes far from first place.

Types of seams:

  1. Vertical suture  – an abdominal wall incision is performed from the navel to the pubic area along the midline of the abdomen. It is rarely performed, because after its healing there remains a large unattractive scar. For vertical dissection of tissues, there are certain indications, which in case of untimely assistance can lead to death. Among the reasons for performing this incision is acute hypoxia of the child, as well as massive blood loss.
  2. Horizontal suture  – the dissection of the skin and soft tissues is carried out along a natural fold separating the stomach and pubic region. This type of access to the uterus is called Pfannenstiel laparotomy, in which the abdominal cavity does not open. After removing the baby and the placenta, cosmetic sutures are applied, after the healing of which a thin imperceptible trace remains.
  3. Internal sutures  – the quality of the subsequent pregnancy depends on how well the uterus is sutured. With vertical access, the uterus is transversely cut, when the Pfannenstiel operation is performed, the incision is made longitudinal.

After cesarean section, a thorough wound treatment is required so that the seam does not begin to fester. Implementation of the doctor’s recommendations will ensure complete healing of the incision.

Proper care

While the woman is in the postpartum ward, nurses perform daily postoperative wound treatment. Before discharge home, the obstetrician-gynecologist will tell you about the proper care, how to behave when the sut is festering after cesarean, as well as what to do in case of complications.

Within a week after birth, the wound is lubricated with antiseptic solutions, usually brilliant green, and dressings are also changed. Simple actions help prevent situations when a suture after caesarean section is festering.

After 7-10 days, the seams should be removed, but if they are made of absorbable materials, such manipulation is not required.

If after discharge home you find white discharge from the wound, this may indicate that the suture after cesarean section is festering, so the first thing to do is to seek the advice of a gynecologist.

Why does the seam fester?

The most common reasons leading to the fact that the seam is festering after cesarean :

  • wound infection;
  • rejection reaction developing to suture material;
  • violation of care for the site of the cut;
  • injury.

The decision about what to do if the sut is festering after cesarean section is made by the doctor after an external examination, gynecological examination, as well as the results of ultrasound diagnostics. The methods of treatment depend on the complexity of the inflammatory process, as well as the reasons why the suture after cesarean can fester. In some situations, removal of sutures and surgical treatment of the wound is required.

Signs of inflammation

When a suture after a cesarean is rotten, self-medication or making the assumption that the disease will go away on its own is strictly prohibited, because such an attitude to one’s own health can lead to negative consequences: the development of sepsis, uterine inflammation and other pathological conditions.

If, after a caesarean, a sut is rotten, then a woman may have symptoms such as:

  • burning pain in the area of ​​the postoperative wound;
  • redness of the skin around the seam;
  • the incision site begins to get wet;
  • dirty white discharge from the wound appears;
  • hyperthermia develops;
  • general health is disturbed.

If you find signs that the suture is festering after cesarean, urgently seek medical help, and do not seek advice from relatives or on forums on the Internet what to do in this case.

Healing agents

Sometimes young mothers come to the doctors who ask: “What should I do if my seam is festering after cesarean?” In order to prevent such a complication, it is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations in the recovery period.

After wound healing, you can use various drugs that help accelerate collagen production and epithelization of the wound surface :

  • Kontratubeks.
  • Betadine.
  • Actovegin.
  • Solcoseryl.
  • Dilaton gel.
  • Dimexide.
  • Derimax Ultra.

But their use must be stopped if signs of suppuration have appeared.

If the inflammation has begun, the treatment depends on the clinical symptoms, in severe cases it is necessary to drain the wound, remove exudate from it, if the suture festering after cesarean section. You can’t do without antibiotic treatment either, because purulent inflammation is caused by bacteria.

Be sure to tell the doctor if you are breast-feeding so that the doctor prescribes you such medicines that are allowed during breastfeeding.

Seam correction

What if the caesarean section festering? Indeed, quite often after such complications, the scar is deformed, and it becomes more pronounced. In such cases, the correction of the seam will help to correct the unaesthetic appearance.

In some women, a scar after a cesarean section after a year becomes invisible, but some mothers suffer from an ugly mark in the lower abdomen, which does not allow them to wear an open swimsuit and feel attractive. Aesthetic surgery will help to cope with the problem.

In specialized clinics, laser resurfacing of the seams is performed, while a thin layer of scar tissue is removed, and the skin looks refreshed and smooth. Chemical pilling is sometimes recommended. Before carrying out the procedure, it is better to consult a doctor, in what period it is better to perform it.

Not a single young mother is immune from the development of complications after childbirth, regardless of how they went. If you find yourself suspicious signs, as well as discharge from the wound, be sure to consult a gynecologist. After the examination, he will determine exactly what needs to be done if the seam is festering after cesarean section.

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