
The benefits of oils during pregnancy

Olive oil is extremely useful, and for pregnant women doubly. In addition to vitamins and minerals, it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which the body itself cannot synthesize, but only get from food.

They are of great importance for the human cardiovascular system, preventing the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels and ensuring normal blood flow.

But it is with the blood of the mother that the fetus receives all the substances necessary for its growth and development.

By consuming olive oil during pregnancy, filling salads with them, adding to sauces and other dishes, the expectant mother does everything to ensure that the baby’s brain and nervous system develop normally.

Olive oil – what will be useful

By caring for herself and her appearance, a woman can also use this product. Recommended olive oil from stretch marks during pregnancy, rather regularly rub it into the abdomen and chest. Using it inside in the morning in the amount of 1 tbsp. l., you can get rid of constipation, and even reduce the risk of developing late toxicosis.

Olive oil helps to prevent heavy and prolonged labor. In it for years, vitamin E is stored unchanged or, as it is also called, the vitamin of youth – extremely useful for all women, including those in position.

Linseed oil and pregnancy

Linseed oil for pregnant women can be useful, primarily due to the ability to improve metabolic processes in the body. Indeed, in the period of carrying a baby the hormonal background of a woman undergoes significant changes.

The metabolism in organs and tissues changes and is not always directed in the right way, and flax seed oil can correct the situation and normalize the biochemical reactions in the body. Omega fatty acids, which are part of it, interfere with gluing of leukocytes and promote better interaction of cells with each other.

With its use, the work of the heart and blood vessels is improved, the risk of blood clots is reduced, and the function of the digestive organs is improved. Gastroenterologists prescribe the use of flax seed to women in the position of constipation, but if you have oil, you can drink it too. Linseed oil during pregnancy is an excellent prevention of phytoplacental insufficiency. Women with the threat of miscarriage need twice a day – in the morning and in the evening to drink 1 tbsp. l oil until the complete danger of losing a child.

Castor oil for pregnant women

During pregnancy, castor oil can become an ally of women in the struggle for beauty. It is not recommended to take it inside at the initial time due to the risk of losing the child. The fact is that this product is able to provoke uterine contraction.

Therefore, expectant mothers for this tool should go only if the condition of the skin, hair and nails has deteriorated significantly. Castor oil has long been used to improve the growth of eyelashes. If before pregnancy you didn’t have time to take care of yourself, now that you went to the hospital, you can make your eyelashes longer and fluffy.

If your hair has become dry, brittle and lifeless, make masks based on castor oil, mixing it with a variety of components – egg, onion juice, honey, dairy products, essential extracts, etc. It can be included in creams designed to soften the skin, whiten it and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

With the help of castor oil can be fought with corns, calluses and growths, adding it to the bath and means for softening the skin. Even a few decades ago, castor oil was used for childbirth, namely, to stimulate labor, but today it has been replaced by more modern preparations.

Almond and coconut oil during pregnancy

Almond oil is a natural product obtained by cold-pressing the purified kernels of bitter and sweet almonds and shown for use in any period of pregnancy. It is the same as the previous product, applied topically to combat stretch marks, dry skin and fading .

 Almond oil during pregnancy nourishes the skin with vitamins, minerals and biologically active components that protect and tone the epidermis, prevent the expansion and clogging of pores, activate the regeneration of collagen and elastin.

Coconut oil during pregnancy has the same function as almond. And although when used orally, it can improve immunity, fight viruses and bacteria, prevent the development of cancer cells and atherosclerosis, it can only be taken on the advice of a doctor and carefully read the instructions for the drug in a pharmacy, since one type is intended only for cosmetic purposes, another for oral administration.

But also for cosmetic purposes in its pure form is not recommended. It is better to mix it with other components.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil during pregnancy can do more good than harm. And although it is not recommended to take it inside, it may become simply indispensable in the aromatherapy procedure. Unobtrusive, light fragrance allows you to calm down and find spiritual harmony, which is extremely important in the period of childbirth.

It is useful to inhale the aroma of oil emitted during the season of flu and colds when it is autumn or winter in the yard. In gynecology, this product is used to treat thrush by adding a few drops to the douching solution.

If you have badly sweated rocks and legs, and maybe, God forbid, a fungus appeared, then it is recommended to make baths of decoctions of medicinal herbs with the addition of tea tree oil, lavender and patchouli. Tea tree during pregnancy, according to psychics and healers, is able to restore the aura, remove aggression and eliminate the wrong energy installation. His oil can treat wounds and cuts, acne and acne, and it is also indispensable for diseases of the oral cavity.

Rinsing your mouth with water with the addition of a few drops of this remedy can accelerate the healing of wounds and ulcers during stomatitis. That’s all the recommendations regarding the use of oils by women in the situation. If you have any doubts about this, it is better to first consult with your doctor.

Sea buckthorn oil pregnant

That’s really just a storehouse of useful elements and vitamins. Sea buckthorn oil during pregnancy can be a major component of the treatment of many ailments. In particular, due to the high content of vitamin C, the intake of this drug is indicated in the period of acute respiratory viral infections and other catarrhal diseases, both for treatment and prevention. It may well take on the function of oxolinic or Viferon ointment, if the nasal sinuses are treated with it before leaving the house.

If a woman already has a sore throat and a runny nose, sea buckthorn oil is usually taken orally for 1 tsp. three times a day. Recovery will come much faster than in the usual case, largely due to the ability of this tool to increase immunity.

Sea buckthorn oil since ancient times has been used to treat skin diseases – all kinds of ulcers, scars, scratches, cracks and other wounds. Therefore, the expectant mother can safely with his help to fight against the dryness of the skin, the emerging stretch marks. If she accidentally burns herself or freezes her fingers while walking, they can also be reanimated with the help of an extract from sea-buckthorn fruits. Sea buckthorn candles during pregnancy are indicated for hemorrhoids.

The problem of constipation is familiar to many expectant mothers, because the growing uterus squeezes the internal organs, preventing normal bowel movement. Candles can improve intestinal motility, heal internal injuries and cracks, relieve swelling and eliminate pain.

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