Every parent wants to raise their children smart, talented and successful. However, good intentions sometimes do more harm than good. Excessive load at school, a lot of additional electives lead to fatigue of the child. And this, in turn, is fraught with deterioration of school performance, and even the occurrence of health problems.
What is fatigue?
Fatigue call this condition that is formed due to intense mental or physical activity. Fatigue, primarily manifested by decreased performance and subjective feeling of weakness.
The main mechanism of fatigue development is the change in the ratio of inhibitory and excitatory processes in the brain.
Fatigue occurs in two phases:
- The first phase is the initiation of nerve activities;
- The second phase is inhibition of nervous activity.
In the first phase is a weakening of inhibitory processes and the fore the reaction of excitation. How is it manifested? The child is difficult to hold the attention. He is distracted by extraneous conversations, something cries out, laughing. Notes and motor agitation. The student is literally hard to sit still, he fidgets in his chair, jumps up. Also the fatigue is manifested by the fact that the baby begins to hold in his hands a pen to draw something in a notebook, no reason to scratch herself or grimace.
In the second phase, the excitation processes are inhibited and the processes are dominated by inhibition. At this stage, the fatigue very well marked. The child becomes listless, yawning, and stretching, can prop up the head with your hand or even exhausted to lie down on the Desk. Student does not participate in the discussion, and the questions the teacher responds slowly and inappropriately.
Signs of fatigue in schoolchildren
Fatigue is a protective reaction of the organism, developing in response to excessive physical and mental workload. This is a normal condition. Signs of fatigue disappear after rest, and the child again becomes active and capable of learning.
When no change of activity or prolonged rest or sleep does not lead to the disappearance of these signs – talking about fatigue. By and large, the fatigue is prolonged, accumulated fatigue. This is already a pathological condition, which creates the preconditions for the development of neuropsychic and somatic diseases.
Signs of fatigue are:
- The decline of mental health – child have difficulties in remembering new school stuff, makes mistakes when performing tasks, poor results at school;
- Decline of physical performance – minimal physical activity rapidly cause the baby weakness;
- Pronounced mental disorder, manifested by insomnia, poor appetite, increased anxiety toddler, the emergence of fears, tearfulness, emotional lability;
- Vegetative disturbances – fluctuations in blood pressure, heart palpitations, headaches;
- The reduced reactivity is frequent colds.
Causes of fatigue
When properly organized mode of work and rest and moderate physical and mental stress exhaustion the child is not threatened.
Most often, the appearance of fatigue such factors:
- Unbalanced mode of the day;
- Lack of sleep;
- Insufficient exposure to fresh air;
- The lack of physical activity;
- A large amount of educational information a child receives in school and electives;
- Long monotonous sessions;
- The lack of alternation of work and rest.
The prevention of fatigue in schoolchildren
Fatigue is a condition that negatively affects not only the progress of the baby, but also for his health. And therefore to prevent the development of fatigue is highly undesirable. Parents need to stop striving to grow from a child genius. When a child literally every hour classes in the schools of early development, and all sorts of circles – fatigue can not be avoided. With such a large volume of educational information toddler is simply not able to cope.
How much sleep should a high school student?
It is worth remembering that for the normal development of a child is very important to organize the regime of work and rest. The baby should be getting enough sleep, and sleep duration for different age groups. So, night sleep for elementary school students should last ten hours, and for middle school students is nine hours. Bedtime – no later than 22.00. Thus bedtime should prepare the child: to keep late in the evening to the computer, ventilate the room. In addition, first-graders should not be ignored and NAPs.
About the rules of healthy children sleep says pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky:
Proper organization of the educational process
At the organization of day regimen, you need to consider the physiological health climbs during the day. So, the maximum efficiency is observed between 8-12 and 16-18 hours. In the morning the students are very receptive school information, but in the period 16-18 o’clock in the evening, you must schedule household activities.
Properly organized workspace will allow the child to quickly and effectively do homework, without fatigue.
The workplace of the little one at home you also need to equip properly. The table should be placed at the level of the solar plexus of the student and the chair to be comfortable and always with a back. The workplace must be placed in the illuminated part of the room, you also need to set up on Desk lamp.
It is very important to alternate the activities. No wonder they say that the best rest is change of activity. During the execution of home exercises you need to do a small gymnastic minute. The child stands up, a little exercise. Especially good if the parents to do physical flexing with the baby in the form of a game. Well, the holding of exercises for the eyes will relieve the tension from the body.
Free time and food
Enrol their child on numerous electives and clubs, the parents are deprived of kid free time. But this time, the schoolboy needs to rest and recover their resources. But free time should be spent with benefit, not for computer or tablet. The daily regime of the day should definitely include a walk in the fresh air, even in the cold season. The total duration of stay of the student in the fresh air should be about three hours a day.
Do not forget about proper nutrition. The child’s body is growing very fast and needs nutrients. The food must be balanced and complete. The multiplicity of meals 4-5 times a day. The last meal should be no later than two hours before bedtime.
Parents should remember that prevention of fatigue will help the child more effectively master school subjects, to grow up healthy and happy baby.
But wanna say that this is handy, Thanks for taking your time to write this.