Children, especially at a young age are very often scattered. They are constantly distracted. And that’s fine, because in the small age, the child is simply not able long to keep attention. However, in some situations confusion can reach significant magnitude, what is an unprecedented concern for the parents.
Causes of inattention in children
Typically, parents notice the carelessness of the kid when he starts school. But don’t be too demanding of the child. School fees, a new mode of the day on first test for the baby. And it may take several months until the child adapts to new life conditions.
The attention of the children in the Junior school age is imperfect because of immaturity of neurophysiological processes.
It was found that children aged five to seven years are able to hold active attention for about 15 minutes, at the age of eight to ten years -20 minutes, eleven to fifteen years – about 25-30 minutes. Therefore, you should first-graders perseverance and concentration for half an hour – is simply unrealistic.
Help the child to adapt to school life. Install the new mode of the day, create baby at home a private workplace and do homework together. The nervous system of children is very plastic. And while training significantly improved properties of attention.
Causes of inattention in children in elementary school
So, the first class the child behind. This year, the student must adapt to a new way of life. But if the baby and then gets distracted and has difficulty learning, then you need to look for the causes of such distractions.
Main reasons for the lack of attention students are:
- Fatigue;
- The attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity;
- Lack of motivation;
- Chronic somatic diseases.
The abundance of educational information, the failure mode of the day and lack of rest lead to the development of fatigue. Attentive parents will always be able to see the first signs of this condition. The child with overwork becomes distracted, can’t keep my attention. Such changes inevitably lead to the fact that the child allows a lot of mistakes in homework, from which begins to suffer in performance.
With fatigue also there have been changes in psychoemotional sphere. The child has a disturbed sleep, at night he suffers from insomnia, and during the day as if sleeping on the go. Your baby may become fearful, anxious, tearful. In addition, there are autonomic symptoms: cardiac arrhythmia, fluctuations in blood pressure.
The attention deficit disorder
Children with attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADHD) have low attention span and distractibility. To demand from such a child perform monotonous tasks is just unreal, his attention like a butterfly, jumping from one object to another. Due to the fact that these children have problems concentrating, they make a lot of mistakes in homework or assigned duties.
Children with a similar diagnosis also inherent characteristics such as impulsivity and excessive motor activity. The child literally can’t sit still. He is constantly in an aimless motion, running and spinning. This behavior occurs even in inappropriate situations, such as in the classroom.
Usually, the first signs of ADHD are manifested even at a young age. And when the child begins to engage in school, the symptoms become more pronounced.
Lack of motivation
Adults are able to motivate yourself. They understand why they do a particular job and how important this is to them. If the child is not interested in doing it, they won’t want to perform. Younger children just don’t understand why they have to do something tedious when there are so many interesting things.
There is already an important feed an adult. If the teacher in school, monotonously reads the lesson and does not interest the children lose the thread of the narrative and become inattentive. Using teacher visual content, the right tone of voice is able to keep the involuntary attention of younger students.
But it is extremely important to boost your child’s attention and arbitrary, that is, a conscious concentration on a particular object using willpower. This can help the motivation. In as a motivational incentive can be a good example of older children or praise for the positive evaluation from parents.
Chronic diseases
Children with chronic illnesses, parents often complain of weakness. Sometimes illness is so draining child that he just has no enough forces. The child becomes distracted and inattentive. Because of this, the student having problems with school.
Especially often such symptoms may be endocrine diseases. So, for children, sick hypothyroidism, characterized by a decrease in General vitality. The baby becomes lethargic, slow, he gets tired very quickly. There can be drowsiness, confusion, that notice teachers and parents.
Causes of inattention in children in the senior classes
Another test for a child is the adolescent period. At this time the student occurs puberty and hormonal changes. The child’s changing interests. The fore socializing with peers, the opposite sex. Studies often recedes into the background. Teenagers can reply to parents at random, to forget about the important things and the promises made, they’re like in the clouds. But they do so not out of malice. Just their attention focused on their own feelings, so they are scattered.
However, parents still need to be very attentive to their children. So, if the child has parted from their parents and lock themselves in, lost interest in studies and Hobbies, became distracted and detached – need to be alert. In puberty children can be influenced by bad company and addicted to drugs. Such strange changes in behavior can be manifestations of narcotic addiction.