
Diet and exercises to restore vision

The human eye, unfortunately, not constant – a violation of the work of the organs of vision leads to its decrease, in some cases, so that without glasses and/or contact lenses can not do.

Of course, sight is not lost “suddenly and immediately”, usually the person understands and realizes that there are problems in that direction.

That is why doctors suggest not to rely on miraculous cures, and deal with recovery of vision, especially that of techniques is enough.

Food to improve eyesight

To restore vision and to consolidate the result, you need to understand what substances have a beneficial effect on the health of the eyes – this will help to make rational and useful menu.

Vitamin A

It is well known under the name beta-carotene and helps to not only restore vision, but also to preserve the health of the retina of the eye, to relieve dryness of the eyes and excessive tearing. Of course, you can use special vitamin complexes, which is vitamin a, but much more useful is the inclusion of foods with a high content of beta-carotene in the menu.

Experts recommend that regularly eat:

  1. Sorrel, green onions, celery leaves, different types of salads and the garlic. A very small amount of beta-carotene contained in dill, but the sorrel is particularly noteworthy – from the whole herbs, which are used in food, he is the leader on the content of the substances in question. Interestingly, vitamin a is retained in full even after the heat treatment of the sorrel, so with this herbs you can cook soups, bake cakes – good for the health of the eye will still be provided.
  2. Sea buckthorn, dog rose, Rowan and apricot are considered leaders in content of beta-carotene among the berries. Much less useful for vision substances in cherries and plums, but to ignore these berries are not worth even a minimal amount of vitamin A enters the body, begins to actively work on the improvement of vision.
  3. Carrots, cabbage, broccoli and cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, red pepper, pumpkin. Of these vegetables do you can cook a complete dish – and the figure is useful, for vision. Of course, the leader here is the carrot – it is necessary to enter in the menu, not only when existing eye problems, but also as prevention.
  4. Melon and watermelon. These sweets contain a lot of vitamin A, and it is well absorbed from the melon, which will be like honey, too sweet taste.

With regard to products of animal origin, and in them you can find beta-carotene, found in liver of birds and cattle, sour cream and cheese.

Please note: it is known that a lot of beta-carotene found in red palm oil. The problem is to find a really high quality product that is quite difficult in Russia. Therefore, it is better to do more than the usual food.


In the retina of the eye contains a lot of lutein, but the body is a substance alone does not produce – so people have “extracted” it from products. Lutein protects the retina from harmful effects of external factors, which causes the preservation of vision. Even if problems with vision are already available, foods high in lutein are certainly useful.

Experts recommend to include in the diet

If the person is allergic, in order to increase the level of lutein in humans is to use the yolks of the eggs boiled.

Vitamin E

It is important to supply the vessels of the eye, can prevent the development of cataracts and other age-related changes. So our body gets sufficient amount of vitamin E you need in a day to consume 210 mg.

Products with a high content of vitamin E is quite a lot – buckthorn, vegetable oil (corn and sunflower), nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, peanuts, cashews), squid, cranberry, salmon, spinach, wheat, all kinds of dried fruits, perch.

In addition, important elements of recovery are:

  1. Zinc. Found in beef, nuts, kohlrabi, lentils, seeds of sesame, milk, radish, walnuts, anchovies, white mushrooms. Zinc is needed to prevent the development of blepharitis and cataracts, this element performs the role of a prophylactic agent to prevent visual loss.
  2. Folic acid (vitamin B9). This ingredient provides support for normal levels of hemoglobin in the blood, which leads to flow into cells and tissues the maximum amount of vitamins. Vitamin B9 is found in liver, beef, cooked beans, tomatoes, avocados, white mushrooms, mushrooms and onions-leeks. Please note: folic acid cannot tolerate deep heat treatment, it is destroyed. Therefore give preference to you need fresh products and minimum/rapid thermal processing.
  3. Vitamin B6. This substance has a direct impact on visual acuity and therefore to saturate the organism need for prophylactic purposes. Leader in in vitamin B6 are nuts, but remember that they need to be eaten fresh. Even if they are just dried, the amount of vitamin B6 will decrease sharply, and the roasting of pine nut it all comes down to zero. Many of the substances present is in milk, meat, fat herring, cabbage, red pepper, beans and green peas.
  4. The Vitamin B12. He takes an active part in the process of hematopoiesis, which leads to a normal diet eye. If vitamin B12 in the body is not enough, you can begin the abundant lacrimation, eyes will tire quickly, which reduces visual acuity. Consider the substance in large amounts in sardines, sea bass, pork and lamb, cod, liver, beef and pork, crab, chicken eggs and sour cream.

Experts emphasize the need for the use of grape seed extract and bilberry extract. These can be purchased at the pharmacy, should be in strict accordance with the instructions supplied with the drug. The extracts of bilberry and grape seed improve vision and help to normalize the eye when diagnosed with myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia. Regular use of these extracts eliminates the negative impact on visual acuity of the computer monitor, improves metabolic processes occurring directly in the retina of the eye.

Exercises to restore vision

But no matter how useful products with a high content of vitamins and minerals, without carrying out of special exercises to restore vision will not succeed. We developed a lot of techniques in our material will focus only on the most popular of them.

Vision restoration in Bates

Bates made an explicit connection between mental stress and loss of vision, therefore, has compiled a set of exercises that help to relax and give the eyes a chance to recover their health.

Exercise # 1

You need to sit on a chair, close your eyes and attach the palm so that the fingers were located on the forehead and intertwined with each other. The purpose of this exercise: with closed eyes for several minutes to see only black. Unfortunately, to achieve this simple off the light and zamurovannye impossible – still in front of the eyes will be flickering some flashes, stripes, colored spots. Come to the aid of the brain – you need to see how all the colored blotches close black blotches, that is mentally clear before a space and make it completely black. The breathing should be deep and calm.

To do this exercise unlimited times per day is just starting to feel fatigue. One procedure should not take more than 5 minutes, very useful to perform this exercise before going to bed.

Even after opening his eyes the state of complete relaxation of the organ of vision will persist, and this is an important moment to restore vision and prevent the development of various pathologies.

Exercise # 2

You need to remember something pleasant from your life, try to feel favourite scent or taste. In such moments of surrender pleasant memories, his mind completely relaxed. If you manage to achieve this state, after closing the eyes, once black.

Exercise it is advisable to take before sleep for 5-7 minutes.

Exercise # 3

Need to hang in front of a table to measure the level of vision at distance of 3-6 meters. Then close one eye and try to consider the letter in the bottom row, which allows you to see the vision. Now close both eyes and start to imagine this same letter, but only in the most black color – it should literally merge with the blackness before my eyes. Then, glancing at the letter in the table show a more clear image.

These exercises should be done 3-4 times a day.

Exercise # 4

You need to stand straight with his arms to the sides and make turns the head and trunk 90 degrees to the right, then left. It is very important not to focus on “flying” by the subjects – at the moment this exercise must be maximally relaxed.

You can do another exercise is to stand straight, extend one arm and bring your index finger to the tip of the nose, but not touching it. Now you need to move your head to the right/left so that the gaze does not dwell on the tip of your finger. The feeling is that this is not a person moves his head, and the finger is moved in space.

The method of restoring the vision of Bates great help to restore vision in myopia and hyperopia, but only if a person is not constantly wears glasses or contact lenses. Even if the glasses were a familiar subject described exercises will be very helpful – the vision may improve for a few diopters.

It is strictly forbidden to restore vision by the method of Bates and those people who have detached retina, or in the recent past had an operation on the eye.

Vision restoration for Norbekova
Exercise # 1

To keep your head straight without strain, to look up mentally to get under the brow and in podobnoe space. Then slowly return the gaze to its original position when the gaze is directed straight ahead. Then you need to translate the look down as much as possible, trying to penetrate mentally into the throat.

When performing this exercise it is very important to prevent head movements only work in the eye.

Exercise # 2

Without changing the position of the head, you need to look first to the left then as far right as possible. The head should not move, but I look to penetrate the ear.

Exercise # 3

The eyes should move diagonally first from the bottom right corner to the top left, then from bottom left to top right.

Each of the above exercises, you can perform up to 10 times. Be sure to rest your eyes after a regular exercises you need them often blink.

Interestingly, some scientific evidence about the benefits of this technique norbekova no, but considering the safety of exercise, we can hope for the result. At least it’s not gonna hurt, but the eye muscles will strengthen and it will be the result.

It is strictly forbidden to restore vision by the method norbekova people diagnosed with epilepsy and mental disorders, includes alcohol and/or drug addiction, in the recent past was myocardial infarction.

Exercises to restore vision in Zhdanov

This is perhaps the most simple exercises to perform regularly. Zhdanov has developed a set of exercises:

  1. Look forward, doing frequent blinking eyelids, not eyes zazhmurivaya. The same exercise should be done after each exercising for 10 seconds.
  2. Move the eyes left/right and up/down. The pace of this exercise should be slow, some people feel nausea at this session, and that means you need to stay distracted for 10 minutes and then to start doing gymnastics.
  3. Look “draw” a sine wave, moving from left to right and Vice versa.
  4. Present before the eyes of the glass tube, which is arranged vertically and look attempt to reel in her rope – you need to make 5 turns. Then doing the same thing, but presenting in front of a tube located horizontally.
  5. To submit to the watch dial, look up at 12 o’clock and move it for 3 hours, at 6, 9 and so on. At first glance, should move clockwise, making two circles and pomolov 10 seconds, repeat the exercise but in a counter-clockwise direction.
  6. To present before the eyes of the globe, and try to look spin it, moving along the line of the equator.

Perform gymnastics at the Zhdanov need to do it 1-2 times a day. First, every exercise is repeated 6 or 7 times, but gradually the number of iterations need to increase to 20. The duration of exercise is 2 months and more.

The restoration of view – it long. First you will need to visit an ophthalmologist and find out the exact diagnosis. Then treatment with drugs (in some cases they cannot be avoided), and only then to consult about the expediency of application of a method as described in our material.

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