Barley is an inflammatory disease of the mucosa of the eyes or skin next to it, provoked by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. During its flow, the person feels pain, discomfort in the affected eye, a feeling of swelling and a foreign body in the eyelid.
This pathology brings a lot of discomfort and painful sensations when they start to get clogged sebaceous gland or suppuration occurs ciliary follicles in region of root hairs.
Depending on the location of the stye (inside or outside) use, under the supervision of a doctor of modern medicines, capable to remove inflammation and reduce the risk of infection.
Drug treatment of barley
Medical specialists recommend the use of specialized eye drops and ointments for the treatment of barley. In cases where the infection has manifested too much, were not timely cured or is complicated by additional disease, prescribe antibacterial or antiviral agents for oral administration.
In order to quickly and effectively get rid of a painful stye on the eyelid, use the following farmcrest:
- eye drops, containing in its composition a high dose of antibiotic funds. They needed to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and prevent the activity of inflammatory mediators responsive to the presence of bacteria. Often ophthalmologists prescribe for these purposes, Sulfacetamide, Sofradeks, Tobrex, Gentamycin, Floxin other drops antibiotics with different spectra of action;
- ointment with an antibiotic or antiviral componentdesigned to lay over the eyelid. Can stop inflammation and help the eye be cleansed of negative products of vital activity of pathogenic. The most famous and popular Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Floksal;
Because of the thick consistency and the slow penetration it is recommended to use before sleep as a pinning effect of the drug.
- complications of barley doctors recommend to stop the antibiotics for internal use or antivirals. Also, during treatment it is recommended to take drugs that stimulate the body’s defenses to action: Ingavirin, Citovir, Cycloferon;
- in those cases, when the treatment of the barley was made by surgery (opening purulent capsules and its subsequent removal) prescribed antiseptic preparations for washing the century: very weak solutions Miramistina or Furatsilina;
- corticosteroid treatment. Only used in cases when the disease has progressed for a long time and passed into the chronic form. In this case, the doctors administered injectable hormones-corticosteroids to block inflammation mediators and inhibit the active response of the organism to the action of pathogenic bacteria and viruses;
- often the development of inflammation in the eye is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, such as fever for a short or long time. In this case, use antipyretics for children and adults: Paracetamol, Nurofen, Panadol.
Drugs for the treatment of barley can only be assigned to a specialist, e.g. ophthalmologist. To engage in self-selection farmcrest for the relief of inflammation on the eyelid is strongly discouraged, since each of them contains aggressive, sometimes extremely dangerous a dose of the active substance. Improper therapy can lead to partial or even complete loss of vision, education of complications and aggravation of the inflammatory process.
Drops from barley-century
Since barley is an infectious disease of bacterial nature, for its treatment it is best to use products that are capable of destroying pathogenic micro-organisms:
- Sulfatsil sodium (Sulfacetamide). Considered to be the most effective antibacterial drops for the eyes, although the tool is quite aggressive, causing a lot of discomfort when the application is one of the oldest methods of relief of inflammation of mucous membranes of the eye. Sulfacetamide is used to treat all kinds of inflammatory processes of organs of vision: the styes, blepharitis, conjunctivitis etc Often provokes hypersensitivity, redness of the century, itching, mild swelling, which, however, are rapidly.
- Levomicetinom drops – contain a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It is able to remove the inflammation and prevent the risk of complications. Most experts suggest treating by turns both eyes this means starting with a few drops in healthy eyes. The drug is extremely effective, but also causes short-term stinging and discomfort. In addition has many contraindications: children, pregnancy, breast, pathology of the liver and kidney, hypersensitivity, allergic to chloramphenicol.
- Gentamicin is an effective tool in the form of drops for topical application. Not recommended for use in cases when barley was complicated by the appearance on the mucosa of the mouth or nose herpes infection.
- Tobrex is considered the most safe and gentle remedy for the relief of the inflammatory process in the field of view. They can be used in children and during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
After opening Not as any eye drops, cannot be stored more than 28 days.
- Ophthalmoferon – drops with active immune-stimulating component. Not used as a single-agent preparation or adults, are only used in complex treatment of to raise local defense forces of the body.
Before using the eye drops for a couple of minutes it is recommended to warm the vial in his hands. You need to thoroughly wash hands with soap and water and air dry to fluff the towels do not fall in the affected eye.
To avoid herbs, and to bury the product in front of the mirror, gently tilt my head back and pulling the right eyelid, apply the drops in the corner of the eye. So evenly distributed, after instillation the eyes gently closed and slowly rotate the eyeballs. After instillation of any other medications not used for half an hour.
Children have eye drops instilled in the conjunctival region, because the cells and tissues of the eyeball is very delicate and at a young age it is very easy to injure.
Ointment for eyes in the barley
In addition to the drops in order to get rid of the inflammation on the eyelids use a special ointment, whose composition is ideal for absorption into the delicate tissues of the organs of vision. They are usually well tolerated. Only a small percentage of patients complained of occurred nausea, blurred vision, dizziness and decreased appetite.
Unlike drops ointments should not be used if there is at least a small risk of allergic reactionsand herpes infections in the acute stage pathology of the urinary tract and fungal infections of the top layer of the epidermis.
For the treatment of barley used the following eye ointment:
- tetracycline ointment. The most old and proven tool. Was used in Soviet Union for treating bacterial and viral lesions of the organs of vision. Crude contains a strong enough antibiotic, therefore it is recommended to apply with caution;
- eritromicina ointment approved for use in children and pregnant women, but only under the strict supervision of a specialist;
- hydrocortisone ointment does not contain an antibacterial component, but helps in recovery, when you need to relieve inflammation caused by bacteria. It is best to lay it over the eyelid at night after using eye drops. In viral lesions of the eye this ointment cannot be used, as hormones causes reduction of immunity and can cause complications.
In order to avoid the risk of occurrence of various negative side effects, before starting to treat a stye, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will conduct a thorough inspection, you may collect some of the tests to establish an accurate diagnosis, and then prescribe the most effective therapy.
During treatment do not use decorative and care cosmetics as well as insert contact lenses. This can cause the spread of the infection to the undamaged portion of the eye tissue. To wash during the course of therapy, you need only warm water with soap, gently washing the eye area.
Don’t worry, if after applying any of the suggested tools will appear momentarily blurred vision. This is caused by the uneven distribution of drugs through the mucous membrane of the eye.
To avoid addiction, you need to use one tool, not more than 2 weeks. After 14 days you need to consult with your doctor about the safest and most effective replacement.
Physiotherapy treatment
In cases of long-term disease process or the threat of state transition in a chronic in addition to medical therapy, your doctor may prescribe physiotherapy.
Physiotherapy barley is used with a special massage. Active mechanical action helps to dissolve the seal, resulting from blockage of the outflow of barley or hair follicles. After the content begins to leave, the doctor decides to continue the effect of massage or to use another method – ultrahigh-frequency therapy. In this method, the doctor gently removes the affected eyelash along with affected gland without surgery. After removing the cause of the problem, the cavity that remained after the suppuration, gently washed with ultra-thin jet of physiotherapy or antiseptic solution.
Surgery for stye
Some inflammatory processes it is impossible to resolve without a surgical operation. Purulent lump formed by barley, using small and precise instruments under local anesthesia is extracted from the clogged duct. Lasts operation, together with preparation for it, only half an hour. After removing the lump, the doctor cleans the remains of the purulent content, stitch the incised area, and impose a sterile bandage, which a few days it is better not to touch to avoid re-infection. After some time the patient is treated at home, changing bandages, using drops, ointments and taking antibiotic pills to strengthen the result.
It is important to remember that you cannot self-medicate in case of purulent lesions of organs of vision. Styes should be treated at an early stage only in a medical facility, to avoid further dangers for the affected eye.