
Sore fingers: what to do?

The most moving part of the human body is hands. Their unique anatomical structure provides a wide range of movements, thanks to which people can perform the finest work. In our days not only the elderly, but also enough young people complain that they hurt my fingers. What to do in this situation?

Before taking the adequate measures, you should establish the cause of pain and possible limitations of mobility.

With the appearance of unpleasant symptoms it is highly recommended not to postpone the visit to the doctor is necessary to consult a specialist astrology and rheumatologist.

Causes of pain in the fingers

Leading causes of joint pain fingers:

  • arthritis (including rheumatoid and psoriatic);
  • gout;
  • the polyosteoarthrosis;
  • resorters;
  • tesanovic de quervain;
  • Raynaud’s syndrome;
  • carpal tunnel syndrome (tunnel syndrome).

Important: Raynaud’s syndrome and carpal tunnel syndrome is detected in approximately one third of patients referred to doctor about pain or stiffness in the hands.

Arthritis is a disease of inflammatory origin. Characteristic clinical manifestations of the pathology is local swelling and swelling, redness of the skin in the projection of the affected joint, pain and restriction of movement. The nature of the flow, the severity of symptoms and the process dynamics are determined by causal factors.

For arthritis of bacterial etiology characteristic of temperature rise and severe febrile reaction. Rheumatoid variant (i.e. a disease with an autoimmune component) in addition to fingers usually captures larger joints. In the absence of timely adequate therapy develops strain brushes.

Osteoarthritis is a chronic pathology that is characterized by steadily progressive deformation on the background of dystrophic and degenerative changes in tissues. The arthritis affected more than half the population in the age group of 50 years. The background of the pathology of the lesion is usually symmetrical. Among the most frequent complaints in addition to pain include numbness and morning stiffness in hands (reducing the amplitude of movements). Over time, the limb is deformed, the muscles become thinner and weaken, and skin becomes rough.

Rheumatoid arthritis rarely are young people (under 30 years). The incidence among women is about 5 times higher among men. The “trigger” to start the pathological process is usually suffering a serious illness, severe stress or hypothermia.

Primarily affects the metacarpophalangeal joints, while the wrist become inflamed and. The process is almost always symmetrically affects both limbs. Pain tends to significantly increase at night (especially in the morning), and at day time their intensity is reduced. Local manifestations of the disease are accompanied by a feeling of General weakness, often hyperthermia with chills and a gradual decrease in body mass.

Psoriatic arthritis becomes a cause of pain in your fingers in 5% of cases. Joint damage develops after the characteristic skin manifestations of psoriasis. For diseases characterized by the so-called “axial” inflammation that affects all the joints of individual fingers.

De quervain tenosynovitis affects the ligaments and muscles of the thumb only. Common symptom is pain, localized to the base of the thumb at the wrist joint. The pain may occur after exertion, and spontaneous. It is enhanced when you try the joint in extension of the forearm.

Similar symptoms and of rhizarthrosis. These diseases can be differentiated by x-ray (for rhizarthrosis characterized by change of a bone fabric).

For Raynaud’s syndrome and carpal tunnel syndrome characterized by the combination of pain and numbness of fingers.

Gout (gouty arthritis) is a metabolic disorder in which the joints of the urate crystals are deposited. In the early stages of development affects the small joints (fingers and toes), and the development of – and larger. For gout, especially in the period of exacerbation, a distinctive clinical manifestations such as intense pain and severe pain in the affected area, redness of skin and swelling in the projection of the diseased joint, and febrile reaction.

The polyosteoarthrosis of the fingers rarely diagnosed in patients younger than 40 years. Women suffer from it more often. A typical manifestation of the pathology is the formation of nodules on the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the joints between the middle phalanx and nail. They usually occur symmetrically on both hands. In every third case, the degradation of the cartilage tissue with the appearance of nodules are asymptomatic, but more often the process is accompanied by pain and a burning sensation.


To determine exactly why hurt your fingers, can only be experienced specialist. If time does not begin treatment, the possible loss of active movements and disability.

The diagnosis is based on history and results of investigations. When collecting history doctor must determine not only the nature of complaints and time of appearance of the first symptoms, but the possible presence of joint diseases in close relatives of the patient. In the development of some pathologies of the joints plays an important role hereditary (familial) predisposition.

The research necessary when complaints of pain in the fingers:

Important: to establish the etiology of the disease, i.e. the reasons that caused it, the laboratory identifying the presence/absence of specific rheumatoid factor, antibodies to streptococci and the level of nitrogenous compounds – purines.

Treatment for pain in the joints of the fingers

Therapeutic tactics determined by the type of disease, severity of symptoms, the dynamics of the pathological process and characteristics of clinical course.


When assigning drugs takes into account the likely patient of hypersensitivity to their active component.

A comprehensive treatment of the joints the patient calls for the appointment of pharmacological drugs from the group of chondroprotectors. Their active ingredients stop the degeneration of cartilage and stimulate its regeneration.

One of the most effective tools in this category is the Ultra Collagen, which is composed of extracts of herbs, vitamins, minerals, and a hydrolysate of natural collagen – an essential component of connective tissue. The drug is available in powder form for breeding (dietary Supplement!), and also in the form of gel and cream for local external use.

Please note: a number of experts questioned the effectiveness of gels and ointments, as through the skin and tissues directly to the cartilage penetrates only a small amount of active substances.

For the symptomatic treatment of assigned drugs from the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

These tools can not only reduce inflammation but also to stop pain or reduce its intensity.

Please note: the NSAIDs (especially the prolonged and uncontrolled) often becomes the cause of development or exacerbation of gastritis and gastric ulcer. It is not excluded dispetcherskii disorders – nausea and diarrhea.

As anaesthetic drugs are prescribed creams and gels with benzocaine, novocaine, and other anesthetics. Temporary relief, also help in cooling gels based on menthol.

Please note: it is impossible to actively stretch my fingers with intense pain syndrome. It is important to remember that in cases, when it began the destruction of cartilage tissue, exercise can only hurt.

If diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, then the patient is usually prescribed corticosteroids. Taking these hormonal drugs should be combined with the use of local remedies – ointments that contain anesthetic. After the relief of acute symptoms the patient is also assigned cytostatics, immunosuppressants and monoclonal body to normalize the functional activity of the immune system.

Non-drug therapy in situations where the sore fingers

In addition to drugs for patients shown to local massage and specially developed gymnastic exercises. They are necessary for the stimulation of local blood circulation (as a result – improvement of trophism of tissues and their oxygen saturation), as well as to optimize mobility.

Good therapeutic effect can be achieved physiotherapy. Depending on the nature of the disease, the patient may be shown paraffin, ultrasound treatment, or balneotherapy (mud therapy). To reduce the pain in the fingers helps to electrophoresis with solutions of anesthetics.

Of great importance is the normalization of the regime – the correct sequence of relaxation and strictly dosed physical loads. Patients it is important to follow the prescribed diet, which usually involves reducing the consumption of oily, fried and salty. Special attention should be paid to the diet if diagnosed with gouty arthritis. It is necessary to refuse alcohol and Smoking.

Pain in the joints of the fingers and folk medicine

An excellent remedy for pain in fingers is a tincture of hot pepper. Pods to pour the vodka or rubbing alcohol and allow the liquid to steep in a dark place for a few hours. Cotton or gauze tampons plentifully moistened the resulting alcohol extract, need to apply in the projection of the diseased joint for 15-20 minutes every day 2-3 times a day. Pain usually decrease or are held after a month course of treatment. Then this folk remedy can be used during exacerbations for relief of new attacks.

At night it is recommended to do a compress of boiled oatmeal or mix yogurt with powdered chalk.

In the morning on an empty stomach it is advisable to take a mixture of 1 tbsp olive or refined sunflower oil and a few drops of fresh juice of garlic.

Garlic juice can also be taken with milk or to do with it compresses. Before applying, the skin should be lubricated with cream.

Spring (may) you can prepare a tincture from the blossoms of lilac. They need to insist on the vodka for 1-2 weeks in a dark place, shaking daily capacity. The liquid should be rubbed into the sore spots during the attack.

Please note that fingers to keep warm while the tool will not work (pain in the fingers, usually goes for half an hour). Similarly prepared and applied tincture of the buds of the chestnut.

One of the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of arthralgia is grated potato. Fresh peeled tubers leave in the sun to acquire a greenish hue. Then they are crushed, pour hot water and make a compress on the night.

You can prepare the ointment, relieves pain in the fingers. To do this, take pre-shredded pine needles, juniper and Bay leaves and mix with butter. With this homemade ointment you need your hands to massage every day, preferably in the evening. Similarly, you can apply a mixture of leaves of Hypericum and vaseline.

Good help from pain the bath with a decoction of birch buds. To enhance the therapeutic effect in the broth, it is advisable to add pine needles and sea salt.

For grinding the joints of patients the healers suggest to use alcohol tincture of flowers of dandelions.

Inside it is advisable to take a decoction of the branches of viburnum (100 ml per day) or a vodka tincture of the shells and partitions of the walnuts (1 tbsp. before meals).

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