Analysis of food intolerance – a new diagnostic test for detection of antibodies to the food, which, despite the advertising and popularity, has high clinical value.
The theoretical basis for its inception were research American and British scientists, which showed that food products can cause not only allergic reactions but also other equally serious violations in the body.
If allergic to certain food occurs suddenly and has many clinical manifestations, intolerance develops gradually and some of the characteristic symptoms has not.
Discussion on the reliability analysis on food intolerance
Society of immunologists and allergists America, Europe, Australia and Africa stated that the diagnostic value of analysis of food intolerance is very low, so to use the results for diagnosis and purpose treatment of the subject impractical. If there are no symptoms of a pathological condition, the detection in the patient’s blood of antibodies to some products cannot be regarded as a symptom of the disease. The appearance of these antibodies is a normal physiological reaction to the frequent consumption of a particular food.
Questionable can be called the therapeutic effect of the correction of the diet of the patient according to the study of food intolerance. This can be confirmed by “blind test”. If the person is not aware of the results of the analysis will be to avoid foods that the body can not tolerate (identified by testing), improve well-being will not. Quite different is the situation in which the patient will be informed about all: exclude from the diet forbidden foods will give good results. That is, it will play the role of the classical placebo effect.
To truly identify a food intolerance and to help the patient may need more extensive examination, including a compulsory keeping a food diary and a comprehensive diagnosis of the gastrointestinal tract.
Causes and consequences of food intolerance
The question of the origin of food intolerance are not fully understood, but the role of some factors in the development of this condition has been confirmed.
These include:
- Heredity.
- Food habits, leading to chronic damage to the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Deficiency of certain digestive enzymes.
- Heavy intestinal infection.
- Early transfer of the newborn to artificial feeding.
- Low quality of food.
- Chronic stress and neurological disorders.
Food Allergy typically occurs on single products, but intolerance, according to the authors of the test may cause 20-30% of meals from the daily diet. And people may not be aware that food affects his health, as expressed by acute symptoms of the pathology has. Passing malaise, intermittent abdominal discomfort, these symptoms can indicate a problem, but hardly anyone pays attention to them.
The essence of the analysis
During the test of food intolerance in the blood of the examinee measured concentration of antibody (Ig G) to protein specific products. In each country, the analysis of intolerance to adapt to food preferences of the population. The average number of defined targets (immunoglobulins) – 150, that is, an inspection is carried out of the body on the perception of 150 products.
In Russian laboratories test for food intolerance necessarily involves a determination of Ig G to proteins of the following products:
- cow’s and goat’s milk;
- peanut;
- a variety of nuts;
- citrus;
- fungi;
- yeast;
- soy;
- eggplant;
- eggs;
- wheat;
- of honey;
- seafood;
- strawberries;
- sunflower seeds;
- tomatoes and potatoes.
If the patient feels that some product is transferred to them is worse than the others, it is also sure to include in the study as the main purpose of the analysis is to identify all the food that is harmful to health, and to adjust the diet so that he can do the most good.
Who shows the analysis of food intolerance
The authors test definitely recommend this study patients with prolonged disorders of the digestive system. They may lead to bloating, rumbling, pain, formlessness chair or Vice versa constipation. If a patient notices such symptoms occur after eating certain foods, it reaffirms the possibility of food intolerance.
In addition to be tested for food intolerances it is advisable in the following cases:
- If you have extra weight. Nutritionists say that between a set of excessive body weight and prolonged use of products that the body can not stand, there is a direct link. After excluding these foods from the daily diet can very quickly to normalize and stabilize the weight.
- Migraine, depression and chronic fatigue.
- By reducing the immunity.
- At increased risk of allergies.
- In chronic skin diseases.
- During intense physical activities (e.g., athletes).
In addition, if a person wants to change their diet and start eating right, nutritionists also recommend to first study on food intolerance and then make decisive steps towards health promotion.
Preparation and analysis
For the analysis of the patient take blood from a vein in the morning on an empty stomach. Features of the preparation of this study:
- A few days before the blood donation is advisable not to drink alcohol.
- The night before a hike in the laboratory do not overeat, dinner should be light without any oily food.
- Directly before testing, it is recommended not to smoke.
The results of the study on food intolerance may be incorrect, if the examinee is taking glucocorticoids. Therefore, you should discuss with your doctor, which aims at analysis the necessity and possibility of a temporary discontinuation of treatment.
Transcript of analysis results
The concentration of Ig G to each product measured in U/ml and interpretiruya as follows:
- 50 – the result is negative, that is, the body normally takes and digests this product.
- 50-100 – there is a light violations of tolerance.
- 100-200 – a violation tolerance can be considered moderate.
- More than 200 – patient food intolerance this product.
The form of the result of the analysis products that can not cause harm, emit green, well, that is not desirable in red.
To what doctor to address
To help deal with the information obtained in the laboratory, it may allergist or nutritionist. His recommendations could be to exclude completely from the diet products from the red zone for a few weeks or a few months and to monitor their wellbeing; the basis of the daily menu should be allowed food. It should be noted that the results of the test of food intolerance, and guidelines that can give them the doctor. It all depends on the state of health of the subject and the reasons which prompted him to take the test.
The result of the study on tolerance to the food retains its authenticity 1 year. Further analysis is necessary to go again because the food from the red zone can move to green and Vice versa.