According to official statistics, the prevalence of autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) in Russia is about 1% of the child population. According to unofficial data, this figure may be 10 times higher.
So, according to the Fund’s “Yield” in Moscow can be more than 20 thousand children with autism, officially – about 2,5 thousand.
For parents and relatives of these children aren’t just numbers. Each of them has its own history. Often, parents in the hope of healing, resorted to the unconventional and at times radical methods of treatment. Some of these methods are striking, others are appalled. Despite the danger faced by children, such methods use doctors, miraculous in their power and believe parents of children with autism.
One such way is the use of special additives Miracle Mineral Solution or Master Mineral Solution, also used in the manufacture of bleach. She is credited with miraculous properties in the treatment of cancer, hepatitis and AIDS. Proponents of this method recommend to enter it through an enema, or add to drinks.
The substance can destroy the natural fabrics, however, it does not frighten the parents who are willing to treat this substance their sick children. For example, a young mother in the U.S. state of Indiana added a similar solution in the beverage to her daughter suffering from autism, hoping to cure her. About the “healing” properties of matter the woman learned from the group in social networks. Subsequently, the woman was arrested and the girl was taken away by social services.
Another way, which is used in the treatment of autism is chelation therapy. It is the process of ridding the human body from heavy metals. In the body are special drugs that bind and remove them. This procedure is suitable for those who may have mercury poisoning. Thus, it is believed that chelation therapy is effective in autism, since one of the main causes of disease – poisoning the body with a high concentration of heavy metals.
Formally this method of autism treatment was not approved. Scientific research has recognized the chelation ineffective. For example, it was found that this method reduces the cognitive abilities of autistic children. In addition to this, the chelation removes from the body not only harmful, but also nutrients – reduces the amount of vitamins A, C, E and B.
Scientific American, Baylor University(Baylor University) held on this occasion, a number of studies that pointed to serious side effects from the chelation, starting with nausea and ending in death.
“The chemicals used in chelation can cause many potential serious side effects, including fever, vomiting, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, arrhythmia and hypocalcaemia, which can lead to heart failure,” – said the Professor of educational psychology School of education Baylor University and study co-author Dr. Tonya N. Davies (School of Education Baylor University, co-authored by Dr. Tony N. Davis).
However, in some countries, doctors still carried out the procedure, putting at risk the health and lives of children. In most cases, parents go for such a procedure in the hope of heal the child. For example, in the United States, a study was conducted among parents, which revealed that 7% of these people have tried chelation therapy for their autistic children. For them this procedure was the last straw that gave the chances of a cure.
Another equally terrifying method, which is used in autism – chemical castration. This medication which reduce libido and sexual activity. According to American doctors, a possible cause of autism may be a high concentration of testosterone in the body. Therefore, they proposed to use this method.
For example, American physician mark Hairremoval hormonal drug “Lupron” for the treatment of hundreds of children with autism. The drug is a synthetic analogue of one of the hormones of the hypothalamus, which increases the secretion of hormones by the pituitary gland and regulates the sex glands. In the end it turned out that in six cases, the doctor mistakenly placed the child with autism diagnosis premature onset of puberty and prescribed hormonal drug. Subsequently, mark Geyer was denied the right to engage in medical practice.
Not less strange and terrible is a method of treatment of autism parasitic wormsand hot tubs. About the healing properties of both methods, said scientists from the Medical College of Alberta Einstein in new York city (Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York). In their opinion, one of the reasons autism is considered to be overly active immune system that attacks nerve cells in the brain and does not allow them to form a connection. The proposed methods have to “trick” the immune system and to distract her struggle with the nerve cells.
Hot baths were supposed to mimic chronic inflammation or disease, distracting thus the “attention” of the immune system cells. The same function had to perform and worms, which the children had to eat.
Perhaps less harmless of the following ways is oxygen therapy or ghiperbarica oxygenation (HBO). As a rule, it is carried out in special pressure chambers. The purpose of this therapy is the formation in the brain new neural pathways, which in turn should improve the functioning of the Central nervous system in an autistic. The pressure in the chamber can dissolve in the blood more oxygen, which in turn should nourish the affected areas of the brain and lead to the emergence of new cells.
However, so far the consensus among the scientific community regarding the treatment with oxygen. Some scientists say significant improvement in the behavior and speech of the patients, others no outstanding results not observed. Third call this method a waste of money and a real test for the child.
The parents of children with autism, it is often stated the General calm children and improve sleep. At the same time, real cases of healing after treatment in the chamber is not fixed, says the head of the Center for child development in America, Dr. Brian D. Udell (Child Development Center Of America, Dr. Brian D. Udell).
Overall, this therapy will not bring harm to the child, but use a special should not wait. Therefore, such therapy should not replace the main treatment, doctors stress.
Among the unusual treatments for autism – transfusion of umbilical cord blood the child is autistic. This transfusion significantly improves the condition of autism, say scientists at Duke University in the USA (Duke University). Umbilical cord blood contains stem cells that can transform into other cells, including neurons of the brain, they say.
Scientists conducted the study, which involved 25 children with ASD. All of them received a transfusion of the cord blood obtained from their mothers after birth. As scientists have found that a transfusion has improved the behavior in 75% of children. It was also noted a significant improvement in the learning behaviour of the majority of children involved in this procedure. This, however, only primary data, but for more accurate results need more research, say the scientists themselves.
Professor medical College. Baylor (USA), Houston University (USA) and Yale University (US), leading research fellow, msupe (Russia), head of the expert Council of the Fund to facilitate the solution of problems of autism in Russia “Exit” Elena Grigorenko calls these methods pseudoleucite.
According to her, these approaches come from a very ideological positions that are held by any group of people. This group may even collect some empirical data, but that approach was considered evidence, it is necessary that data are collected and verified by independent experts. And this is not happening, said Elena Grigorenko.
“The followers of pseudo-scientific interventions promise miracles, “Please come to us! Will do so and so, and in a month will be the result.” This can easily believe relatives of people with ASD who seek any means to help their child and to stabilize the situation in the family. But such promises should cause wariness and distrust,” says the doctor.
Gluten-free, baskasina and other diets, secretin therapy, integrative therapy (sensory and auditory), oxygen therapy (hyperbaric oxygen therapy), chelation therapy are examples of unproven interventions, and this list can be continued a number of programs, and the authors even do not have published scientific works, she continues. Nevertheless, these techniques are sometimes successfully sold on the market and find their consumers, the expert said.
One conclusion that suggests itself is to treat RACES only tested, proven methods under the supervision of experienced doctors. Using non-standard methods, the parents not only can’t count on a positive result, but openly risking the health of their children. And here comes into force the principle of do no harm to its close.