When the baby’s skin are formed of a rash, mom always get scared trying to figure out what it is: an Allergy or some kind of acute infectious disease.
One of the possible diagnoses rubella. How to distinguish from other diseases?
In the incubation period when the virus just enters the body and begins to multiply, start, unfortunately, nonspecific symptoms that are easily mistaken for the beginning of a cold or influenza: fever, headache, weakness, runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis, increase in occipital, cervical and parotid lymph nodes. The presence of all these symptoms does not necessarily.
What are the symptoms of rubella?
The average incubation period lasts from 16 to 22 days. The child becomes contagious for 5-8 days up to the end. Next comes the height of the disease, which lasts 1-3 days. It was then on the skin, starting from the neck, face and head, there is shown by fine spotty pale pink rash. Usually a lot of spots on the buttocks, back and the folds of the limbs. The spots are round with a size of 2-5 mm. Contrast Allergy – rash of rubella or not scratched at all or is minimal! Bathe the child in most cases. After 12-14 days after the first rash, the child is healthy.
What distinguish the symptoms of rubella chickenpox, measles and the usual allergies?
So, rubella is a solid shown by fine spotty rash, enlarged lymph nodes, and associated symptoms of cold.
Varicella. When the chickenpox body is covered with pink spots, crusts, vesicles with clear fluid. An important feature vetrennay rash – it affects the mucous! Rubella – never! Also, when no chicken pox runny nose cough and lymph node increase by only a neck. The temperature can rise to 40°.
Allergy. If allergic rashes, rashes can occur anywhere. Most often it is red spots or pimples that itch and flake. Allergic rash when the temperature rises and the lymph nodes do not increase!
Measles. A rash of small, multiple, convex. Usually a lot of lesions on the face, behind the ears, on the bend of the elbows and knees. The nature of the rash merge into a huge red spot! There are itching. Lymph nodes do not increase! Distinctive associated symptoms: rhinitis, conjunctivitis and suffocating cough, which is not in other diseases. The temperature can rise above 40°.
Pregnancy and rubella
Children, in principle, quite easy to carry the disease, rubella is much more dangerous for adults and pregnant women.
If rubella ill pregnant woman increases the risk of miscarriages, premature births and stillbirths. The most dangerous infection in the first trimester of pregnancy – then the likelihood of premature birth or the birth of a child with developmental disabilities reaches 60%. It is also possible the birth of a baby with congenital rubella syndrome, comprising a triad of malformations – congenital heart disease, blindness (cataracts) and deafness. To the 4th month of pregnancy the probability of influence on the fetus is reduced to 7% and 1% in the case of infection after 17 weeks of pregnancy.
How to manifest the disease in pregnant women?
Exhibit all the basic symptoms of rubella, usually even stronger than in children characterized by a rash, very high fever, runny nose, cough, body aches, severe enlargement of lymph nodes.
What to do to avoid getting sick with rubella during pregnancy?
At the planning stage of pregnancy, women need to donate blood for antibodies to the rubella virus in the absence of immunity to the disease sure to get vaccinated! To vaccinate should be done 3 months before the planned conception. However, if vaccination against rubella randomly fell on the small pregnancy, it is not an indication for its interruption. Current vaccines against rubella have nearly 100% efficiency, they created the immunity lasts over 20 years.
What analysis you need to do to a pregnant woman to determine the presence or absence of immunity to rubella?
A blood test for rubella is included in the series of tests for TORCH-infections that are the most dangerous for pregnant women: toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, rubella and herpes.
If the results of the analysis of both measures of IgG antibodies and IgM negative (-), this means that immunity to rubella in women and there need to be vaccinated.
The combination of the positive (+) and negative IgG (-) IgM means that the immune system has to get pregnant!
The combination of negative (-) or positive (+) IgG and positive (+) IgM means that the infection of rubella occurred recently and plan the pregnancy as of yet.
Wenn man das so liest, ist das ganze eigentlich gar nicht mehr so kompliziert. Danke^^