
Features exercise therapy in ankylosing spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitis is in the group of chronic pathologies. Its essence lies in the formation of inflammation in the articular joints, particularly in ultraedition spine.

In the absence of timely therapy is possible their fusion.

Exercise therapy in this disease vystupat basic event in therapeutic approaches. Ankylosing spondylitis is characterized by rapid progression, often leading to disability of the patient.

Symptomatic picture

The main manifestation of acts of pain in the articular apparatus. In the morning the patient feels stiffness and pain in the back. Each fiznagruzki on the muscular-skeletal apparatus, the patient feels better. Despite the defeat of only the spine, pain radiates on the entire plane back. This condition is due to lose narokoroko that Innervate the torso and limbs.

Daily walk

With the aim of maintaining the state of the pathological process rekomenduetsa to seek the advice of a rehabilitation center that will offer special programs for appropriate patients. In the absence of the possibility to use the services of the corresponding centre should do physical therapy at home. Below are some rather simple physical exercises to improve the physical condition of ankylosing spondylitis.

Because patients in the morning suffer from stiffness, the walk should be at a convenient time. Initial trips should start with a two-kilometer distance, and on a daily basis, it is recommended to increase the distance to five miles a day. These exercises will help remove stiffness from the spine. Experts also recommend to visit the gym twice a week.

Due to prolonged walking improves blood circulation, stabiliziruemost blood pressure and strengthen the muscular frame of the back and limbs.

Morning exercise

Every morning should begin with exercise really longer than 10 min During sleep inflammation aktiviziruyutsya, because morning exercise helps relieve stiffness and restore the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. In the case of “sedentary” should change position every half an hour. Pathology provides Gamzatti at the spinal level, because the charge contributes to the elimination of edema (including visceral organs), which developed due to stagnation of blood circulation.


In this case it is necessary to adopt a position lying on the dorsal surface, legs to join hands to pull to the side. Next, make a turn to the left, while the right hand plane to combine with the left, feet do not lift off the floor (bed). To return to the original position, producing a deep breath. To perform the same exercise on the other side. Be repeated at least 4 times.

Chest, completely filled, valid on the next available organs. A good posture is necessary for the proper strengthening of the muscular apparatus of the spine, twists contribute to the improvement of trophic processes in the joint of vertebral joints.


Take position lie on the ventral surface of the head touches the floor (beds), upper limbs are at the level of the shoulder articular joints. Next, raise your head and upper third of the body on the flattened hands. Head turn to the left. And then return to their initial position, a deep exhale. To perform the previous exercise in the opposite direction. Repeat 4 or more times.

Turns his head to contribute to the prevention of degenerative disc disease, it should not be too carried away, you can achieve the opposite effect (hypermobility of the joints of the cervical region).

“The swimmer”

To take the supine position on the abdominal plane, the upper limbs folded under the forehead, then straighten your left arm forward and your right foot in the rear, a deep exhale. Then go back to their initial position. Described motor acts to produce and on the opposite side. To run four times. It is recommended to remember that when excessive fatigue should stop.

Described exercises improve blood circulation, which leads to the elimination of edema in the tissues and joints.


In the case where therapeutic exercise causes pain, decrease the amplitude of motor acts and the amount of exercise. In this disease it is forbidden to carry out an active running and jumping. In this case, it is recommended to distribute the principle of breathing is to breathe through the nose, and under load go to mouth breathing. It is strictly forbidden to perform the movement quickly and dramatically, all the physical therapy exercises must be performed in a smooth and slow manner.

Gymnastic classes in ankylosing spondylitis inherent gentle nature. Should remember about the diet, the diet should be rich in vitamin-mineral complexes.

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