
Details about arthritis: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, symptoms, treatment.

Arthritis people suffer for centuries. If to judge according to Egyptian mummies, thousands of years ago there was this disease. The Explorer Christopher Columbus, apparently, also suffered from it. In our time arthritis affects millions of people. Consider the details of this painful disease.

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joint that accompanies more than 100 different diseases. In addition to joint these diseases affect the surrounding bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons.

Depending on the form, arthritis can spread to internal organs, skin and even eyes. The most common disease associated with arthritis – rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

The structure of the joint:

In the joint connects the bones. Around this compound is located the elastic capsule that protects the joint and gives it strength. The synovial membrane lining the joint capsule produces the lubricating fluid. Bones connected inside the capsule, covered elastic and smooth cartilage due to which the bones move without friction. In addition, the cartilage-like shock softens the bumps and distributes the pressure over the bones.

For example, when walking, running or jumping, the pressure on knee and hip joints to exceed body weight by 4-8 times. But the cartilage, squeezing like a sponge, helps bones to bear the load, although most of the impact absorb the surrounding joint muscles and tendons.

Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms:

What begins rheumatoid arthritis? For unknown reasons, the immune system begins a fierce attack on the joint and then blood cells in large numbers (including T-lymphocytes, which play a key role in the immune system) are forwarded to the joint cavity. While there are chemical reactions leading to inflammation of the joint. Then begin the rampant sharing of synovial cells, which lead to the formation of pannus (a clot of tissue, like tumors). Pannus harmful enzymes, they destroy the cartilage, because of this sticking together of the surface of the bone, which limits their mobility and cause excruciating pain.

Also weakens the tendons, ligaments and muscle, which shattered the joint, there is a partial dislocation and deformation. Rheumatoid arthritis usually symmetrically affects the joints of knees, feet, wrists, left and right. 50% of patients formed nodules or bumps under the skin. Some has been dry mouth, eyes, anemia. In addition, symptoms similar to flu – fatigue, high temperature, aching muscles.

The symptoms, duration and nature of the flow of rheumatoid arthritis are very different. The pain and stiffness of the joints in some people can increase gradually – over several weeks and even years for others, the disease starts suddenly. Some rheumatoid arthritis can torment several months and then goes away, leaving no tangible harm others there is an alternation of periods of exacerbation and remission. There are patients, who for many years suffer from rheumatoid arthritis.

Who often affects rheumatoid arthritis? Experts in this field explain that this is especially common disease among middle-aged women, but Contracting this disease can people of either sex and of different age groups, including children. The risk is higher in those people who have relatives already suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. In addition to serious risk factors include: overweight, blood transfusions done in the past and Smoking.

Osteoarthritis – symptoms, causes:

Unlike rheumatoid arthritis osteoarthritis usually affects only one joint to other parts of the body rarely spread. The cartilage slowly is being eroded due to the friction of bones against each other are formed outgrowths (osteophytes) can develop cysts. Symptoms of osteoarthritis: the knobby knuckles, the joints creak, reduces muscle spasms, the pain and loss of mobility.

Why developing osteoarthritis? Previously, it was ingrained idea that osteoarthritis is the inevitable companion of old age, but now experts say that the healthy joint under normal loads throughout a person’s life should not fail. What causes osteoarthritis? In the British journal the Lancet reported that scientists do not stop to argue about the exact cause of this disease. Some researchers believe that the first bone is damaged, e.g. cracks, and only after that build up bone and cartilage is destroyed. According to others, the cartilage starts osteoarthritis – as it is rubbing and wear, increases the load on the bone, and when the body tries to repair the cartilage, and then place the pathological changes.

Who may develop osteoarthritis? Although old age is not the cause of this disease, yet in old age occurs more frequently loss of cartilage in the joints. Also ill more often than those who have curvature of the spine, weak muscles of the legs, legs of different length, i.e. one in the wrong way touch the bones in the joint. To provoke osteoarthritis can injure the joint obtained as the result of an accident or because of repetitive motions at work recurring every day. Outbreak of osteoarthritis may exacerbate overweight person. A significant contribution to the development of this disease contributes heredity: osteoarthritis affects women of middle and old age, whose relatives have suffered from it. Some scientists believe that osteoarthritis is caused from the destructive action of oxygen free radicals and the deficiency of vitamins C and D. Osteoarthritis is preceded by an increase in bone density.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis:

Usually conduct a comprehensive arthritis treatment, which includes drug therapy, physical therapy, diet, and therapeutic exercise.

Physical therapy for arthritis:

In exercise therapy in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis should include exercises for the development of mobility of joints, flexibility of joints, exercise with weights (strength), isometric exercises, aerobics (rhythmic gymnastics). Proven that exercise is of great benefit when the pain and swelling of the joints, even people of very advanced age, prevents the decrease in bone density, helps with depression, fatigue and malaise. Reduces joint pain treatment heat and cold, acupuncture.
Diet arthritis.

Joint pain is significantly reduced due to weight loss, so diet is an important factor in the treatment of arthritis. Experts recommend to consume foods containing calcium (green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits), fish, rich in omega-3, and reduce dietary saturated fats and food that has passed technological processing. Such a diet not only reduces weight but also reduces pain as it inhibits the inflammatory process in the joints. It is also seen that some people with arthritis helps diet, which consists of the following products: meat, dairy products, wheat, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants and peppers.

You also need to drink enough water is a kind of lubricant for the joints.


In certain cases surgery – arthroscopy, when directly injected into the joint, a special tool, whereby the surgeon removes the synovial tissue, which produces destructive enzymes. But the efficiency of this operation are limited, often the inflammation occurs again.

Replacement of joints.

With arthroplasty, usually the knee or hip, the entire joint is replaced with artificial. The artificial joint is properly for 10-15 years and the pain is almost not felt.

Hyaluronic acid for joints and chondroprotectors.

A more gentle method of treatment is injection of hyaluronic acid inside the joint, often the knee. Also a positive result is achieved with the introduction of chondroprotectors – substances that stimulate the repair of cartilage.

Cure for arthritis.

Many drugs work to relieve pain and inflammation in arthritis, and some even slow down the progression of the disease. This is analgesics (pain relievers), corticosteroids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, anti rheumatic drugs disease modifying, drugs of gene engineering, and others. But although these funds bring relief to patients, they have severe side effects and sometimes you have to pay dearly for relief. Choose a method of treatment difficult and the patient and the doctor.

Alternative treatments for arthritis: Collagen for joints.

Some scientists claim that collagen type 2 taken orally for rheumatoid arthritis reduces swelling of the joints, helps relieve pain, which is safer and has fewer side effects. How does the collagen? It prevents the destructive action of substances (cytokines) that cause inflammation. Some natural ingredients to a certain extent give the same effect. These include: fat fish, containing eicosapentaenoic and gammalinolenic acid, oil of evening primrose, oil of borage seed, vitamins C and E. And in China for many years for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis used the drug of plant origin, which is called Tripteryqium wilfordii. It is reported that the product relieves the symptoms of the disease.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis herbs:

1. A decoction of leaves of bilberry: 1 tbsp. spoonful of lingonberry leaves pour 1 Cup of water, boil 15 minutes on weak fire, cool. strain and drink SIPS during the day arthritis.

2. The collection of herbs: elder flowers, nettle leaf, parsley root, willow bark – take equally. Cooking broth: 1 tablespoon of herb mixture pour a glass of boiling water, boil 5 minutes on weak fire, cool, strain, drink 2 cups of broth per day for arthritis of various etiologies.

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