The prostate is a gland located below the bladder and is shaped like a chestnut. The urethra passes through the prostate gland. In an adult male the weight of the prostate gland is usually about 20 g, and its average dimensions are: sagittal – 2 cm, vertical 3 cm and front 4 see the Sperm approximately 30% consists of secretions produced by the gland.
Part of this secret is composed of: citric acid, calcium and other enzymes that enhance sperm motility and increase their ability to fertilize. And zinc is part of the secret of the prostate gland, according to scientists, has the protection of urinary system against infections.
In the pelvic area can be painful sensations that indicate any inflammatory or neoplastic disease of the prostate gland.
PROSTATITIS – the symptoms of prostate disease:
One of prostate inflammation – PROSTATITIS. The prostate begins with inflammation of excretory ducts. The accumulates kanalchiki exfoliating with their walls and epithelium together with mucus and tiny pebbles to form plugs that block the excretory ducts.
Tube is gradually developing into abscesses (microabscesses), and then symptoms of prostatitis: fever, shortness, painful and interrupted urination, pain in the bladder or in the sacral region, sexual disorder. Iron can be very swell and compress the urethra, preventing urine leakage. Over time, the ureter is covered completely.
There are other symptoms of prostatitis: burning sensation, increased urination, floating threads in the urine, during bowel movements there are unpleasant sensations, fatigue, anxiety. Different patients with prostatitis will not necessarily experience all the symptoms at once.
What factors lead to prostatitis? It is a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary profession, chronic constipation, infections of the genitourinary system, the disordered sexual relations, sexually transmitted diseases, alcohol abuse.
BACTERIAL PROSTATITIS – inflammation of an infectious nature. The infection usually enters through the urethra, and the disease occurs in acute and chronic form. With early detection and treatment of bacterial prostatitis there is no apparent complications. But if treatment is not started in time, it becomes chronic and in some years may lead to cancer of the prostate, then disability and death.
In the prostate, bacteria can come from the blood, if in the body there is inflammation, such as tonsillitis, pneumonia and others. And lymphatic vessels in chronic purulent processes in the body: tuberculosis, syphilis, ulcers of the lower extremities and others.
Symptoms of bacterial prostatitis: pain in the lower abdomen and perineum, impaired urination, blood in the urine, a violation of potency. Besides the observed General symptoms: headache, fatigue and drowsiness, fever, chills, loss of appetite, depression, irritability and anxiety.
The cause of the inflammation of the prostate gland in most cases is unclear, therefore, the disease is called abacterial prostatitis.
Prostate ADENOMA – symptoms, treatment, prevention:
Prostate adenoma (benign prostate hyperplasia) or overgrowth of the glandular tissue of the prostate is benign tumor, which should not be confused with prostatitis, an inflammatory disease of the prostate. Adenoma appears in men after age 40 and with age the risk of this disease increases. At the age of 55 years sick 25% of men, and at the age of 75 years – 50%. Causes: hormonal changes, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and excess weight.
Symptoms of adenoma:
The presence of this benign tumor is indicated by the following symptoms: frequent urination, urination at night, weak stream, intermittent urination, feeling that bladder is not fully emptied, the involuntary urination.
The tumor can spread towards the rectum ( podosira form), in the direction of the bladder (intravesical), located under the bladder triangle (retrotracheal form).
There are 3 degrees (stages) of the adenoma: 1 – offset, 2 – subcompencirovanna, 3 – decompensated.
Adenoma 1st degree, symptoms. Her symptoms are: frequent urination, especially at night, can be up to 7 times. And even though the urge is very strong, urine flows poorly, despite the efforts and the emptying is due to compensatory capabilities of the muscular wall of the bladder. Sometimes, the urine may involuntarily leak out. This stage of the adenoma can last up to 9-10 years, and perhaps to progress quickly. When compensatory capabilities are exhausted, the next stage of adenoma.
Adenoma 2 degrees, symptoms. Is inflammation of the bladder, because of this, urination becomes painful. Frequent urination persists, urine stream weak and intermittent, mixed with blood, a feeling of incomplete emptying, and involuntary leakage of urine becomes frequent. Perhaps the complete lack of urination under stress, with hypothermia, with alcohol consumption. Then there is the pain in the bladder, lower back, above the pubic bone. Because of strong voltage when urinating can fall the rectum or a hernia. In the bladder appear saccular formation due to the strong stretching of its walls and collects residual urine volume up to one liter. If the adenoma is not treated, it goes into a 3 stage.
Adenoma 3 degrees. There is a need in the bag, because leaking urine continuously. Symptoms: weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, thirst, constipation, urine smell from a mouth, the body weight reduces. Contractility of the bladder is reduced due to the distension of its walls, and the residual urine may accumulate up to two liters. Disrupted kidney, infection of urinary paths, the temperature rises. Require urgent medical and surgical treatment.
It is worth noting that medicines, herbal medicines, massage, and traditional methods do not cure from adenomas, but only ease symptoms and slow tumor growth. So no need to waste time, to adenoma have reached a high degree. The sooner the patient to see a doctor, the easier it will be to cure adenoma and to avoid complications.
In prostate cancer, there are different methods of treatment depending on the severity of the disease:
· Drugs, which appoints only the attending physician.
· Regular medical examination.
· Operation of the adenoma:
a) Transurethral electroresection of the prostate. Through the urethra the surgeon introduces a special instrument , the resectoscope, fornow, which are cut pieces of fabric and block blood vessels. Duration of surgery about 90 minutes. The outer sections when such operations are not done, so it is less painful.
b) Transurethral incision of the prostate gland. This operation is similar to the previous one, but it consists in the excision of the tissues of the glands and tissues, which narrows the neck of the bladder.
b) Operation using external incision. It is used for a significant increase in prostate when transurethral surgery is impossible.
g) Laserna surgery. The laser destroys abnormal tissue of the breast.
Therapeutic gymnastics in the adenoma with multiple repetition of exercises reduces pain, strengthens the muscles of the abdomen and pelvis. These exercises are also useful to implement for the prevention of prostate diseases.
1 the exercise. Sitting compress your knees and holding your stomach in, hold it for a while. Repeat at least 60 times. After the exercises relax 10 minutes.
2 exercise. Lying on the floor, raise your legs to a certain height and hold as you can. Repeat the exercise several times a day.
3 activity. Walking on the buttocks. Sitting on the floor, legs extended, move to the buttocks without the help of hands and feet.
4 the exercise. Squats. Bend over, leaning his hands on his knees, squat, then rise and straighten up.
Prevention of adenoma is a healthy lifestyle:
· Healthy eating. In the daily diet should include vitamins and minerals, fruits and vegetables preferably fresh. To reduce the consumption of animal proteins and replace them with beans, peas, mushrooms and eggplant. Exclude salted, smoked and spicy food which contribute to the growth of the glandular tissue of the prostate. Smoking, alcohol and even beer provoke the formation of tumors – this should be totally rejected.
· Sedentary life. Physical activity includes all possible physical labor, playing sports, Hiking, etc. an Active lifestyle relieves stagnation in the pelvic organs and reduces weight.
· Reduction of body weight. According to research, most men infected with prostate cancer, had problems with excess weight or obesity. Excess fatty tissue in the body greatly lowers the level of male hormones that contributes to early menopause in young men.
· A survey of the urologist. Every man after 40 years should undergo examination at the urologist once a year that allows you to identify the adenoma early on and to use gentle methods of treatment.
Remember: adenoma is an insidious disease! Even if the symptoms do not exist or they are small, the tumor may have a large shape, so, you should immediately consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate. Adenoma may completely block the urethra. Although the adenoma does not form metastases, but in degenerated glandular tissue may receive a secondary tumor, which is called prostate cancer.
PROSTATE CANCER – symptoms, prevention:
Prostate cancer is malignant neoplasm. It detects the physical examination, even if the patient has no complaints. In the later stages of the disease observed urinary retention, overflow urinary bladder. When metastases are found in other places, there is pain in the back, disturbed the nervous system, swollen feet, as it affects the lymphatic system.
Scientists believe that prostate cancer will develop in 30% of men aged 60-69 years and 67% at age 80-89 years. At risk are blacks, as they are twice as likely as whites suffer from this disease. On the development of prostate cancer greatly influenced by environment, diet, genetic and hormonal factors, a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet.
Prevention of prostate cancer:
Experts in the field of Oncology is recommended to increase consumption of plant foods and limit animal fats. The diet should include: bread, pasta, cereals, legumes, tomatoes, watermelons, grapefruit. Useful are mineral substances and certain medicinal plants.
Annual Wellness examinations allow us to detect cancer at an early stage, which contributes to more effective treatment. The survey includes:
· Biochemical blood test to determine prostate specific antigen, serum protein produced by prostate cells. When the disease of the gland increases the level of this antigen.
· Rectal finger examination. The doctor through the rectum and palpate the prostate gland determines the presence of pathological changes.
· Ultrasound examination. If finger examination and blood tests show the presence of the disease, then it is necessary to apply ultrasound with rectal probe. This study takes about 20 minutes. Based on the results of the study, the physician decides whether the patient prostate biopsy.
According to recent reports, some experts question whether a survey of older men for detection of prostate cancer. Some of it is the disease has almost no symptoms and does not cause significant harm, at the same time, the treatment can often cause serious side effects.
Men! Take care of your prostate gland. Even if you don’t have any complaints, go through the annual examination to detect the disease, early treatment and full recovery.