
Anxiety disorders – symptoms, treatment.

Anxiety is emotion or anxiety, which can be experienced by all people when there are reasons for that. As soon as the cause disappears, the excitement and anxiety pass.

But people who suffer from chronic anxiety disorder experience ongoing anxiety for no reason, which can lead to serious consequences.

If your close relative or friend suffer from this disorder, it is very important to understand what this disorder is and how you can help him. There are several types of anxiety disorders: panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive, post-traumatic stress, General anxiety disorder, social phobia, simple phobia.

Consider how it feels to people suffering from some type of anxiety disorder.

Panic disorder – symptoms are:

When the attack panic disorder the patient suddenly starts strongly beating heart, he covered with cold sweat, he found it hard to breathe, dizzy, confused consciousness, pain in the chest, there is a fear that he would die. An attack can last from 5 minutes to 20.

But patients suffer not only from the attack, but even when it ends, they with fear waiting for the next attack. They try not to be in those places where they were overtaken by once such an attack. As a result, some does not go out of the house because the panic attack may happen only because of one man, and he will not be able to help. Other out of the house unless accompanied by a person you trust and feel calm with him.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (obsessive-compulsive disorder) – symptoms:

People suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, constantly tormented by obsessive fear. For example, the fear of contamination and germs causes them to repeatedly wash their hands several times a day to take a shower, they try to avoid polluting. Someone constantly checking: off, and lock the door, etc Other due to obsessive-compulsive disorder repeatedly rethink and consider different sides of their mistakes and errors and obsessed with the desire to repent of them.

Post-traumatic stress disorder – symptoms are:

Post-traumatic stress disorder occurs in people who have experienced severe psychological trauma due to inflicted physical harm or the threat of such: during the war, car accident, severe beatings, rape, etc. of a Person plagued by constant memories of the event, nightmares, insomnia, and increased fearfulness. They may stutter, become irritable, aggressive and not experience warm feelings to loved ones, they have no desire to daily activities, reduced social activity.

General anxiety disorder – symptoms are:

People suffering from this disease, the whole day felt unjustly increased anxiety and anticipation of trouble. They excessively worry about health, family problems, finances and work. Disturbing even thoughts on the upcoming future.

Social phobia symptoms:

In this disorder a person suffers from a pronounced painful fear or unease, when other people look at it or make an opinion. This fear causes a person to avoid public speaking, eating in front of strangers, public toilets. He may start to worry a few days before some event. This fear is so strong that the person cannot work or study, participate in other normal cases it is difficult to find friends and keep friendship.

Simple phobia – symptoms:

A simple phobia is a common anxiety disorder it is found in every tenth person. In simple phobias people suffer from constant severe fear of a specific object, situation, animal. For example, he is afraid of dogs, snakes, spiders, heights, elevators, thunder, lightning, storms, dental treatment, injections, blood, water, etc. cause not Fear the objects themselves or of the situation, and the consequences that they once experienced from meeting with them: it’s terrible, heavy sweating and heartbeat, shakiness, dizziness, and nausea.

Anxiety disorder treatment:

Anxiety disorder is not, by itself, it can go in a severe form, the depression or cause chronic diseases: ulcer of stomach, hypertension, bowel disease and other illnesses.

Anxiety disorders can be treated with psychotherapy and medications. Psychotherapy is the mainstay of treatment of all anxiety disorders. With it revealed the true cause of anxiety disorders, the patient learns how to relax and control your state in case of precipitating factors. The result of recovery depends on the willingness of the patient and how much time has passed from the onset of symptoms of the disorder before treatment.

Drugs. Medication should be started only on prescription. For the treatment of anxiety disorders using antidepressants, tranquilizers, blockers. Most commonly used antidepressants, they are prescribed for a long time and they are not there addiction. They ease anxiety, relieve pain and autonomic dysfunction. Tranquilizers are used a short course, as they are addictive and dependence. At their reception, they weaken the sense of anxiety and fear, muscle tension, and normalize sleep. In the treatment of tranquilizers can’t drink alcohol. Blockers used to reduce heart rate and blood pressure.

Currently, there are developed effective treatments for anxiety disorders, this ensures a full and fruitful life for most patients.

Also, the patient must learn to cope with a sudden panic attack alone. It is recommended:

  1. 1. Learn to control the breath. If you feel the offensive attack, just concentrate on your breathing. You need to put your hand on your stomach and breathe without moving the chest and shoulders and stretching the muscles at hand. Taking a breath, count to three, hold your breath for 8-10 seconds, breathe out slowly, counting to three. To breathe no less than a minute.
  2. 2. Learn how to escape from a bad situation. Try to imagine yourself in a comfortable place to watch TV to distract yourself from the panic.
  3. 3. A change of scenery. Go to another room, change the environment, call the person who helps you calm down. Cover with a blanket to feel safe.
  4. 4. Physical education. If you feel that you have a panic attack, do some exercise. Stand up straight, hands to lift up, reach in, quietly exhale. To make inclinations in the parties.
  5. 5. To change the way of life. To give up Smoking and alcohol, limiting caffeine, sweet and fatty. The result is reduced anxiety.
  6. 6. Be aware of your fears. Keep a diary and record your feelings during an attack: when it happened, under what circumstances, what you felt.
Anxiety disorders – how you can help:

When a man experiences emotional distress, it affects his family. How loved ones can help the patient anxiety disorder?

Support. Most people find it difficult to understand the emotional problems of those suffering from an anxiety disorder, so they fear what they do not understand and hide their condition. And that causes them guilt, which exacerbates their emotional problems. Therefore, the support of loved ones is very important.

To learn more about this disorder. Close relatives and friends should learn as much information as possible about this disease to help the patient.

To comfort and strengthen. Kind words and a soft tone of voice will comfort the patient. Take care and avoid offensive words in his address. Consider the feelings of the afflicted person. Listen carefully and don’t jump to conclusions, not to aggravate his experiences. Take a look at things from his perspective. He freely pours out his feelings, and you will realize that he has to undergo. Then you will emotionally help the suffering people to lead a full, meaningful life.

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