Hemangioma refers to a form of benign tumors occurring quite frequently. The development of defect occurs, predominantly, of tissue of blood vessels and capillaries.
That is why the growth has a pinkish or red hue. Before you treat a hemangioma, it is necessary to understand that in most cases it does not cause any harm and is not dangerous to human life.
However, if its location – internal organs (kidney and liver), eyeball cavity, ear, etc., it is quite possible that their normal functioning. The reason here lies in the mechanical compression of tissues and blood circulation. Cells simply atrophy and lose their former properties.
The reasons for the development
To date, thoroughly do not know the exact cause of a hemangioma. However, the most realistic assumptions and theories of the development of disease – violation of the growth and normal functioning of blood vessels. This can happen during fetal formation of organs and systems of the fetus. It is likely the cause of hormonal imbalance.
Hemangioma is a disease associated with impaired growth of vascular tissues. Tumor localization is very different, it can be located on the skin and internal human organs, in the region of the vertebral cartilage, etc.
Discrepancy of growth of body parts and systems of vessels lead to the development of pathological processes, disrupted regulation. Due to this theory’s pretty simple: at the time of formation of organs, the vascular mesh permeates the body on the chain of perinatalnyj cells acting as conductors and scheduled humoral mechanisms.
When tissues suffer from hypoxia, the production of a special protein that attracts pericytes. In the case where the separation of protein doesn’t end at the end of the forming fabric of vessels, the growth and division of cells, also. don’t stop. All this, ultimately, leads to proliferation of vascular brooms and the formation of hemangioma.

Classification of hemangiomas
Depending on the localization, the data of non-malignant neoplasms are divided into several types:
- Skin: it is located in the surface epithelium. This narosli the least threat and remove it is only for several aesthetic reasons. An exception may be a tumor formed in the region of the ear canal and hinder the process of auditory perception.
- Hemangioma of the parenchymatous organs, not localized on the body surface and internal organs, which may include kidney, liver, sex glands and even the brain. Such formations appear more rarely and in need of urgent treatment.
- Hemangioma of the vertebrae not life-threatening the patient, however, it can cause disorders in motor activity and normal functioning of the skeleton. There are several varieties of the disease, depending on what kind of plot is striking hemangioma of the vertebrae: th10, th12, and so on. Most often, it is found hemangioma th2, the treatment of which, as in other cases, requires the prior survey. Also, hemangioma of the vertebrae can lead to bleeding, for the sole reason that education is prone to rapid growth and equally rapid involution. The treatment is performed as necessary. Sometimes, hemangioma of the vertebrae is removed with surgery, with careful excision of the diseased tissue.

Main types
To date, there are three types of the tumor. Among them:
- Capillary hemangioma, which is a violation of the growth of the vascular tissues in capillaries. Such a defect is presented in the form of single-layer growth of the epithelium, more often localized on the skin and tissues of the musculoskeletal system.
- Cavernous hemangioma, emerging from a large portion of the vessels and, accordingly, have a multiple larger than in the case of destruction of capillaries. The site of the lesion, most internal organs, resulting in disturbed blood supply and proper functioning of the system. It is more dangerous to the health of the patient and requires prompt treatment.
- Mixed capillary-cavernous hemangioma developing in areas close to the body. They can be formed as from the network of small capillaries and large vessels. In the vast majority of cases, this tumor occurs in adult patients.
This type of tumor, in most cases, does not require treatment. So, a growth located on the body, in the area of the skin, does not cause any discomfort and does not pose a risk to health. However, hemangioma of vertebrae th10, th12, and others, as well as a tumor, localized in the internal organs require treatment.
Mostly elected conservative methods of treatment of the disease, with the help of medications. If the result remains unsatisfactory, in some cases, resort to surgical intervention.