
Saline for nasal lavage the child with a cold

There are several types of saline. You can use pharmaceutical products that are produced in sterile containers of 100 ml with a concentration of 0.9%. To bury your nose the child is comfortable with the pipette.

The liquid salt is prepared independently. Will need 1 liter of purified boiling water and 10 grams of salt. It is dissolved, and the solution cooled to room temperature.

The most effective fibrestore from the common cold for children are products containing sea salt. Such fluids have a natural composition with a full set of minerals.

The drops act on the mucous membranes, providing additional antiseptic and moisturizing effect.

For baby it is better to buy a specially designed drug in the drops with the content of sea salt. The pump dispenser provides a soft impact.

How to make nose drops for a child of saline?

Sometimes sodium chloride is not at hand, and the symptoms of rhinitis strengthen. You need to prepare saline solution. Filtered water boiled and cooled to 40 degrees. This is the optimal temperature for dissolution of the salt. If the bottom of the remaining residue, water is filtered through cheesecloth. Code the liquid will become warm, it is gaining a pipette and injected into the nostrils.

Saline solution refers only to the means for washing, so you can’t add other drugs from rhinitis (allergic and vasoconstrictive drops).

Methods nasal lavage with saline children

How often can I wash the nose with saline, and what rules must be observed to be more effective treatment of rhinitis?

Sodium chloride or sea water is absolutely safe for the mucosa of the child. Rinse nose with saline to children will be required each time the nose accumulates mucus, difficult breathing.

When using a syringe or rubber bulb pressure to the bow stroke increases several times. The anatomical structure of the nasopharynx and the ear in children is different from adults, which can lead to damage and even deterioration of the hearing function. Allowed only instill saline fluid and the use of suction for the removal of viscous mucus from the sinuses.

If the child is already in conscious age, it also allowed self-introduction of a solution into the nasal passages. To do this, the child becomes in front of the sink, tip your head forward and slightly to the side. Then alternately pours the solution into one nostril, the liquid should be poured from another. It is advisable to prevent getting the solution into the oral cavity.

For effective removal of mucus after nasal lavage with saline, the child is widely practised aspirators. This is a special device to suck the mucus even from hard to reach places. With the help of aspirator secret is removed gently and softly. The device is made of special safe material. It has a reservoir in which it is possible to consider the amount of mucus and its impurities. Thanks to a special filter in the aspirator after nasal lavage with saline, the child is excluded from entering the liquid of secretions in the oral cavity.

As a drip drops of saline?

To enter saline for nasal lavage, the child is placed on the side. First, drop one turn, the child lies on its side 30-60 seconds. Then he changes the position of the body, turning to the other side. After that, the viscosity of mucus decreases, accompanied by profuse over the secret. At this point, it should be carefully removed with the help of a rubber bulb or aspirator to clear the passages. If the first attempt to eliminate all the mucus has failed requires a second procedure.

Any rhinitis in children is instilled into the nose with saline is recommended in the early stages of the disease.
Why is this necessary?
  1. Timely hydration of the mucosa in the cavity. When the desiccation of the epithelium decreases local immunity, irritation and deterioration of breathing ability.
  2. The removal of the inflammatory process. Sodium chloride does not contain antiviral and other active components, but contributes to the leaching of a large number of germs, which reduces the intensity of infection.
  3. Liquefaction of stagnant mucus, preventing the spread of infection deep in the sinuses. The risk of sinusitis is reduced by several times.
  4. Removing crusts. With abundant accumulation of dry secret the child may be risk of injury to the mucosa, if he tries to remove them. In rhinitis, the blood vessels become fragile, any mechanical impact leads to their rupture and bleeding.
  5. Support microflora, recovery of the mucosa and the production of mucin (a natural polysaccharide). This remains a strong bactericidal action needed to combat Staphylococcus aureus and adenovirus.
Contraindications to the use of saline

The use of saline for nasal lavage the child is excluded under certain conditions. Before any operation related to the washing of the nose of the child is necessary to consult the pediatrician.


  • polyps, cysts cavity and sinuses, and various formations in the ENT organs;
  • decreased tone of the vessels of the mucosa, which leads to constant bleeding;
  • swelling in the sinuses, caused by pathological process (expressed allergic reactions, injuries);
  • individual intolerance to salt, which is extremely rare.

In other cases, a saline solution or sea water is a sure remedy for quick relief of severe rhinitis and removing obstruction in the nose.

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