The article discussed the probable causes and treatment of this symptom, learn about various diagnostic and prevention. Frequently pus from nose appears during the sinus (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etmoidit and sphenoidale), revealed a furuncle in the nasal cavity.
Each disease has its own characteristics, having learned about which you can conduct your own primary diagnosis.
Discharge from the nasal passages in the physiological norm, should be absent. Slimy secret needed to hydrate coming into the respiratory tract of air. Release from the nasal passages is characterized as irinotecan or runny nose.
Pus flows from the nose is a major symptom of many diseases requiring immediate treatment to the audiologist. If this sign appeared, it means that there’s a good reason: furuncle, sinusitis, purulent sinusitis and other pathologies.
The appearance of pus from the nose should immediately contact your doctor, because the penetration of pathogenic microflora in the structure of the brain can lead to death.
Constantly observed nasal congestion, and pus flows with elevated body temperature and headaches? Primarily looking for acute sinusitis, which may be the main cause of this condition.
Acute purulent sinusitis – a reason for immediate treatment to otolaryngology. Do not be afraid, currently the treatment is done in most cases without puncture. The inflammatory process in the maxillary sinus occurs under the influence of bacterial microflora. So is formed the pus flowing from his nose and hits the back wall of the nasopharynx. May be accompanied by prolapse of pus in the mouth.
For the treatment uses broad-spectrum antibiotics. Shows the use of “Ciprofloxacin”, 500 mg 2 times a day, or “Azitroks” 500 mg 1 time a day, or “Amoxicillin” 500 mg 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days. Topically used vasoconstrictor drops (“Galazolin”, “I”, “Naphazoline”), after 20 minutes you can bury “Polideksa”, “Isopro” or other drops with an antibiotic and glukokorticosteroida. Also inside is assigned to antihistamine therapy (pills “Diazolin” 1 tablet 2 times a day).
For the entire period of treatment is a sheet of temporary disability. As diagnostic studies radiography of the paranasal sinuses, the General analysis of blood, ECG to exclude rheumatoid lesions of the heart valves.
If pus from the nose in sinusitis is not fully departs, the patient is experiencing severe headaches, worse when head tilts. When such symptoms are shown, the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (“Aspirin”, “Ibuprofen”, “Baralgin”, “Pentalgin” etc.).
A complication may become purulent rhinitis, which is difficult to treat and often gives of aggravation in the hypothermia. Before treatment is required to bacterial seeding of the contents of the nasal passages to determine sensitivity to antibiotics.
If nasal pus flowed with blood is boil
Furunculosis is a serious systemic disease. It is based on a decrease function of the immune system and carriage of pyogenic microflora (streptococci, staphylococci, Haemophilus coli, Klebsiella, etc.). If the nose simultaneously pus flowed with blood and that the allocation ceased, then with high probability it is a boil, which bursts out spontaneously and was discovered. As a rule, the elements of the abrasions are not rare. Patients can find numerous ulcers on the back, neck and face.
Boil in the nose can be located in the part of the mucosa, where they grow hairs. Inflamed hair follicles on the bottom, in the area of the nasal septum, the upper part of the cavities. In the absence of etiotropic treatment, the disease progresses, new elements appear again and again. Moreover, over time the disease may take a generalized form, and lead to the development of bacteremia and pyemia, sepsis, development of an abscess in the nasal cavity and the nasopharynx, thrombosis and other complications.
If pus flowed from the nose, consult your doctor, ask to schedule a bacteriological culture. Thus it is possible to release your body from the carriage of dangerous bacteria.
Special treatment of a single element in the boil is not required. The General treatment includes antibiotics and sulfa drugs, restorative therapy and measures to increase the immunity.
One more reason of pus from the nose – sinusitis and treatment
Purulent form of sinusitis is not only sinusitis. In the group of pathologies include frontal sinusitis (lesion of the frontal sinuses), sphenoiditis (lesion of the sphenoid sinus), etmoidit and other forms. This is another common reason of allocation of pus from the nose, sometimes for a long time without the presence of other symptoms.
The fact that pain, fever and General weakness inflammation of the paranasal sinuses are manifested precisely in the period when there is an accumulation of purulent exudate. In the moment when starts active outflow, the patient’s condition improves dramatically. But this does not mean that you can forget about the existing problem and wait for purulent discharge from the nose will stop on their own.
Treatment of sinusitis is a long and expensive process. Settled here pathogenic microflora has a certain resistance to antibacterial therapy, as not all antibiotics are able to reach to the hearth of its location. For this reason, held puncture, punctures and lavage of the paranasal sinuses with antiseptic solutions.
Timely start of etiotropic treatment allows to avoid such manipulation. Patients undergo a study of bacterial secreted from the nose of pus and its results is assigned to antimicrobial therapy. Prior to receipt of results is assigned broad-spectrum antibiotics.
Also locally assigned rinsing the nasal passages with a solution “Miramistina”, “Furatsilinom”. Immediately after rinsing and draining the used vasoconstrictor drops. After half an hour you can get medical drops with a content of hormonal and antibacterial component.
To eliminate the swelling of the mucous membrane and to ensure the free discharge of pus from the nose allow well-chosen antihistamines in tablets. Most often used “Suprastin” and “Tavegil”, if necessary to avoid side effects (drowsiness, poor concentration) can be replaced by “Effective”, “claritin”, “loratadine”, etc., With pain, painkillers are appointed: “Ketorol”, “caution”, “Pentalgin”, “Baralgin”.
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