Adolescence is a difficult period for the body. At this time there and physical growth spurt, and hormonal changes – as a result, there are disorders in the body.
Nosebleeds during puberty is not uncommon.
They can be caused by endocrine factor or other, more serious problems. That is why when you duplicate the problem or when its duration more than 10 minutes you should consult with the ENT doctor.
Local causes
To the local causes that can cause bleeding from the nasal passages in teenagers include:
- mechanical injuries – bumps and bruises;
- the weakness and fragility of the capillaries;
- education in the nasal cavities or paranasal sinuses – polyps, cysts, sinehii, as well as cancer tumor;
- acute and chronic diseases – rhinitis, flu;
- Allergy to dust, flowering plants, fur, feathers.
In infectious diseases and Allergy, the nasal mucosa is depleted, and its integrity is damaged – it can not fully protect the blood vessels and capillaries from injury. It is therefore not a measure of the intensive blowing your nose can cause bleeding.
It is also important to remember that the bleeding that occurred one day in the near future could happen again – to heal damaged blood vessels takes time; the slightest damage will lead to a new blood loss.
Pathology the common causes
If the teenager is often bleeding from the nose, may be due to processes that encompass the entire body.
What it is:
- hormonal surge – the famous “Sputnik” of adolescence. This is the restructuring of the body hormonal levels. The release of hormones in the blood provokes the constriction of the capillaries, as a result, the pressure increases. Blood vessel walls are weak (as in the nasal cavity they are) it can not withstand, which can lead to bleeding;
- psycho-emotional factor, acute turmoil, worries, anxiety (puberty they become especially intense) can cause an increase in intracranial pressure;
- excessive physical activity is also affecting the intracranial and arterial blood pressure, which may bleed;
- the beginning of menstruation in girls is accompanied by copious rush of blood to the genitals and the head, because in these periods also may experience bleeding (usually occurs at the age of twelve to fourteen years);
- solar or heat stroke – during a long stay in the open sun epistaxis is not uncommon. It is accompanied by redness of the skin, chills, presyncope condition or fainting.
Systematic nosebleeds in children and adolescents can cause a number of diseases that are associated with blood clotting and hormone production: hemophilia, vascular dystonia, chronic sinusitis, liver disease and cardiovascular system. Vitamin deficiency and a weakened immune system increase the chance of developing this problem.
Why often bleeding from the nose in adolescents?
Underlying causes regular bleeding only two: the first is the rapid pressure increase in vessels and capillaries, the second – in damage of the nasal mucosa.
Sudden changes in intracranial and blood pressure accompanied by nasal bleeding in adolescents is due to the fact that in the nasal cavities of the capillaries are very thin, and the body, exercising self-control, tears them to “get rid” of the excess blood. In this case, periodic bleeding are normal. But if the blood out of his nose often, and with it the appear of dizziness and lightheadedness, nausea and vomiting is a direct indication for consultation with an endocrinologist and otolaryngologist.
How to identify the true cause – diagnosis
What to do if my nose is bleeding a lot? When overly active bleeding, the ENT will prescribe the conduct of rhinoscopy is a diagnostic method in which the nasal course introduces a thin tube with mirrors. This procedure allows to study in detail the state of the mucosa and nasal passages, and to identify why bleeding from the nose at the teenager (if the cause is local in nature). After that, the doctor will prescribe drugs aimed at solving problems: strengthening vascular walls, the moisturizing and healing of the mucosa, etc.
If the rhinoscopy was not informative, it is necessary to pass a General analysis of blood (UAC) and to complete additional surveys that will indicate the status of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and spleen. Also need to be checked for the presence of atherosclerosis and cancerous tumors.
The set of results of examinations the doctor will certainly establish the true cause of the bleeding and determine the need for treatment. In rare cases this symptom may be the cause of hospitalization.
If the bleeding as a consequence of injury of the nose is repeated several times is also indicative of the need to communicate with the doctor. The teenager, not after the relapse to have any effect on the nasal cavity, including to apply vasoconstrictors, until the doctor will do a physical exam.
What to do, how to remove a bad symptom?
When it starts bleeding, the complex right action will help him to stop. Instinctively when you start bleeding man (teenager) sit straight and throws her head up so that the blood no longer flowed. But it is absolutely wrong action: thus it is possible to make contact with blood in the throat and lower respiratory tract. At best it will leave a bad taste in my mouth in the worst condition will be complicated by nausea, vomiting, and if the blood is thick, the child may start to choke.
Therapy of epistaxis are as follows:
- Sit upright on a chair, bench, any other surface, leaning forward slightly.
- The thumb and index finger to pinch the nose.
- For heavy bleeding you can enter in the nasal passages lumps of cotton wool soaked in hydrogen peroxide or, in its absence, water.
- If this happens in a closed room, to give access to fresh air.
- While lightheadedness in adolescents, to allow to smell liquid ammonia.
- To attach to the bridge of the nose ice or something cold it will constrict the capillaries and reduce the amount of blood.
- Massage the point on the upper lip under the nostril from which the blood flows.
- If a long time the bleeding does not stop, call an ambulance.
Important! After stopping the bleeding should avoid blowing the nose or rinse your nose – this can cause a repetition of the situation.
If bleeding from the nose is in adolescent girls and is associated with the onset of menses, to drink and painkillers to ensure peace, preferably in the supine position, to reduce strain on the body. In this case, the child should rest more.
If the issue is systematic and requires treatment at the discretion of the doctor, the following treatment of bleeding from the nose in adolescents:
- strengthening the walls of blood vessels medical;
- improve immunity of body;
- laser cautery of blood vessels;
- surgery to remove masses in the nose.
A single short-term bleeding not pose a threat to the health of a teenager, but if they appear with a certain frequency and longer duration of 10 minutes is necessary to identify the cause and take preventive measures.
Innate characteristics of the child: the pathology when disrupted blood clotting or the structure of the nasal septum – requires careful control of a doctor. Especially in adolescence, when the body receives an increased load.
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