
Dangerous cold in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

The safest period of pregnancy is 2nd trimester. However, even in thisrelatively quiet time, the cold can lead to improper development of the unborn baby.

During the second trimester there is an active fetal growth, and improvement of the internal organs and systems. In this period the baby needs plenty of oxygen.

I have the pregnant women in the second trimester, which is accompanied by nasal congestion, due to improper breathing in the female body receives much less oxygen than needed for the child. In protracted rhinitis can cause fetal hypoxia, which leads to violations of its development.

That is why pregnant women are recommended at the first sign of the disease immediately consult a doctor. He will select the most suitable drugs that can alleviate the condition of the expectant mother and to hasten the recovery.
Causes of rhinitis in pregnant women

Despite the fact that symptoms of rhinitis is in most cases identical to its appearance can help for several reasons. Depending on the etiology of the disease gets the appropriate treatment.

So the cause of rhinitis in the 2 trimester of pregnancy can be:

  • hormonal changes the body;
  • viral, bacterial infection;
  • excessive use of vasoconstrictor drops (drug-induced rhinitis), but during pregnancy they are prohibited and can only be used out of ignorance;
  • nose injury.

In the first weeks of pregnancy the main culprit of the common cold is often a viral infection. But since 12 weeks, rhinitis develops on the background of hormonal changes in the female body. Is vasodilation of the circulatory system as a result of enhanced production of progesterone and estrogen.

Those substances influencing the development of the fetus and the placenta, affect the entire body. Therefore, the blood vessels in the nasal passages also dilate, which leads to swelling, recurrent nasal congestion. Such a condition doctors call vasomotor rhinitis.

There is still such a thing as drug-induced rhinitis. The reason for this condition becomes excessive use of vasoconstrictor drops, that the female body can answer addictive. In the treatment of rhinitis is necessary to remember that such tools can be used not more than 5 days, and strictly by the doctor. During pregnancy such funds is prohibited.

Another one of the causes of rhinitis is the nose injury. As a result of falling inside the nasal passages of foreign body, or due to strong impact may damage their mucosa. This leads to swelling of tissues and, as a consequence of the abundant secretions, nasal congestion.

How to cure common cold during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester?

Therapy runny nose during pregnancy needs to be picked up solely by the doctor individually. To choose their own medicines and procedures because they can cause serious and dangerous complications.

Successful treatment of runny nose during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester include:

  • traditional methods of therapy;
  • medicines, drops, sprays permitted during this period;
  • rinsing the nasal passages pharmacy and homemade saline solution;
  • thermal inhalation.
Popular recipes safe for fetus

Apply alternative therapies rhinitis doctors recommend with caution. This is especially true of pregnant women. About how to cure a runny nose folk remedies, you must ask the doctor.

This files most often during pregnancy for the treatment of rhinitis appoint the juice of aloe (agave). It is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory agent helps to cope with the swelling and reduce the amount of discharge in the cold.

Use a home remedy as follows:

  1. Fresh leaves of the plant are ground into a pulp and squeeze the juice.
  2. The resulting tool is diluted with cooled boiled or filtered water in the ratio 1:1.
  3. Ready drops instilled three times a day 2-3 drops to ease symptoms.

Equally effective in the treatment of rhinitis juice of carrots or beets. It’s a good alternative to pharmaceutical drugs in the early stage of the disease.

Prepare the medium shortly before use:

  1. Carrots or beets are crushed with the help of a fine grater and squeeze the juice.
  2. Dilute the resulting medium is not necessary, it is ready for use.
  3. Bury the juice 2-3 drops three times a day.

In addition to the drops while carrying a child, you can apply a tonic, which helps improve the performance of the protective systems of the body. One of these pet medicines is rose hips. This natural toothpaste helps fight viral infections and speeds recovery.

For the treatment of rhinitis in pregnant women used a decoction of rose hips.

It is prepared thus:

  1. Two tablespoons of raw pour hot boiled water (0.5 litre), then put in a water bath.
  2. The future of drug simmering on low heat for about 20 minutes.
  3. Then remove from fire, cool and pozhivayut.
  4. Take a decoction of half a standard Cup 3 times a day.
Medical therapy: eye drops, sprays, tablets

Runny nose during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester in the initial stages responds well to treatment. For this, the most commonly used herbal medicinal products, as well as drops, sprays containing sea water.

The safest and most effective are recognized:

  1. “Pinosol.” This herbal product developed on the basis of essential oils of peppermint, eucalyptus, quickly reduces inflammation, reduces swelling, heals damaged mucous membranes of the nasal passages. Instilled into the nose 2 drops morning and evening.
  2. “Aqua Maris”. Helps to fight against the rhinitis, dryness of mucous membranes. In addition, the spray is a great tool for prevention of infectious diseases during the epidemic. Possible application as needed up to 5 times a day.
  3. “Mamina”. Nasal ointment based on oil of eucalyptus leaves. Has anti-inflammatory, local thinning effect. Ointment lubricate the nasal passages in the morning and evening.
  4. “Sinupret”. Preformed medicament on a plant basis are used in various types of rhinitis, sinusitis. Has powerful anti-inflammatory effect, reduces swelling, thins nasal mucus, facilitating its exit. Take 2 tablets three times a day for 15-20 minutes before eating.

In addition to these drugs may use homeopathic medicines. One of the most popular is the spray “Teva”. It reduces swelling, reduces congestion, reduces the risk of complications.

Treatments at home

For the treatment of rhinitis in the second trimester of pregnancy is often prescribed flushing nasal cavity saline solution. This is the simple but effective method of therapy. Regular, iodized salt (a teaspoon without slides) diluted in a full glass cooled to room temperature boiled water. For convenience, use a regular syringe, a syringe or a teapot.

The selected device gain a saline solution, tilt your head over the sink down and slightly to one side, and in the upper nostril and gently pour the solution. If done correctly, the liquid will flow through the mouth or nostril, which is located below. Further good vysmarkivayutsya, then repeat the procedure on the other side.

With a strong fever in the second trimester can be carried out inhalation. To do this, prepare a bowl of hot water, drop few drops of essential oil. Well facilitate the state in rhinitis eucalyptus, chamomile, calendula. Next, lean over a bowl, and inhale the vapor for 5 minutes. Tighten the procedure does not have specified time is sufficient to ease the breath.

When rhinitis to facilitate the discharge of mucus can be slightly to warm up the sinuses. To do this, use warming ointment or bags of salt. This procedure increases local blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the mucosa of the nasal passages.

How to choose a means of a cold for a pregnant second trimester?

A pregnant woman should not use means for the treatment of rhinitis in whom pregnancy is contraindicated. These drugs may have a harmful effect on the fetus, provoke a miscarriage.

Banned for use in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy all fully vasoconstrictor drops and sprays. Their use marked spasm of blood vessels located in the nasal cavity, but also in the placenta that can trigger hypoxia – a lack of oxygen.

While carrying a child can be to use herbal medicinal products, but in any case you need to consult a doctor. Even such gentle medicines are sometimes lead to the development of allergic reactions, which is very dangerous for both the mother and unborn child.

Cautions in treatment – what not to do.

Treatment of rhinitis during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester has its own specifics.

Is strictly prohibited these home treatments:

  • hot bath;
  • the steaming of the feet;
  • mustard.

All of these activities can cause premature birth, so to use them you should not. Contraindicated for the treatment of rhinitis with antibiotics. These drugs are banned. Assign them can only be a doctor and then only in very difficult and dangerous occasions when the risk to life of pregnant greater than the risk of various abnormalities in the fetus.

Should not be during pregnancy use of immunostimulatory herbal tinctures. Extracts of ginseng, Echinacea, or licorice can trigger palpitations, not only women but also the unborn child, which can lead to serious conditions.

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