This misconception can be very dangerous, because approximately 20% of cases when you open this type of bleeding a person needs medical help.
In addition, a compassionate witness such a situation can give a pill to lower the pressure, believing that herein lies the cause of the bleeding.
And if it turns out that the nose is bleeding under reduced pressure, a medication can make it even lower, to provoke loss of consciousness, sometimes – long coma.
At what pressure can bleed from the nose?
It is widely believed that this happens only in hypertensive patients (people with chronically high blood pressure). Considered normal figure is 120/80, high is 140/90 or more, low – 100/60 or less. It is impossible for external signs to determine at what pressure bleeding from the nose. It may appear in patients with hypotension, and holders of pressure in the normal range.
Causes of nasal bleeding at different blood pressure
They are quite numerous. Occasional bleeding should not cause concern. Worse, if it is a recurrent and Often long-lasting, rich streaks is a signal that you need to go to a medical facility for full examination.
Why can it happen?
Bleeding from the nose for high blood pressure
Hypertension increases the workload of the heart muscle, increasing the strength of blood vessel walls – these walls gradually become thinner, lose their elasticity and can break. Actually, just like at elevated pressure and released the blood from his nose with capillaries cannot withstand the load.
Surprisingly, blood from the nose at too high pressure is partly helpful: it reduces pressure. The rupture of blood vessels is a common situation for hypertension. Better if it will be the blood vessels in the nose, and the gap will help the excess blood to go out than the same thing will happen in the vessels of the head, which can lead to bleeding in the brain – hemorrhagic stroke.
Factors causing high blood pressure and subsequent bleeding from nose are:
- high physical activity;
- excessively hot weather;
- the stressful situation.
Important! Hypertension harbingers of hemorrhage are headache and dizziness, possible noises in the ears and sudden General weakness.
When indicators 160/100 bleeding is desirable because such a condition of the cardiovascular system poses a potential serious risk to health. And at a pressure of over 200/100 it is vital, because in rare cases with a hypertensive crisis, when there is no alternative means to reduce the pressure, sometimes resorting to light blows on the nose to break the integrity of the capillary mesh and cause bleeding.
Bleeding from the nose at low pressure
Hypotension, in contrast to hypertension, not a critical state of health and of human life. However, chronically low blood pressure has a certain impact on the functioning of individual systems and the whole organism.
Often hypotension appears in anemia – deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood, which leads to its dilution and, consequently, reducing the strength of its pressure on the walls of blood vessels. Deficiency of hemoglobin, iron leads to increased fragility of blood vessels – this can also cause a nosebleed.
Hypotension can cause dizziness and sudden onset of weakness, even fainting. A concussion from a fall may also cause bleeding.
Often the nosebleeds at a pressure below normal is a consequence of such situations as:
- fright;
- chronic fatigue;
- stressful situation;
- the lack of sleep.
In addition, bleeding from the nose at too low pressure can be in such situations as:
- internal bleeding – the accumulated blood, seeking a way out, in the end, she goes through the nasal passages or throat;
- the failure of the hormonal system while thinning the blood it flows with the slightest scratch on it from clotting takes more time;
- myocardial infarction – rupture of the heart muscle, will be present and bloody cough;
- cancer – for their character weakness, hypotension, anemia, decreased immunity.
If hypotension starts bleeding, you need to figure out what was his reason. Low blood pressure and nosebleed is often associated with serious diseases that require medical interventions.
At normal pressure
As in the case of hypotension, bleeding from the nasal passages at normal pressure indicates a failure in the body, a possible illness, which requires diagnosis and treatment.
If the measure of blood pressure is within normal limits, but nose bleed, this may be for several reasons:
- fragility, fragility of blood vessels;
- dry air in the room;
- allergic reaction;
- cancer.
Also the problem can provoke, if when sneezing cover your mouth or pinching your nose to reduce noise in this process. In this case, locally (in the nasal passages) rapidly increasing pressure that may lead to rupture of blood vessels.
First aid
If the blood flow is intense, lasts more than 10 minutes without slowing down, despite all taken measures, you must call emergency medical help. It is also important to do this if the bleeding is accompanied by nausea and weakness, there is a possibility of loss of consciousness.
But in most cases it is sufficient to timely and competently provided care.
Before giving medications, you must try to figure out when it started bleeding from the nose, what pressure was the patient. If learn does not work, you should try to do without the drug.
General rules for stop nosebleeds
- The first and most important rule – the patient must be calm. The sight of blood often causes fear and panic, but both of these factors can interfere with therapy, and even aggravate bleeding. That is why patients should talk quietly, but clearly, explaining that this behavior has hurt him.
- The man with the bleeding you should sit on a chair, curb, or other smooth, hard surface. If this is happening in the room – open a window or door for fresh air. Must sit with a straight back, leaning forward slightly.
- To stop the dizziness, you need a cotton ball moistened in liquid ammonia, because of its lack – in any alcohol-containing vehicle, having a pungent odor.
- To the nose should make something cold – perfect ice, wrapped in a towel or plastic bottle with cold water. Or keys, utensils (spoon, Cup) cold provokes the contraction of blood vessels, reduce bleeding. In the nostrils, you can insert pieces of cotton wool in order to absorb the allocation.
- Be sure to breathe with your mouth open and not to swallow blood clots – it can cause a gag reflex, which a priori increases the pressure and contributes to a more intense blood loss.
What to do if bleeding from low blood pressure?
If the patient has chronic hypotension, you need to know, perhaps he’s got a pill to increase pressure. Also raise this figure physical activity as soon as the blood curdle, the patient must walk or even poprisedat (but not more than 10 squats).
Helps to achieve the desired and coffee – espresso or Americano would be very appropriate.
What to do if bleeding due to high blood pressure?
People with chronic hypertension must carry medications for high blood pressure. If they are not, you need to wait for the bleeding to stop, then you can drink 50 grams of cognac – but only such a small dose. Cognac dilates blood vessels, reduces blood pressure on their walls.
You also need to undergo drug treatments or vitamin complexes to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. But it is desirable to receive consultations of cardiologist and neurologist – these doctors will prescribe a specific destination.
Prohibited actions to stop the bleeding from the nose
Correctly provided first aid is important. And this is why it is important to know not only what to do in such a situation, but that is strictly not necessary.
So, a reflex when you open the bleed tilt your head backwards. But such action can do more harm than provides benefits: first, the blood needs somewhere to go, and if it does not flow through the nasal passages out, it will sink down the larynx to the bronchi; the second, in this position, you can pinch the vessels on which blood flowing from the head – it will quickly lead to a further increase in blood pressure and, logically, to increased bleeding.
You cannot vysmarkivatsya – such action will lead to the rupture of new vessels and the bleeding will intensify. This is true even if the blood is already clotted, but remained on the walls of the mucosa. Also do not rinse the nostrils with water moisture prevents blood clotting, making it more liquid.
Within a few hours, it is recommended not to drink hot drinks and not to engage in physical activity, and for 3 days after bleeding, you cannot use medications that tend to thin the blood – the most common ones are ibuprofen and aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). It is important to note that these drugs are contained not only in the same drugs, but are integral components of several dozens of other drugs. Therefore before to take any tablet or suspension, should be carefully studied composition.
When starting from the nose dripping blood, it often stops after 5-7 minutes, but if this is repeated regularly, and especially if it is not caused by hypertension – need to find out the provoking cause. Perhaps the organism shows that he needs treatment.