
Nasal lavage newborn and infant

Lavage of the nose or, in other words, irrigation is a versatile procedure that helps cleanse the nasal sinuses and cope with many ear, nose and throat diseases in the home.

Most often, when it is used normal saline. This drug is considered the most optimal for the body and is used as treatment for both adults and young children.

Moreover a nasal wash sodium chloride 9% is a great preventative treatment to prevent the development of viral infections.

Features lavage with saline

Rinse the nose with isotonic solution of sodium chloride is actually easy.

However, this procedure has its own peculiarities that you should know before you start washing.

  1. To clear the nasal passages you will need a special device for irrigation or a Netti-pot looks similar to a normal teapot. The procedure is best done in the bathroom above the sink. The head have to tilt to one side so that the saline does not pocket in the Eustachian tube. You need to keep your mouth open so that the liquid, pour in upper nostril flowed through him, and the opposite nasal passage. The cavities were cleaned more effectively with manipulation is possible to pronounce the letter “And”.
  2. There is a second method. It will require the usual pear rubber (squirt). Its tip inserted into the nostril and gently press the feeding liquid. This should be done carefully, so the pressure is not too strong.
  3. If you do not have a rubber bulb and a special device, gaining a small amount of saline solution in your palms and draw in turn each nostril. After that, the nose is clamped with two fingers and twice the head throw back. The liquid should flow through the mouth.

Is it possible to wash or to drip the saline into the nose of a newborn and infant?

Saline is considered the safest drug and it is approved for use in newborns, infants. In fact it is a weak salt solution, the dry matter concentration of which is exactly the same as in the blood in humans.

Most pediatricians choose saline for nasal lavage newborn. The tool promotes hydration of the mucosa of the nasal cavity, does not bring any discomfort. Contra-indications for local application of saline are virtually absent, so it is allowed to use in infants and newborns.

Indications for the nasal lavage with sodium chloride

Regular water, even boiled, heavier tolerated by the body than saline. Therefore, virtually all diseases of the nose prescribed washing this tool.

Irrigation with saline is used in the treatment of the following pathologies:

  1. Rhinitis of any etiology. The procedure allows to reduce the congestion of the nasal passages to ease breathing and get rid of the accumulated mucous on harmful microorganisms.
  2. Sinusitis, other varieties of sinusitis. These diseases are characterized by accumulation in the maxillary or other sinuses, the thick, viscous secretion, which is very difficult coming out. Due to the lavage pathologic slime liquefies, promotes a speedy recovery.
  3. Nasopharyngitis. The disease in most cases develops on the background of the organism infection with rhinoviruses, Streptococcus pneumoniae, fungi (genus Candida). Irrigation helps to wash away deposited in the nasal mucous membrane of bacteria and facilitate the patient’s condition.

Despite the fact that this tool is completely safe, its use is not recommended in some diseases.

You should not wash the nose with saline if the patient is diagnosed:

  • polyps (singular, plural);
  • the weakness of blood capillaries in the nasal cavity;
  • severe edema of the mucosa;
  • intolerance or hypersensitivity to sodium chloride.

In these cases, at the discretion of the attending physician may be assigned other treatment or therapy, excluding self-washing.

How to make saline solution for nasal lavage – the recipe

The saline is allowed to leave over-the-counter in any pharmacy. Advantages of funds at low price of accessibility. However, there are situations where the specified drug is not at hand, but it is necessary. How to make saline solution yourself?

To make it at home you need:

  • iodized or sea salt;
  • boiled water.

To make homemade saline solution is necessary in accordance with the following dosage: 1 teaspoon of salt per Cup of boiled water. Better if the liquid is warm, so salt dissolve faster. To enhance the effect, if the tool is prepared for adult, you can add one drop of iodine. In the preparation of medicines to kids this ingredient is expelled, and the salt concentration decrease (1/3 of a teaspoon for the same amount of liquid).

Compliance with recommended proportions is a very important point in the treatment. Too steep salt solution may cause dryness of the mucosa, and cause complications.

Instructions for the nasal lavage with saline for the baby

Irrigation of the nose the baby has its own characteristics. How to do it right will be advised by the pediatrician.

If you visit the doctor at the moment there is no way you can follow the following instructions:

  1. Using a small rubber bulb or a special aspirator, nasal passages it is necessary to remove the accumulated abnormal secret. This will help the saline is easier to penetrate.
  2. To wash a child under 1 year standard syringe. It is better to take pattyboy. It should be noted that the saline for nasal lavage the child up to one year, should be slightly warm. To do this, typed in a syringe tool hold a few minutes in hand to warm.
  3. The baby laid on its left side and carefully, without pressing down sharply on the syringe, pour the warm solution into the nostril on top of it.
  4. If the procedure is performed properly, fluid begins to flow through the second nostril, the nose of the baby. Next child’s turn on the other side, then repeat the manipulation with the second bow stroke.
  5. Upon completion of the procedure remains the drug aspirated, using pears and gently special cotton swabs will conduct a final cleaning of the mucosa.
  6. If the child is assigned vasoconstrictor drops, they can be applied 15 minutes after washing.
Instructions for the nasal lavage with saline for a newborn

Irrigation of newly-born babies with caution. It will also require a rubber bulb (aspirator), saline solution, preferably pharmacy, cotton wool and sterile pipette.

The procedure is performed in the following way:

  1. You must first clear the nasal passages of the baby. For this purpose it should be laid back and soaked in boiled water with a cotton flagella carefully to collect the mucus.
  2. Then with a sterile pipette drip in each nostril saline solution (1-2 drops). After a few minutes, when a dried crust has dissolved, they are removed by aspirator or bulb.
  3. This was followed by a clearing of the nasal passages dry cotton flagella. You also need to exercise caution, as the mucous in babies is very delicate and easy to injure.
How often can I wash the nose with saline?

Many patients or their parents are wondering whether to rinse the nasal passages with saline daily. In fact, the frequency of the procedure should be prescribed by a doctor depending on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the organism.

If lavage is performed in the preventive purposes, daily activities can lead to complications. With a strong fever doctors recommend daily irrigation up to 5 times per day. As the recovery of the number of procedures reduced to two times a week.

The multiplicity of the nasal lavage with saline, infants, and newborns should appoint only the doctor. Independent and too often the procedure is quite often not only leads to the improvement of the crumbs, but also exacerbates existing pathology.

One thought on “Nasal lavage newborn and infant

  1. Is it possible to wash or to drip the saline into the nose of a newborn and infant?

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