
Signs of bullish tapeworm

Beef tapeworm – huge worms, or, as they call it solitaire. Parasitic species of tapeworms capable of hitting the body of cattle (usually a cow) and a man who, by the way, is the only final host for them.

Numerous cases of infection with worms, adults of which reach 15 metres in length, recorded in the States with a critical epidemiological and economic situation on the African continent and in Latin America. The defeat of bullish tapeworm has repeatedly taken place on the territory of Russia.

It is known that the greatest danger to the health and human life are not the dimensions of this giant specimen. A number of powerful suction cups in the head portion does not have hooks, thanks to the bovine tapeworm is called unarmed.

The presence of thousands Olennikov, each of which is separated from the main body of the worm, is able to defer for a year not one million eggs. Strobila – larvae worm – do not stay in the human body and dissipate on the surface of the earth. The eggs of the helminth, firmly clinging to the grass, then fall into the body of a cow or other livestock.

Being inside an intermediate host (that is to worm the animal), Mature individual lays larvae that are actively infecting the meat. And if the person eats it, not enough pre-processed, the probability of becoming a carrier of the specimen increases several times.

Beef tapeworm has enough symptoms that if untreated can make the life of people unbearable. One of the few signs of this type of helminth infections are digestive disorders, nausea and headache. A serious ailment, which is common when infected, this parasite is associated with the progression of the beef tapeworm infection. Long-term medical therapy, and in rare cases surgery can relieve the patient from unwanted “neighbor”.

How is the infection?

In organisms of people get the germ of the specimen, they are called Finns. They have protective film that allows them to escape digestion in the stomach and successfully gain a foothold in the walls of the small intestine. In order that the Finn has become a full-fledged adult individual requires about 2 months.

Most often worms in the larval stage attached to the connective tissue. As soon as pests manage to stick to the mucosal surface, they transform into larvae-cysteic bovine tapeworm. Externally, at this stage they resemble bubble suction Cup, having a folded head. Often isteriki live in the host’s body for several years without showing any symptoms.

Signs of infection with tapeworm

Symptoms of infection bovine tapeworm is almost impossible to take for the manifestation of another type of helminthiasis.

Main symptoms of the disease as follows:

  1. 1. on underwear in the morning found klenniki worm;
  2. 2. constant feeling of abdominal pain;
  3. 3. periodic appearance of nausea or vomiting;
  4. 4. uncharacteristic for the patient’s appetite (uncontrolled desire to eat can suddenly be replaced by its complete absence);
  5. 5. rapid physiological loss of body weight or, conversely, the unjustified increase;
  6. 6. diarrhea, flatulence.

The activity of bovine tapeworm contributes to the appearance of other symptoms and signs of infection worm. In particular, patients often have cramps that doctors explain the penetration of the parasite in the Appendix. In more rare cases, a huge specimen made their way to the pancreas, and pre-clog the bile ducts. The result of these complications were necrosis of the organ and the development of intestinal obstruction.

A person infected bovine tapeworm, who is the real “thief” only valuable and nutritious, it continues day in and day throw new klenniki. Symptoms include a constant feeling of irritation inside the abdomen. Not knowing about the infection, many people suffer from the oppressive pull of pain, heartburn and colic, localized in different areas of the abdomen.

Often, in severe cases, bovine and porcine cepni (the second is a less common kind of tapeworms) can cause headaches, migraine and dizziness. Because CNS media tapeworm possible fainting and convulsive state. However, the main symptom of infection of the person is way out of the anal opening segments of the parasite.

As studies on the identification of the specimen?

To understand that a patient could be infected with bovine tapeworm will help specialized medical research. Diagnosis of teniarinhose directly linked to the symptoms of the disease. Unfortunately, in most clinical cases to recognize the disease at an early stage of its development can be extremely rare. The reason for this can be called the duration of the latent currents of helminthiasis. The incubation period of patients able to be of the order of 80-100 days. This is enough time that larvae caught in the digestive tract, for example, undercooked piece of beef turned into adults from giant worms.

Beef tapeworm in human lives of about 20 years. To detect the disease and during x-ray diagnosis of the patient coming to the doctor because of the emergence of strange symptoms. In the presence of the adult tapeworm in the small intestine (helminth lives in this Department of the body), the doctor will visually be able to notice changes in relief of the mucosal surface. In the picture in this case is easy to detect the lack carringbush intestinal folds close to full smoothing.

A common blood test when infected by a tapeworm bullish often shows a decreased level of hemoglobin. Anemia develops due to lack of receiving nutrients because the parasite interferes with normal intestinal absorption of all incoming food human useful trace elements and vitamins.

Risk and ways of penetration of worms

As already mentioned, the infected bull can tapeworm by eating raw or untreated until the end of the cattle meat. In a half-baked, cured, salted or dried product is still dangerous, as the larvae are quite hardy and resistant to any influences from outside. To destroy helminth eggs are capable only of high temperature treatment. The potential danger of penetration into the human body of worms has well cooked, roasted and baked meat.

Contracting is also possible through the use of poorly washed kitchen utensils (cutting boards, knives). In the production of processing of carcasses of a prerequisite for compliance with sanitary standards as regular disinfection and washing of tools, cutting equipment, tables.

Therefore, the risk of morbidity in this fall helminthiasis staff of meat workshops, and farms. In addition, Contracting Cestoda can women, often trying meat products during cooking. Children tend to get sick impossible. However, failure to comply with elementary rules of supply and of consumption of raw meat the probability of contamination increases several times.

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