
Signs of worms

Parasites in the gut can be divided into 2 groups. Ascarids, pinworms, tapeworms – worms, which have a complex physiological structure, almost never reproduce in the human body. Giardia and Cryptosporidium belong to the class of protozoa multiply rapidly, provoke the development of many infectious diseases.

The types of intestinal parasites

You can become infected not only from stray animals, the source of infection can be Pets. They need to hold regular antihelminthic treatment.

Intestinal parasites can live in the intestines for a long time, does not prove itself. Worms are very hardy and prolific, easily adapt to different conditions in the environment.

Infestation of worms can occur on the street, in a public place, after eating not well processed foods. Worms can affect all the internal organs, but most often destroy the intestines and stomach. As symptoms of intestinal parasites?

The main symptoms of the presence of parasites in the gut

1. If the affected human intestinal protozoa and small worms, starts severe diarrhea, with stool bubble, become watery.

2. With the defeat of parasites always have symptoms of an intestinal infections, pathology of the digestive system. The presence of worms evidenced by nausea, abdominal pain, problems with stool, bloating.

3. Prolonged constipation can be caused by the accumulation of large worms in the stomach, without proper treatment you may complete bowel obstruction, need surgery.

4. When infected the upper part of the small intestine increased gas formation, develop flatulence. The symptoms will appear brighter after consuming foods that contain a lot of fiber, starch, yeast.

Important! If bloating and flatulence appear often, relief does not occur after intake of drugs – a necessary cleansing of the intestines from parasites.

5. When parasites start to change in the weight of the person sharply loses weight, the diet does not change. Sometimes develops uncontrolled appetite, which leads to symptoms of obesity.

6. Allergic reactions often occur on the background of helminthic infestations. The immune system in response to infection begins to actively produce cells that provoke the development of inflammatory reactions of the tissues. The existence of worms appears on the skin in the form of urticaria, eczema, dermatitis, ulcers.

7. Anemia and vitamin deficiency – another true sign of the presence of parasites in the gut. The worms attach themselves to the walls of internal organs, destroying them – arise of the bleeding. Worms feed on nutrients in the body, the person loses beneficial minerals and vitamins. In anemia the skin becomes pale, under the eyes appear in the shadows, a person quickly gets tired, sleeps poorly.

As symptoms of infection with intestinal parasites?

Signs of worm infestation do not appear immediately, the person may for a long time not to suspect that he needed the cleansing of the intestines from worms. To accurately determine the presence of worms, need to undergo a medical examination, pass tests. Often the signs of infestation are similar to other diseases that leads to long and useless treatment.

Symptoms of parasites in the gut:

  • dermatological problems, inflammatory processes of the skin;
  • the skin peels off and cracks on the heels, elbows, corners of the lips;
  • papillomas appear in large numbers;
  • nails and hair become brittle;
  • human cough of unclear etiology;
  • frequent colds;
  • frequent change of mood, deterioration in the quality of sleep.

Women who are infected with the parasites, are showing signs of gynecological diseases – inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, leucorrhoea, painful and irregular menstruation. If parasites live in the intestines of men, it may cause the symptoms of impotence, problems with the genitourinary system prostatitis develops, the formation of kidney stones.

When moving parasites in the body can cause muscle and joint pain that resemble the symptoms of arthritis, osteoarthritis. This is due to the struggle of the immune system with foreign organisms, tissue injury by worms. Toxic wastes and waste products of the worms negatively affect the nervous system. In the presence of helminths in the intestine, the person becomes nervous, restless, appear depression. These signs indirectly point to the parasites. While exhibiting 5 or more symptoms should consult with a parasitologist, or infectious disease.

Types of diagnostics

To determine the presence of worms in the body will help the examination of feces and serum, some additional examination. The main method of diagnosis – analysis of the stool, which helps to identify the presence of helminth eggs. The method is not accuracy, often shows false-negative results.

Methods of diagnosis:

  • clinical analysis of blood allows us to see the eosinophilia, lower hemoglobin, high erythrocyte sedimentation rate;
  • immunoassay diagnostics – with its help determine the presence of specific immunoglobulins that appear when infected by parasites;
  • haemo scanning of an – the study of blood under a powerful microscope, to detect protozoa;
  • biochemical research – carried out if you suspect the presence of worms in the liver;
  • duodenal intubation – the examination of the gall bladder and ducts;
  • bioresonance diagnostics;
  • Ultrasound, x-ray of the abdomen.

Sometimes you may also have urine, sputum. For a reliable diagnosis requires the results of all tests, history taking, recording of the clinical manifestations of infestation.


Upon confirmation of the presence of parasites in the intestine must immediately start treatment. Modern synthetic medications can completely eliminate the worms and their larvae from the body. Subject to compliance with all physician orders the treatment does not take a lot of time, side reactions occur rarely.

De-worming drugs can be a narrow focus and a wide range of activities. The least toxic remedy – Piperazine, which does not kill parasites, and deprives them of mobility. But to use it effectively only when infected with Ascaris and pinworms.

Effective drugs for medical cleaning:

  • Nematol;
  • Albendazole;
  • Worm;
  • Vermoxum;
  • Pyrantel;
  • Dekaris.

Once taking the drug, when mixed and advanced infestations may require long-term treatment.

During the colon cleansing of parasites should be excluded from the diet of simple carbohydrates. The menu should be a lot of vegetables, dairy products, baked apples.

Folk remedies for the treatment and prevention of

Preventive measures of parasitic infection is quite simple – personal hygiene and cooking foods, clean the house, care of health for Pets. Additional cleansing of the intestines of worms, you can conduct a methods of alternative medicine.

Important! Only with the help of folk remedies is impossible to completely get rid of worms. Herbs and foods to restore the body’s defenses, eliminate toxins.

Enema with baking soda will increase the pH to the alkaline side is beneficial for the intestines, but parasites can’t stand the high content of alkali. Must be dissolved in 800 ml of warm water 35 g of soda, the procedure to do before bedtime every other day for 2-3 weeks. Before and after soda enemas are required to cleanse the bowel 2 l of saline, which is injected into the colon with a mug Esmarch.

To prepare the powder of 50 g of flax seed and 5 g of cloves. The finished product can be added to food at 15 grams per day. Should take 3 days, and then make a break for 3 days. The course duration is 1 month.

Ginger milk is used for cleaning the body of toxins, strengthening protective forces. Before going to bed to drink 200 ml of warm milk with the addition of 5 g ground ginger.

It is hard for someone to suspect that you have parasites in the body, the manifestation of worm infestation blamed on fatigue, a cold or food poisoning. Timely prevention and diagnosis will help to early detect worms effectively to carry out cleaning of the intestine.

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