In the composition of seeds present nutrients – Tocopherols, the antioxidant. These components are removed from the body toxins produced by the parasites in the process of life. Vitamins and minerals restore the balance of elements, treat anemia, strengthen the immune system.
Due to the unique composition of seeds, you can get rid of parasites and impact on their livelihoods without harm to the body. Their anthelmintic properties of pumpkin seeds are required thin film located between the core and the top skin.
The shell consists of an amino acid cucurbitina, which is able to destroy the worms, to provide an antihistaminic action. The use of grains stored in fresh and dry products that are not heat treated, not cleaned.
Use the seeds from the pumpkin:
- reduce inflammation of the intestine;
- accelerate the regeneration of damaged mucous membranes of the digestive tract;
- the seed has choleretic properties, cleanse the liver;
- antibacterial, antiseptic properties;
- vermifuge.
Body cleansing folk remedies widely used by herbalists and folk healers. Medicinal plants effective on intestinal parasites, do not cause side reactions, allowed for use for children and adults. Positive reviews deserve a treatment with pumpkin seeds which help to get rid of parasites in the home.
Contraindications to the use pumpkin beans
Pumpkin seeds should be taken in the approved doses, abuse of the product may cause unwanted effects:
- exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease;
- damage to the enamel of the teeth;
- sunflower seeds are high in calories, it should be considered for people with excess weight;
- prohibited cleaning pumpkin seeds with acute cholecystitis;
- cholelithiasis may occur clogging of ducts bladder;
- because of the content of fatty acids in seeds can have a laxative effect;
- contraindicated reception of the seeds with a bowel obstruction.
During the preparation of anthelmintic prescriptions should take into account these contraindications are not to cause harm to the body. In the presence of chronic diseases need to consult with your doctor.
How to take pumpkin seeds?
Treatment of worm infestation you should carry freshly milled grains. It does not cleanse the skin.
The seeds are allowed to dry in a natural way, without subjecting them to heat treatment.
- 1. Prescription anthelmintic means: crush 300 g of seeds, add 100 ml warm milk, 1 tablespoon of honey. This medicine is infused over night, strain in the morning and eat on an empty stomach. Evening to do a cleansing enema of garlic in milk or decoction of tansy flowers. The procedure was repeated 3 days.
- 2. Recipe vermifuge decoction of 200 g of seeds crushed, pour a glass of warm water on a steam bath and kept for 45 minutes so that the broth is not boiling. Then strain through a sieve and drink for 2 admission on an empty stomach. 2 hours after drinking a remedy put a cleansing enema from a decoction of the flowers of wormwood.
- 3. The cure for many diseases: from a small pumpkin clean out the pulp to make a pot with a lid. Then carefully crushed, pounded fresh pumpkin seeds (1 kg), put them in the prepared vegetables, add ground cinnamon to the top, fill in with natural flower honey. Cover the pot with a lid, so that there was no access of air, insist 14 days in a cool place. To clean the body from the worms need 2 times a day take 1 dessert spoon of honey on an empty stomach means. The course of treatment is 7 days. You cannot use this recipe for people suffering from Allergy to bee products.
- 4. Pumpkin seeds can also be used to prepare a cleansing enema. For this ground 300 g of seeds, 5 cloves of garlic, pour 0.5 liters of warm milk. Solution insist 3-4 hours, strain. Put an enema in the evening before bedtime, after a bowel movement. The procedure should be completed within 7 days. It is useful to additionally take mugwort powder ½ tsp in the morning.
- 5. Recipe alcohol tincture: grind pumpkin seeds (300 g), pour 250 ml of vodka and insist 14 days. Means you need to constantly stir. Finished medicine filter and take 30 drops diluted in a glass of water. To use the tincture 2 times a day: in the morning after waking and evening before going to sleep. At night it is recommended to do a cleansing enema from a decoction of tansy.
Cleansing the body with pumpkin oil
Useful properties and the oil from the seeds of pumpkins. Buy this product at any pharmacy, the process of its preparation is quite complex, so to do at home will not work.
- 1. To cleanse the body of parasites pumpkin seed oil-drink 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach. The medicine helps to normalize the digestive processes, improves intestinal peristalsis, restores the natural microflora, removes worms, the toxins. For treating worms enough 7-day course to improve the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, oil can be taken 1 month. The drug has a laxative effect, so drink additional pills are not necessary, they were appointed only for constipation.
- 2. Cleaning pumpkin seeds and oil affects not only the intestines but also the liver. Therefore during treatment it is recommended to exclude from the diet of fatty, fried, smoked, salty, spicy dishes. It is useful to consume dairy products, light porridge, mashed vegetables and light soups.
- 3. Oil can be added to salads of fresh vegetables, during cooking various dishes, pastries. The use of such dishes will help to normalize bowel function after elimination of parasites.
Very useful to take pumpkin seeds from worms and parasites that live in the intestines of man. Treatment of folk recipes allowed for small children, pregnant women. This drug has no toxic effect on the body unlike medicinal drugs. Pumpkin has earned positive reviews among cure people.