A healthy lifestyle of modern man is closely connected with sports. Most often for these purposes, people are recorded to the gym and become consistent followers of fitness.
Gym sessions with a trainer or without always associated with the emergence of a large number of questions.
But if in the first case, you can always discuss your doubts with the mentor, in learning to be content with what you say about fitness around. We have identified the 5 most common myths about fitness and tried to figure out their veracity.
Myth 1. Sports lengthen the life
This is true. Recent research indicates a direct link between moderate exercise and longevity. The average life expectancy of people who exercise, are somewhat higher than those who ignore fitness, but it is not even that. Regular exercise has beneficial impact on human health, and this, in turn, improves the overall quality of life. The main thing is to distribute the physical load, taking into account the age and General condition of the body. Certain chronic diseases are a contraindication for sports, nevertheless, you can always find a suitable degree of physical activity, which will only benefit.
The effectiveness of exercise is independent of exercise. That is, to achieve a good result is not necessarily recorded in the gym or out on the Playground. To learn at home with a minimal set of sports equipment. For example, to maintain a good physical form, you can solely by jumping rope, your morning Jogging or Cycling. Yes, entry to the gym can organize classes, and yet much depends on the will of man. By the way, the fitness classes have an impact not only on the physical condition of man: they also help fight depression and improve brain function.
Myth 2. Muscle pain during class and after – all natural
In fact, this myth contains two statements that should be considered separately from each other. If we talk about pain during training, they should not be. At the exit of the sports hall of the people can and should feel fatigue, this is natural, but the presence of pain in this case indicates either excessive load on the muscles or improper technique of the exercise. A burning sensation in the muscles may indicate a microtrauma in muscle fibres, what should not be. You need to remember that exercise in the gym can be associated with discomfort, but in any case should not cause sharp pain.
Another thing – the reaction to class 1-2 days after training, when appears the so-called delayed muscle pain. Its cause the majority of experts is the accumulation in the mice of lactic acid. This substance is produced in the body due to exercise, and like a “scores” muscles. It is believed that to reduce pain the effect of fitness should start with small loads, to combine different types of exercises and to observe the periodicity of the training.
Myth 3. Frequent long workouts allow you to achieve the best result
The duration of training and frequency are indeed an important factor in achieving success, and here should follow the rule of the Golden mean. Very small and rare loads may go undetected by the body, but excessive exercise can lead to fatigue and even affect health. Best are lessons 1-1,5 hours including warm-up, 2-3 times a week. You need to remember that the effectiveness of training is evaluated by the time spent in the gym and following a correctly structured training program.
Currently, we have already proved that to maintain the body in good shape can last even twenty minutes of physical exercise in the day! It is important that intense exercise alternated with time for rest and recuperation. It is important not only for performance, but often affect the desire to go to the gym. So, some beginners throw exercises from an over-zealous start of classes: people simply can not cope with incorrectly calculated loads.
Myth 4. Sports drinks and nutrition are essential for fitness
Most likely, this myth is supported by the manufacturers of sports drinks and sports nutrition, since the degree distribution has a direct impact on the revenues of these companies. The is modestly silent, both products is required only with a professional approach to training: a drink to replenish energy expenditure during intensive training, lasting 1 to 1.5 hours and sports nutrition for quick muscle growth. For classes, the purpose of which is to maintain the body in good shape, special drinks and supplements is not required. Moreover, their use in low loads can have the opposite effect for those who play sports for weight loss, because in the sweet sports drinks and protein mixes contain a lot of calories.
Of course, doing fitness, it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to balancing healthy meals and during the workouts when necessary to replenish the body’s water balance ordinary drinking water. Regular exercise on the body need to be included in daily diet of foods rich in protein, vitamins and trace elements.
Myth 5. Fitness allows you to get rid of extra pounds
This statement is not entirely correct and often linked to unreasonable expectations from workout in the gym, especially among women. The fact that fitness really allows you to lose weight and get rid of excess fat in the body, but this is not always associated with weight loss. This paradox is explained very simply: the fat cells much more volume and easier muscle.
Caffeine, people burns fat and builds muscle. For this reason, the body can lose volume but gain weight. In this regard, to determine the effectiveness of sports should be guided not by the scales and measuring waist, hips, etc. the usual centimeter.
It is also worth remembering that at a certain stage of training, you can achieve the optimal ratio of fat and muscle tissue in the body, then physical activity will only influence the increase of muscle, which means weight gain.