
Badminton. The rules of badminton

The history of modern badminton originated in the XIX century, when the English officers brought home from the Indian colonies fascination with a certain game, whose modification has become a modern sport.

The game was called by the name of the estate, Badminton house, where in the 1870-ies was held the first tournament.

And the established rules of the game badminton first appeared in 1893. Only a hundred years badminton became an Olympic sport, and in 2006 to enhance the entertainment rules of the game were slightly modified. We offer you a quick overview of the new rules of playing badminton.

General rules of badminton

The aim of badminton is to throwing athletes shuttlecock with racket over the net stretched in the middle. The player’s task is thus to throw the shuttlecock into the opponent’s court, so he couldn’t receive the transmission. The match is held up to win one of the parties two games out of three. Under the new rules of badminton, a game is won by the side first scoring 21 points.

In the case that the score in the game becomes 20:20, wins the first player to increase the score difference to two points. If the score is 29:29, the winner is the athlete who won the 30-th point. Badminton can be single or doubles. In the first case the ball two athletes in the second – two athletes on each side.

Inventory and facilities for playing badminton

Playground for badminton is called a court. The length of the site is unchanged and is 13.4 meters, and the width depends on whether single or doubles. For a single game is the width of the court is 5.18 meters and for the steam room almost a meter more is 6.1 meters. In the middle of the field is a grid, stretched at a height of 1.55 metres. The court delimited by lines: at a distance of 1.98 metres from the grid is near the blue line, between it and the rear line is the feed zone and the Central longitudinal line separates the feed zone left and right zone.

Racket for badminton is currently most often made from composite materials and weigh only 70 to 100 grams. Through the holes in the rim of the racket pass through the synthetic strings, the intertwining of qualitative and stretch which significantly affect the playing properties of the racket.

The game is played with a shuttlecock, which may be made of artificial (plastic) or natural (pen) materials. The second is considered much higher quality and are used in major competitions and training of professional athletes.

Beginning badminton and judging

Before the match the draw, the results of which one of the parties chooses one side or the other of the court or decides it to serve or to receive the serve. The second option is exercised by the party losing the toss. Directly before the start of the badminton athletes have two minutes to warm-up. After the start of the match, the game shall continue uninterrupted, except for an interruption of less than a minute for each game, when an account with any of the parties reaches 11 points, as well as a two-minute break between games.

The right to suspend the game has only the umpire that is installed in the middle of the court as a continuation of the grid at a distance of not more than a meter off the rack at a height of not less than 1.55 meters. The umpire assisted by linesmen. In turn, the umpire is accountable to the Chief justice, which is responsible for the conduct of the tournament or other competition, part of which is the match.

Rules of serving in badminton

The first stroke of any player in badminton is the serve. According to the rules, it can be carried out only by hitting the racket on the head of the shuttlecock upwards. The athlete has no right to completely detach the feet from the court, that is, to produce the flow in the jump, as well as unduly delay the execution of the service. Violation of all the rules in badminton is considered a foul. Filing is completed when the athlete hit the shuttlecock with your racket or missed.

The area from which the flow varies depending on the account. In the case that the filing party has no glasses or has an even number of points, the flow is from the right area. If the filing party has an odd number of points, then flow is from left area. In the drawing, shuttlecock must alternately impact giving and accepting players until until they are out of the game, i.e., does not touch the surface of the court or the judge will record the violation and declared the stoppage.

If the draw’s winning pitcher, he is a goal and is given the right to implement the following flow, but from the other zone. If the draw wins, the receiving player, he also score a point and serve goes to him. In doubles, the serve and serve return is players consistently. Athletes are not eligible to serve out of turn or make two feeding in a row.

Controversial in badminton

Often when playing badminton current situation, when points cannot be scored for any of the parties. In this case, the umpire stops the game and declares the so-called “controversial”. It is normally assigned when a pitcher delivers before ready to take the second side, or when feeding at the same time violate the rules of the players on both sides of the court.

Also controversial is the impact in which engages the shuttlecock over the net and hangs on the upper edge or flying above the grid gets stuck. The destruction of the shuttlecock also is the reason to stop the game and purpose is moot. In all these cases the drawing since the last submission not counted, and showing the player repeats the flow.

Violation of the rules and punishment in badminton

Violation of the rules in badminton is called a foul. Above we have listed a number of irregularities in the implementation flow. Also fouls are situations in which a shuttlecock during a game falls outside the court, passes through the net or under it, not fly over the net, touches the ceiling or walls of the room, body or clothing of the player, object or person outside the court. The infringement is, if the shuttlecock is caught and detained for racket, and then abandoned when making a shot, or if he is repulsed twice.

In the game of badminton athletes can not touch the mesh and struts of the racket, body or clothing, to invade the opponent’s side on top of the grid or under it, to interfere with the opponent or to distract him by any action, including shouts and gestures. Unsportsmanlike conduct and flagrant violations of the rules are stopped and punished if necessary by the umpire. So, players are not allowed to deliberately delay or suspend the course of the game, to change the shape of the flounce with the aim of gaining advantage in the speed of its flight, behave offensive.

To prevent violations, the umpire may make players warning with display of yellow card. Also in the case of already made the player warning if the repetition of violation, the umpire may declare a foul and showing the athlete a red card. Two of these fouls are considered as a systematic violation. Gross or systematic violation of the rules when showing the player a second red card may be made the decision on disqualification of the athlete by awarding him the defeat in the match with the score 0:21, 0:21.

New rules of badminton reglamentary almost all situations that could go on the court during a match in the tournament. Fans of badminton consider that the changes made in 2006, changes made the game much more entertaining and dramatic. This is of major competitions, some players can use old rules of the game of badminton or play just for fun without any strict restrictions. Badminton’s popularity due in part to the fact that you can play it only in the presence of rackets and shuttlecock in nature without specially equipped areas and mesh.

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